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Coda 07-26-2015 06:27 PM

The wiki's kinda out of date. Has the guide been updated since she got her new ultimate evolution?

Anyway, of course there are better monsters. There's always better monsters. But the one you got is very solid, and you WON'T outgrow it.

Illusion 07-26-2015 06:31 PM

Was farming Zeus-Dios all day using the magic stones I got from the new dragon missions.

Got 3 wood jewels <3 I can make Awoken Meimei now (after I level and evolve the other 2 evo materials...)

Now I need like a thousand fire and dark jewels. Light jewels, water....

Demonskid 07-26-2015 06:47 PM

She's a really good pull espy =) I want her but i has my blue odin so i'm good x3

Espy 07-26-2015 07:50 PM

Erm....should I be spending Stones on pulls or capacity? because I keep hitting max cap...

Demonskid 07-26-2015 07:51 PM

I'd go for box space for now, you'll need it. I have 285 and i keep getting full myself. =)

you'll always get stones, either from events or finishing dungeons so you'll be able to pull for mons soon

Illusion 07-26-2015 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Espy (Post 1660821)
Erm....should I be spending Stones on pulls or capacity? because I keep hitting max cap...

You always want at least 50 extra box spaces (including space used for you're evo material.) You're always going to be getting more monsters, more materials, and so on. I just bought a bunch of space today as well.

Espy 07-26-2015 08:32 PM

Realized that I won't be able to actually used my Valk until at least rank 25.

Demonskid 07-26-2015 08:47 PM

yea, they tell you to get the most awesome thing out of the rem machine but then you cant even use it till later. those costs =o=

Ah! Espy should make a padherder so we can help espy build teams! 8D,0,;default,0

thats mine, i need to go through and update it again though o3o i keep getting cool and cute new mons

i've given up on keeping track of my evo materials though >.>, such a hassle

Espy 07-26-2015 08:52 PM

I'll figure that out later, thanks. Have a headache from staring at tiny things.

Also uh, if I want to do a rare egg draw, are there any events with that? Like, should I save up my Stones for a Rare egg promo?

Demonskid 07-26-2015 08:55 PM

There is an event called God Fests, they happen like every 2 weeks or so. there should be one coming up soon. Save your stones for those =)

ml1201 07-26-2015 11:51 PM

I want her for my current healer team. owo

Demonskid 07-27-2015 08:53 AM

Split ult Okuninushi (Dark/Blue)
God / Attacker
Additional Skill Boost, 2x TPA

THE BUNNY IS HELPING!! O-O! Okuni be training them bunnies! AND I JUST EVO'D HIM TOO ;-; I shoulda waited or used the devilits on my other shiva -cries- I need a new Okuni OnO

ml1201 07-27-2015 09:47 AM

That's pretty cool. XD What is he from? o.O

Demonskid 07-27-2015 10:04 AM

I have this version of him. He's from Japanese God 2 series. Looks like he's gonna get a new ulti evo ;-; i want another okuni...

Coda 07-27-2015 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Espy (Post 1660821)
Erm....should I be spending Stones on pulls or capacity? because I keep hitting max cap...

Most guides I've seen recommend putting all of your stones into capacity in the early game if you're not going to buy stones with real money. Rolling on the REM isn't particularly useful when your team cost is too low to be able to actually use the monsters you pull.

Whether or not to use stones on continues and stamina refills is a contentious point among non-IAP players. It's generally considered that stamina refills are a better choice than continues if a refill would let you run the dungeon more than once (i.e. if you have 50 stamina and you're running a 50-stamina dungeon, a continue is better, but if you're running a 15-stamina dungeon, a refill is better). And it's generally considered better to not continue or refill at all if there's no time pressure and you can just refill your stamina with time.

My personal opinion: A continue is only worth it if it's going to yield you a monster that's going to be more useful to you than spending the stone on a REM pull, and you've got a very high probability of the monster dropping (at least 40%, less than that is definitely not worth it) and if you can't just retry the dungeon when you have enough stamina (e.g. if you won't refill before the dungeon closes, or if you need the specific ally leader, or if the dungeon is difficult enough that you wouldn't be able to beat it without a continue anyway). In that scenario, it is DEFINITELY worth it -- I'd much rather spend 5 stones on continues for a guaranteed or near-guaranteed shot at a powerful descended monster than I would spend it on a REM pull that might land me yet another Ice Golem.

Demonskid 07-27-2015 10:43 AM

i try not to do continues... though i did one for Goemon o3o

edit: Alright I give up on this dungeon.. this monster keeps healing itself D:< frikken invades SUCK!

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