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Poggio 06-30-2012 06:56 PM

So I am on page 7 and I am taking a break from reading to do some drawing.

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:00 PM

and i am on 25 of night and still going XD

Pocket 06-30-2012 07:02 PM

Your avis are cute!

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:03 PM

and yours is pretty *listens to sig and gives hug*

Pocket 06-30-2012 07:04 PM

-hugs little-

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:05 PM

so what is wrong sweetie?

Pocket 06-30-2012 07:05 PM

Its long... would you rather me pm it to you?

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:07 PM

it is whatever you would be comfortable with

Pocket 06-30-2012 07:08 PM

One my my hubby's lady friends came over at some point today while I was at work and they took a pic together and one of our other friends asked me "who is that" I'm like I don't fucking know.. now she is going to start drama..

But then another one of my friends had popped up saying there was a comment on one of her other pictures...

Guy~ "Is Mike your bf?"
Her~ no. im single. but we are talk talking. but we arent ready to be in a relationship.

So we stayed up until 3:30am talking.. it was finally a much needed talk.. We are both tried to trying.. What that means for me is trying to solve problems and nothing gets resolved. We both agree that we jumped the gun on getting married per say. But we want to be together. We also agree that there are problems that have gone on so long that we don't know how to fix.. So whatever the outcome, he wasn't it to be a mutual agreement..

he was saying if we get divorced.. he doesn't want a normal one.. he still want to be there in my life and that way we can work on the problems and maybe after some healing try again..

I don't know if I could handle still having him around.. I mean how can I heal and what not if he is still around?
Him and I in a very weird way are made for each other.. I don't want to lose him..

So we were going to separate but then he was like I don't want to unless its comes down to it..

I flat out told him I wasn't going to to this back and forth crap.. Its not fair on him or I to do that. He wanted to know my honest opinion and I told him. Then his mom came over and then he changed his mind..

About a month has past since this and very little has started to change..

Lauv Keiko 06-30-2012 07:11 PM

*flops in* hi all... *yawns*

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:12 PM

that.....poor sweetie, i do not know what to say to make you feel better

Lauv Keiko 06-30-2012 07:20 PM

what is going on? o_o

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:25 PM

i can offer distractions though

hi lauv

Poggio 06-30-2012 07:27 PM

correct me if I am wrong, but pocket, arent you the one that posted in the life styles about your husband not thinking you were beautiful?

Pocket 06-30-2012 07:28 PM

Yep that was me... sorry for poofing

Poggio 06-30-2012 07:30 PM

He hasn't improved his attitude since then?

And not to sound negative but have you guys considered a separation? That is the official legal status of my parents. It is not a divorce but it is pretty close to it with out it being in name. It would give you guys some time to think and work things out, if either one of you want to be left alone for a while.

Pocket 06-30-2012 07:34 PM

I wanted some time apart... but he didn't leave like he said he would..

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:35 PM

then you do the leaving?

Pocket 06-30-2012 07:36 PM

I have no where to go...

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:37 PM

no friends, no family, no anything at all anywhere in the world?

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:38 PM

and pog, what the fuck is wrong with you? this rp is too long XD

Pocket 06-30-2012 07:38 PM

Not really...

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:41 PM

'not really' or 'no'? if it is a question of being a burden this is what relationship building is /for/

Poggio 06-30-2012 07:42 PM

Which Rp? They are all very long. Except the mermaid one and pirate one that one died really short.

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:42 PM

also pog XD ambrosia spoils this dog terribly


Pocket 06-30-2012 07:45 PM

No one seems to want to hang out.. I'm awkward and isn't sure how to make new friends..

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:46 PM

this is not 'hanging out' this is a friend in need who is going through a hard time and needs a couple days of support

Pocket 06-30-2012 07:47 PM

Yep... don't have anyone like that..

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:49 PM

you have not parents uncles aunts cousins nephews nieces?

Pocket 06-30-2012 07:50 PM

I live 4 hours away from where I grew up..

Poggio 06-30-2012 07:50 PM

So Cho I like IX more, I found a usable layout that I like.

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:54 PM


and so? didtance is not the worst, your husband can drop you off or your family pick you up or there are buses and trains and all sorts of ways to get from one place to another

Pocket 06-30-2012 07:56 PM

I have a job that I can't take any time off from..and we don't have a car.

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 07:57 PM

does your job have /any/ says off or is it 24 hours a day 7 days a week?

Poggio 06-30-2012 07:58 PM

So not fair James actually cooks. All of my characters cook for yours.

>/ thats it Jerial gets to cook for Robin.

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 08:00 PM

jerial /tried/ and got kicked out of the kitchen XD

Poggio 06-30-2012 08:02 PM

That is because he was sick. Ambrosia then, needs to stop being a pampered baby and feed his wuffles.

littl3chocobo 06-30-2012 08:02 PM

he's just all premade X''D

Poggio 06-30-2012 08:04 PM

BASTARD! Galvin was homecooked meal and not one that he hes to coach through.

Pocket 06-30-2012 08:05 PM

My schedule makes it hard for me to leave without requesting off and I can't afford it..

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