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Derpy McBlueEyes 03-22-2018 09:01 PM

Derpy's Donuts Hangout (Now with spoopy art!)
Welcome to Derpy's humble home. There are sweets for everyone as well as coffee, tea, and cocoa. So feel free to pull up a seat and hangout with one of the cutest baby dragons ever.

Derpy McBlueEyes 03-22-2018 09:02 PM

Derpy's Hangout Rules

1. Follow all of Trisphee's rules/tos, etc.
2. Be nice.
3. Please leave your spoopy spoops outside, Derpy doesn't like them.

Other rules can and will be added as needed.
Violation of any of these rules will result in death permanent banishment from the thread.

KittyBeary 03-22-2018 09:03 PM


Derpy McBlueEyes 03-22-2018 09:04 PM

Reserved (possible games/contests?)

Derpy McBlueEyes 03-22-2018 09:05 PM

Reserved (event pickup stuff because Derpy misses deadlines)

Art and Tarot from Valentine's 2018:
Mdom (rainbow Jello art)- Not done
Boris (Derpy date art)- Not done

Derpy McBlueEyes 03-22-2018 09:06 PM


KittyBeary 03-22-2018 09:09 PM

Where there's coffee, there is me. *~* *Takes large sip of coffee*

Derpy McBlueEyes 03-22-2018 09:12 PM

Derpy waddles over and offers a cookie, then hugs your ankle. "HIII! Coffee is the best!"

KittyBeary 03-22-2018 10:20 PM

Oh, thank you! :3 *Takes cookie* Yes, it is. :D <3

EverAshwood 03-23-2018 07:44 AM

*peeks head in* have any earl grey, love?

Espy 03-24-2018 08:06 AM

...Someone mentioned tea, so here I am.

EverAshwood 03-26-2018 11:24 AM

*stuffing oatmeal cookies in my mouth*

Kaderin Triste 04-04-2018 07:28 PM


And also, yes. We have all kinds of tea here, including earl grey and a nice variety of herbal teas.

EverAshwood 04-05-2018 08:31 AM

*chokes on cookie* you may need to get more cookies though. You have left me unattended with them for too long lmao

Death by Mirrors 04-05-2018 01:27 PM

More cookies always sounds like a good idea. And I'll have a cup of herbal tea along with them ^^
Just to make sure, what counts as "spoopy spoops"?

Derpy McBlueEyes 04-06-2018 11:00 PM

Derpy waddles in, yawning and rubbing sleepily at his eyes with one paw while dragging a small bag containing 3 or 4 cookies in the other. "Spoopy stuff is like evil ghosts and bad demons and muwdewers and MEAN WOLVES AND SHARKS THAT EAT THE BABY CAWIBOO AND SEALS!"

Espy 04-07-2018 05:42 AM

...-screens bzzts in amusement-

EverAshwood 04-07-2018 07:55 AM

And what about the giant worm with you? Is that not spoopy

Glitch 04-07-2018 10:34 AM

I have some
Coffee right now!

Derpy McBlueEyes 04-07-2018 06:58 PM

"No, Wanda Wormy is my fwiend. She's nice, not scawy!"
Derpy waddles over and tugs at Glitch's boot cuff. "Is it good coffee? Can I twy it? Pwease!"

KittyBeary 04-22-2018 02:15 AM

Aww, Derpy made a friend!! :D

Potironette 05-02-2018 01:11 AM

Cookies! *falls asleep on the cookies*

KittyBeary 05-09-2018 02:40 AM

;u; It's so quiet in here.

No worries, Derpy! I'll join you for more coffee and cookies! :D

Den 05-13-2018 01:03 AM

*sits in a corner and knits*

Ginger 05-14-2018 12:29 PM

This is going to hurt my diet ;~;

XoGizmooX 05-14-2018 12:36 PM

Gizzie brought cookies to share :D

Ginger 05-14-2018 12:51 PM

Oreo is really getting into it with the exotic flavors.

XoGizmooX 05-14-2018 01:15 PM

The cherry cola ones have pop rocks in them they are yummy

The kettle corn ones have a popcorn crunch to them

The pina colada ones are good but I want more cream (thin ones suck) :(

XoGizmooX 05-14-2018 01:18 PM

Target also had flavors in cinnamon roll, red hots (like the candy), peanut butter, cookie butter, and red velvet cake ....I saw another kind that I can't remember too

Kaderin Triste 05-16-2018 07:02 PM

I think the peanut butter ones are just a regular flavor they have though.

Derpy McBlueEyes 05-31-2018 05:16 AM

"Uh-oh! I took a really long nap! Better have some coffee..."
Derpy waddles over and gets some coffee, offering drinks for everyone else, even though he can barely lift the coffee pot at all and ends up spilling a lot of it on the table while trying to pour it.

mdom 05-31-2018 10:20 AM

Awww, let me help you there, buddy!!
-cleans table-

Derpy McBlueEyes 05-31-2018 03:15 PM

"Thank you!" Derpy gives you a hug before guzzling down his coffee.

mdom 05-31-2018 05:42 PM

ahhh watch out the snake!!!

Derpy McBlueEyes 05-31-2018 07:16 PM

"It's okay," Derpy says, patting the snake on the head, "this snake is my fwiend."

mdom 05-31-2018 08:25 PM

If you say so...
/eyes snake suspiciously

Derpy McBlueEyes 05-31-2018 08:42 PM

Derpy hugs the snake around the area most likely to be considered it's neck. "See? It turns rainbow when you hug it! He's a nice snake!"

mdom 05-31-2018 10:46 PM

oooh it's so beautiful!


KittyBeary 06-04-2018 12:08 AM

*dunks cinnamon donut in coffee*

So how's life, Derpy? :)

Derpy McBlueEyes 06-04-2018 04:58 PM

"It's pwetty good. Lots of naps and coffee and kitty snuggles. I went on a small adventure yestewday, but it was kinda boring...I made fwends wif some caterpillars though!"

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