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Chi 02-11-2011 12:09 AM

Thanks Taiki!
Only one more Fictatsu left to buy.
And moar Love Letters. O_O

Taiki 02-11-2011 12:10 AM

No problem! ♥

I need to stock up on some too. P: I usually procrastinate til the end of the month. xD

Chi 02-11-2011 12:14 AM

I have 300 Au left now. xD;
I try not to procrastinate because most of the time I forget.

Taiki 02-11-2011 12:16 AM

Oh yes, that would be bad. xD I usually wait til my 2nd paycheck comes so I can see how much spare money I even have. P:

Chi 02-11-2011 12:19 AM

Ugh, I dislike being jobless very much. D:

Taiki 02-11-2011 12:20 AM

I would hate it too. D8

Chi 02-11-2011 12:21 AM

I'm gonna start looking again in April.
So I can hopefully get a job before the summer starts. D:

Taiki 02-11-2011 12:24 AM

Yes, get a head start on that before all the other college kids take all the summer jobs. D: That's how I got my job. xD

Chi 02-11-2011 12:27 AM

I would look earlier/right now, but my homework load is crazy. D:
Plus I have quizzes every week.

Taiki 02-11-2011 12:29 AM

Yeah that wouldn't be good. Jobs won't hire you if your availability isn't very good. Dx So when you're closer to getting out of school is definitely better.

Chi 02-11-2011 01:20 AM

Yeah, which I've told my dad several times.
But, he keeps bothering me to get a job.

Chi 02-11-2011 05:46 PM

Up up thread~ <3

Chi 02-13-2011 02:19 AM

Pushing this poor thread up again. xD;

Lucid: 02-13-2011 02:55 AM

poor, poor thread. it needs a valentines' date. <3

Chi 02-13-2011 03:15 AM

More like I need a date. ;-;
My boyfriend is being a butt.

Taiki 02-13-2011 12:04 PM

I'll go on a date with you! ♥ ;D

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