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Fenris 08-18-2010 08:10 PM

Suggesstions and Feedback
We have been meaning to pull a thread together for you guys to make suggestions to us and to give feedback on some of our ideas etc. For some of the ideas we have I will be including some of the things that have been brought up in more recent threads.

First off to make a note of- Currently you can wear as many poses per one item as you want. This will eventually change. Not sure when but keep that in mind.

Also make a note of the fact that MDI's (monthly donation items) will be released as soon as the inventory coding is fixed (currently you can't have more than one of each item which is a problem).

Ideas etc:

One of the things we have gotten on the discussion of being worried about lately is the economy in the future etc. We had very few closed beta testers for one. Meaning the closed beta items would heavily inflate later. Also the problem has come up that you would need more than one of each item to get all the poses you wanted. We have promised all the closed betas one set of Anka the Phoenix and Beta Fishies. The problem arises tho that it leaves a very limited number in the system and a potential economy killer. To fix this we have thought that releasing Anka and the Beta fishies as a temporary donation item for $2 for a short period of time would help fix this. We aren't exactly sure when it will be exactly that we would do this but it would add more to the system. Regardless all closed betas will receive one set free. Remember this will likely include the open beta items if there are not enough open beta users to get a sufficient amount of the items in the system.

Other than that, suggest and give us feed back. I will keep a list of users Ideas in the next post as they come. We will take feedback on those ideas, our ideas and what exactly we should do. We want to make Trisphee the most user friendly we can. We also want to make sure to keep everyone happy. So keep this going, give us ideas. Elaborate further etc. Also keep in mind that this is a system and site feedback and suggestion. No items should be included in your suggestions.

Fenris 08-18-2010 08:10 PM



Originally Posted by Yuki (Post 52591)
Item organizer and being able to view full inventory is something I'd love to see. Hairs could also be squeezed in it's own tab. Besides that atm there nothing. I'll think about it more once things are up and running.

- Being Discussed


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 55522)
Suggestion : A way to automatically pop up new messages like the one on Crysandrea. I really like how smooth it is to have conversation with another users and you don't have to refresh the page all the time in order to see new posts.

-Not for a long while yet, at the moment our servers just can't handle the strain because we are already having performance issues.


Originally Posted by Yuki (Post 55728)
I know we're aiming to not be like other sites but something I have always loved about Gaia is alerts. Getting a bubble popping up next to your avatar that tells you when there is a new announcement, PM or trade. This is very useful to me and I have always thought it is very smart. I'll know directly when something is happening. And I wont risk missing anything.

-In the future but not for a long while. For now we are working on making the inbox and trade tab light up a different color if you have a trade or pm. We have a lot more to finish before we even think about trying to make an automated alert system.

Yuki 08-18-2010 08:18 PM

Item organizer and being able to view full inventory is something I'd love to see. Hairs could also be squeezed in it's own tab. Besides that atm there nothing. I'll think about it more once things are up and running.

Fenris 08-18-2010 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Yuki (Post 52591)
Item organizer and being able to view full inventory is something I'd love to see. Hairs could also be squeezed in it's own tab. Besides that atm there nothing. I'll think about it more once things are up and running.

Those are already being looked into. But I will speak to our coders about it. Our goal is to make the shop and inventory extremely friendly :)

Ashurato 08-19-2010 12:11 AM

I think that regardless of how many of the closed beta items there are in the system, their value would still rise pretty rapidly due to the "status" that they come with. But I believe that the idea of putting it in the yearly shop for a short period of time is a good idea. Granted, there may be those individuals who will hoard it, but at least there will be more in the system.

One thing I was wondering about was the amount of AU we get per post. I don't know if this was written anywhere, but will it always be between 40-50 AU per post even after the site opens? Because if this was the case, then those who do post more/are more active will always have a significant edge over those who are here more casually. So with this, there is also a worry about inflation as these users may be willing to shell out more to get an item since they can earn the AU back pretty easily, giving sellers an example to use to drive up their prices.

And a question regarding future banned accounts, will the items that a banned account has be recycled back into the community? Or are they lost forever?

Logan 08-19-2010 12:33 AM

I love u Ashy 8D <3

Ashurato 08-19-2010 12:34 AM

I like your feedback, Logan. <3

Fenris 08-19-2010 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Ashurato (Post 52868)
I think that regardless of how many of the closed beta items there are in the system, their value would still rise pretty rapidly due to the "status" that they come with. But I believe that the idea of putting it in the yearly shop for a short period of time is a good idea. Granted, there may be those individuals who will hoard it, but at least there will be more in the system.

One thing I was wondering about was the amount of AU we get per post. I don't know if this was written anywhere, but will it always be between 40-50 AU per post even after the site opens? Because if this was the case, then those who do post more/are more active will always have a significant edge over those who are here more casually. So with this, there is also a worry about inflation as these users may be willing to shell out more to get an item since they can earn the AU back pretty easily, giving sellers an example to use to drive up their prices.

And a question regarding future banned accounts, will the items that a banned account has be recycled back into the community? Or are they lost forever?

The reason its seems like a lot right now is that there arent a lot of items. You also have to remember we will release one monthly item once a month that is 2500 AU instead and that will be a AU sink. But the other part is teh coding, right now the multiplyer is something im trying to work out a bit better so you get between 10-50 a post.

Ashurato 08-19-2010 12:53 AM

*facepalm* I had completely forgotten about the monthly item that is only for aurum. I'd say that's a very good, constant sink.

Fenris 08-19-2010 12:55 AM

Yes it will be because its 2500 AU and if people want multiples they will have to spend a lot every month <.< so Yeah there is a very good gold sink that we will have :) so if it doesnt change I don't honestly think it would be a huge problem either.

Logan 08-19-2010 01:59 AM

Oou thats pure genius, fenny <3 other sites didnt do that.. muahaha.

Zypher 08-19-2010 02:39 AM

Not to mention it takes hundreds of thousands of aurum to buy every common on the site.

My aurum count used to be nines across the board.

Lucid: 08-19-2010 03:45 AM

I would love to see banned accounts having their items recycled back into the community, like Ashy mentioned.

I don't know how I feel about having Anka available to be bought, but I understand it has to be made more readily available. Maybe you could have an Anka RIG, where you have an equal amount of chance to get any certain color/pose of Anka set, whichever way you decide to group them. that way more users will buy a lot more trying to get the Anka they want, putting more of them into the system and earning you more money. ;D

Fenris 08-19-2010 03:49 AM

I don't care about earning the money, though that isn't a bad idea either but ultimately like I said its what we decide is best. The whole reason we want it to be available is because right now it stands the chance of killing the economy.

Panda 08-22-2010 11:51 AM

Suggestion : A way to automatically pop up new messages like the one on Crysandrea. I really like how smooth it is to have conversation with another users and you don't have to refresh the page all the time in order to see new posts.

Sadrain 08-22-2010 12:11 PM

Well, I know we already have too much codings and such requested, but, yes, either live feed like on menewsha, where new posts appear automatically, or some sort of notifier that there are replies would be greeeat (I am not really fan of Crysandrea's type of thing personally, but yeah). I think that can wait some, though.

Coda 08-22-2010 01:48 PM

I can say right now that isn't going to happen any time soon. :x It's not that I think it's a bad idea (I'm not sure I like it for myself but I see its usefulness; it'll definitely be an "opt-in" kind of feature) but I'm worried about the additional load that kind of monitoring would put on the server when we're already dealing with performance issues. At the very least it'll have to wait until we get things running faster.

Konata 08-22-2010 02:24 PM

Okay this is a simple suggestion. Forum games.

Fenris 08-22-2010 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Konata (Post 55712)
Okay this is a simple suggestion. Forum games.

As in word games and what not? If that is what you mean then well we will allow word games and stuff later.

If you mean games like Tetris or something well that will be an eventual thing to. We actually don't want to add games to the features til we finish everything, are already open, and can have the coding for you guys to earn gold doing it. Its an eventual thing but it might be awhile.

Yuki 08-22-2010 02:50 PM

I know we're aiming to not be like other sites but something I have always loved about Gaia is alerts. Getting a bubble popping up next to your avatar that tells you when there is a new announcement, PM or trade. This is very useful to me and I have always thought it is very smart. I'll know directly when something is happening. And I wont risk missing anything.

Sadrain 08-22-2010 02:58 PM

Yeah, new layout seems to not have notifications anymore, like we do in this one/
I had a idea, but now I forgot what it was. =o=;

Yuki 08-22-2010 03:03 PM

I made this for people not familiar with Gaia or other sites.

EDIT: I should probably edit it for the other tab... xD

EDIT2: done

Fenris 08-22-2010 03:04 PM

I added a reply Yuki in the suggestions post of mine.

Yuki 08-22-2010 03:08 PM

Alright well dreaming is nice. X3

Yuki 08-22-2010 03:15 PM

Oh I also got this semi "daily chance" idea. There could be a unicorn or a dragon that you can visit each day he will ask you a question or give you a riddle that could be really easy like "what colour are my eyes" or something really hard. If you answer it right he'll give you a little prize or Aurum depending on how hard the question was. Could be cool eh? xD Of course it wouldn't be something happening now but maybe in the future if others likes it. I dunno I thought it fits Trisphee's theme. :B

Coda 08-22-2010 04:56 PM

Notifications are on my to-do list already but I have some other things that need done first.

Sadrain 08-22-2010 05:22 PM

I like that idea, Senyuki. C:

SakuraMinamino 08-23-2010 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Yuki (Post 55751)
Oh I also got this semi "daily chance" idea. There could be a unicorn or a dragon that you can visit each day he will ask you a question or give you a riddle that could be really easy like "what colour are my eyes" or something really hard. If you answer it right he'll give you a little prize or Aurum depending on how hard the question was. Could be cool eh? xD Of course it wouldn't be something happening now but maybe in the future if others likes it. I dunno I thought it fits Trisphee's theme. :B

I like that, especially since you have to answer a question to do it <3

Sadrain 08-23-2010 05:06 AM

Could we have 15, instead of 30 seconds between posts, please? Dx

Konata 08-23-2010 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Fenris (Post 55724)
As in word games and what not? If that is what you mean then well we will allow word games and stuff later.

If you mean games like Tetris or something well that will be an eventual thing to. We actually don't want to add games to the features til we finish everything, are already open, and can have the coding for you guys to earn gold doing it. Its an eventual thing but it might be awhile.

Yes I mean word games like count to 1,000,000 or like rate the username above you etc.

Coda 08-23-2010 01:18 PM

I'll say now that I've always HATED those ^^; but I'm just a coder; this isn't my board :P

johnny 08-23-2010 01:50 PM

We're not having spam games like "count to 1,000,000."

They're pretty useless, and like regular games hosted outside the forums, don't really contribute to the community.

I don't really think people who play games like that understand that places like Trisphee aren't there to earn you game-money, they're there for you to talk to each other and share interests. To make friends. This fascination with gaining gold/au/what have you without conversation is really beyond me.

Yuki 08-23-2010 01:56 PM

I was gonna say I think they are useless too. They don't bring anything to anyone. I think it's pretty easy getting gold already. Just start chatting the site is still small so take the opportunity to make friends before we're all busy.

johnny 08-23-2010 02:02 PM

Yeah, seriously guys, I am not even trying to earn au.

I am not. I'm just having conversations, and it happens. If you'd stop thinking about it and just relax and talk to us all, you wouldn't have to worry about games.

Yuki 08-23-2010 02:09 PM

You could earn 100K in 2-3 weeks. :p I'm pretty sure I'm getting near there. Maybe not but it's definitely possible.

Sadrain 08-23-2010 02:16 PM

Well. On Mene, on that board you play them, you can't make gold for it, it's just for killing time and having fun, but if you want gold, you still have to talk elsewhere.

Yuki 08-23-2010 02:18 PM

I don't understand why someone would wanna kill time that way and gain nothing for it. :/

johnny 08-23-2010 02:21 PM

Uh... that sounds like the biggest waste of time I have ever heard.

I think I would rather watch grass grow than sit in a thread and count to a million. At least with the grass, you've probably got some nice scenery to look at. Birds to listen to. Occasionally a butterfly might come along.

Yuki 08-23-2010 02:26 PM

Poking dog poop with a stick would be more giving. xD

Sadrain 08-23-2010 02:34 PM

Well, I rarely go in the forum, but sometimes it just makes you laugh and lets be more random than other places. The forum is quite popular, despite no gold earning.

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