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Rosekitten 01-16-2011 04:14 PM

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well i want to upgrade to win 7 for starters.. an my pcs been running REALLY slow an takes about 20 mins to restart o.O; ive tried every means of doctoring for it that i can think of defrag, regcure cc cleaner .__.; deleting stuff i dont need an such everything

so i said forget it if im gonna reformat im updating Dx

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Kaguya 01-16-2011 04:19 PM

perhaps it's some sort of virus

Rosekitten 01-16-2011 04:22 PM

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i've done a full scan of my pc an i can't detect anything =/ even downloaded a second scan program just to double check my normal one.

could be broken files seeing as this computer has a few that doesnt like to be deleted no matter what i do xP who knows it'll be good to wipe it anyway i haven't had to reformat for a year or two lol

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Kaguya 01-16-2011 04:32 PM

Reformatting sounds like a good choice

Rosekitten 01-16-2011 04:36 PM

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im deleting stuff an i have like 2 4 gig flashdrives an a 2 gig plus a sims 3 CE 4 gig flash if i need it xD

an kano's gonna get me some dvd plus cd's before he leaves work ^.^; plus some canned air seeing as we just ordered his pc a new power supply an vid card >.>; woulda just been a new card but his pc's default power supply was too weak ~kicks the mail cause they wont be here till tuesday~ D<

and after a while he said we can get my pc a new vid card ^.^; seeing as mines like 6 years old now an can't support anything higher then direct x 7 or 8 i think if that even i think it might be 6 xD lawl.....

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Kaguya 01-16-2011 04:41 PM

I had that problem with my flash drive i needed to reformat it

Kamikaze Chinchilla 01-16-2011 04:46 PM

You also have to take into consideration the resources your computer has. Windows Vista and 7 are huge resource hogs compared to the previous versions and will make your life a living hell if you try to install those on an old computer. Double check to see if your computer can handle that OS (eg CPU, RAM, video+audio cards, disk space [especially disk space cuz Windows updates for the newer OS's are a *insert bad word here*...take a huge chunk out of your space])

But if this is just a startup problem, my guess is that you're probably going to have to get a registry cleaner/fixer and set up your computer so it doesn't load some of your current/unnecessary startup items. If that doesn't work, just reinstall the current OS. Though my guess is that you have too many startup items.

Rosekitten 01-16-2011 04:46 PM

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ive never had to do it to a flashdrive oddly enough most people seem to have to at least once in the drives life Dx though i am happy i have a small 2nd harddrive about now cause otherwise id be waiting a few hours to pack the images onto flash drives that i want to save lol

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Rosekitten 01-16-2011 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Kamikaze Chinchilla (Post 410013)
You also have to take into consideration the resources your computer has. Windows Vista and 7 are huge resource hogs compared to the previous versions and will make your life a living hell if you try to install those on an old computer. Double check to see if your computer can handle that OS (eg CPU, RAM, video+audio cards, disk space [especially disk space cuz Windows updates for the newer OS's are a *insert bad word here*...take a huge chunk out of your space])

But if this is just a startup problem, my guess is that you're probably going to have to get a registry cleaner/fixer and set up your computer so it doesn't load some of your current/unnecessary startup items. If that doesn't work, just reinstall the current OS. Though my guess is that you have too many startup items.

i know they are, but my pc is in truth limiting itself currently due to win XP only allowing a certain number of ram to be used.. i'll have double my current ram if i went to vista or win 7 (but fuck vista lol)

also i've checked months ago when i dabbled on the idea of updating to win 7 to get better use out of my tablet when i use it ~the sensitivity levels are nicer on win 7 then XP sadly.. ~

also i've already tried a regfix/cleaner =/ they didn't detect anything an ive run every other program i could think of cause i normally keep my pc rather up to date and clean with at least weekly run of each program .

i thought it was the start up items as well but after double checking i only have the anti virus set to loading on start minus the default programs or files that the system needs to run.

though after uninstalling a few things its running better.. i might still try to update to win 7 to see how it runs i liked the way the folders worked on it as well when i had it on another pc... if i hate it well i'll just pull my xp disk back out xD

Kamikaze Chinchilla 01-16-2011 04:57 PM

I don't think you can install an older version. You'd have to completely wipe your hard drive clean / destroy what's on there and do a factory style install.

Mmm...Have you tried setting your computer to use the older Windows screen layout? It should use less resources than the current XP layout.

Maybe your antivirus is being evil D8

Edit: Also the prefetch data might be too large. Did you try CCleaner on that? D8

Rosekitten 01-16-2011 05:05 PM

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tried scanning for virus stuff downloaded a different one i used to use an tried it as well

ran CC cleaner on everything that was possible to check off really xD that wasn't harmful anyway

well i was going to wipe my computer anyway so if my win 7 doesn't work clearing it a second time is fine by me ^.^; but im weird used to having to clear HD's and stuff from repair an networking class

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Kamikaze Chinchilla 01-16-2011 05:08 PM

Then all the resentful feelings of all those other hard drives you've ever cleared has suddenly come back to haunt you! @0@! j/k xD

Rosekitten 01-16-2011 05:09 PM

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my drives fine its just the OS being slow :< really its acting fine now but i kinda want to put win 7 on here anyway Dx i mean im gonna get a new vid card soon so why not upgrade the os

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Kamikaze Chinchilla 01-16-2011 05:15 PM

*notices Rose's sig* wtf...It's like...little ants marching in a line D8 *stare*

Anyhoo, yah. Vid card might help. Or maybe it's a fried motherboard or silly wiring issue? ^^"

Rosekitten 01-16-2011 05:17 PM

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better not be my board i can't afford a new one .__.;;; when i clean the case tonight i'll look at the wires but i don't think they are faulty

xD you just noticed it?

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Kamikaze Chinchilla 01-16-2011 05:21 PM

I think they have special markers to help fix motherboard circuits. Should be a cheap fix.

Yuh D8! I just noticed *STARE* @0@!

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