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Peony 12-14-2016 04:00 PM

Closet Perverts
This is the Closet Perverts! A random closet in the forest. Like Narnia. But instead of a closet in a house leading to a snowy forest, its a random stand-alone closet in a random forest leading to a luxurious room full of pillows, warm drinks, and strange people.

Grab a cushion and plop on down~

Honorary Momma-- Moonshadow
Flower Child-- Peony

::News:: Winter'16 event thread moved and made into a permanent club house thread!

star2000shadow 12-14-2016 05:55 PM

I could get behind that. 'burrows under lots of blankets'

Peony 12-14-2016 05:57 PM

//tosses pillows in the air
How are you doing Star?

Potironette 12-14-2016 06:02 PM

*Opens door to Narnia*
Oh look, there's another door!
*Opens door to closet*
*plops down*

Tohopekaliga 12-14-2016 06:04 PM

A closet door in Narnia? How far's it go?

Why, it's Closets all the way down.

Potironette 12-14-2016 06:08 PM

Lol xD.

I think it goes to Wonderland!

Peony 12-14-2016 06:09 PM

Lol its like a closet-ception!

Shadami 12-14-2016 09:28 PM

That sounds like a fantastic little place to hang out. *flops on pillows and blankets and buries self in like a kitty in a nest*

Tohopekaliga 12-14-2016 09:42 PM

And then, at the end of the event, everybody comes out of the closet? :O

Peony 12-14-2016 10:10 PM

Yay pillow nests! Hello Shadami!

....Yes. Please. lol

Potironette 12-14-2016 10:26 PM

Lol xD. -Just realized the pun-

Peony 12-14-2016 10:26 PM

o Do I do love puns~

Moonshadow 12-14-2016 10:43 PM

We are back!!! Momma is in the house <3!

How far down the rabbit hole should we go. Let's go all the way!

Tohopekaliga 12-14-2016 10:44 PM

Puns are the best, after all! :D

As are rabbit holes.

Moonshadow 12-14-2016 11:05 PM

One of my favorite movies asks that question.
What the Bleep Do We Know awesome movie!

Shadami 12-14-2016 11:15 PM

i don't know how to come out of the closet :D

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