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Demonskid 10-10-2010 03:59 PM

I hope so. No offense but some of what was just said, really didn't help in feedback or suggestions.. it was just.. well users bashing other users who don't agree with some stuff.

And one day, we might need to have a place to send the multiple users who want to heatedly discus such things. Cause its kinda hard to have 3-4 users in one PM right now for such things xD

sprinkles 10-10-2010 04:05 PM

^ i agree with DK. >:

Immamoonkin 10-10-2010 04:14 PM

*walks into the thread, growls, walks out*

sprinkles 10-10-2010 04:17 PM

also, am i allowed to post a suggestion or feedback on a particular item here, or...?

Immamoonkin 10-10-2010 04:18 PM

Yes, you are.

sprinkles 10-10-2010 04:22 PM

alrighty then. :3

i really love this corset item i am wearing, but...i'm not so much a fan of the more "see-through" fabric above the bust up to the neck. D:

will any corsets be made like this one, only without that bit? unless there's already corsets like what i am suggesting...

Poot 10-10-2010 04:24 PM

I may have been harsh, but I say things as I feel them. It's how I talk. I don't like sugar coating issues or beating around the bush. Who knows, maybe it's a personality fault, but it doesn't really matter.

I'll give it a month, then. Gaia did suck when it opened. But I've also been on many, many other sites from beta and even the day they opened, and I didn't see these issues.

Also, the forums are confusing. I'm scared to post anything because friends of mine keep having threads moved and locked. In what is essentially the GD, threads are being locked and moved for, "No this is spam because it's pretty much TOO general." then others moved because, "No, this is too specific." You can't have a conversation unless it's in "jibber-jabber". Why should I have to go into a thread and fight with 9,000 other users to have a conversation? Conversations split off and it becomes difficult to keep up with a conversation in that thread. Failure. What are you ACTUALLY allowed to talk about in that forum? Because every time I think a topic is related to the forum, it gets locked.

I apologize for being harsh, but I expected a lot more. Yea, things can be buggy, but...yea I'll see how it is in a month. Hopefully these "huge plans" will be huge enough to make the site better.

As for the forum layout, vbulletin's default layout, from what I've seen on a variety of site's, is pretty good looking. Why'd you change it? Or maybe it's the colors? The forum section just looks....I don't even know how to say it politely so forgive looks like a cluster fuck.

Also, any way to segregate post vs. signature better? Because I've found myself many a time continuing on reading into the signature without realizing that's what it was.

Also, at the "user error" thing. Yea, user error happens, but most users sign up and go into the avatar system to make a base before they say hello. How hard is it to put a little note in there saying "Eyes/mouth/etc available in the shops for free! Make you're way to blah blah blah." That, right there, would make life so much easier for new users.

johnny 10-10-2010 04:24 PM


I'm with you, there.

I'm hoping that corsets without the top part come along soon.


You're making Central Square sound more complicated than it is.

It's very simple.

If it's a discussion about something that's better suited somewhere else, it's moved.

If it lacks discussion entirely and is merely "I'm bored, entertain me!" it's locked.

If it's miscellaneous discussion that has no place in other forums, but still has a level of conversation (no matter how silly, meaningless, or ridiculous), it belongs.

sprinkles 10-10-2010 04:27 PM

yay, i'm glad you know what i'm talking about! Q uQ
i got so confused just writing it...

SakuraMinamino 10-10-2010 05:23 PM

I agree with Sprinkles and johnny n.n It'd be awesome if we could have corsets like that. You could even take the exact one you're wearing and just erase the top part and make a separate item, because the whole thing is beautifully pixelled n.n

Immamoonkin 10-10-2010 07:33 PM

Poot, seriously, you have a attitude problem. You have barely posted anything on the forum at all. You just joined TWO days ago, I might add. There's way to give critique/feedback without being a douchebag, but you failed to do that.

For someone who has only been here for two days, you've taken all we've worked for in the last two months and took a big dump on it.

We're working on it. Coda has only been working for 2-3 months now. You're lucky we've even got him at this point because we probably wouldn't be here without him. Forgive me for being a little testy, but I'm not going to have someone who hasn't even been with us long enough to give constructive feedback talk to us like this.

Argon 10-10-2010 08:28 PM

:/ Okay I don't think staff should have that type of attitude towards feedback. Yes, it may be seem as rude, but you don't need to be here forever to notice things. It is not any better of you to call him insults.

Anyways that is something that honestly, some of the staff, have to work on. Taking constructive feedback without insulting the user.

Fenris 10-10-2010 08:36 PM

I think everyone needs to stop. Staff have messed up and users have been rude. The conversation just needs to stop. None of what was said in this was constructive because constructive involves things that are good and what can be improved upon. But if anyone else replies anything pertaining to this what should of been dropped 'debate' I will give warnings because it should just be dropped already. Stop dragging it on please. I take the criticism as best as I can and will look at it. I don't have to like the way it was given in to take it. Some of my staff have just been really upset because they see the work we do and how hard we strive for things and feel like were being shot down without credit. They are humans and they have emotions, being granted it could of been said nicer but so could of other things. So conversation needs to stop.

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