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Cazzidy 08-11-2016 05:28 AM

The Giving Goose

♠ The Giving Goose is a game meant to be entertaining, satisfying, and even potentially helpful to those who are questing... I have the same game in my hangout thread, this is just the EVENT EDITON... I got this idea from another site...

Credits (Idea): Ryciera of Solia Online
I just gave it a twist of my own... Again, I would like to give that thread and the creator all the credit for this...

♠ It IS NOT MANDATORY for everyone to join...

♠ Basically, each person posts either "Duck" or "Goose" somewhere in their post...

♠ If you post "Duck", then nothing happens... If you post "Goose", however, your job is to give the above poster an item...

♠ When they receive that item, they are to incorporate it into their avatar for 1 day... After a day, they're allowed to remove it, and this item is now theirs!

Poster 1: Duck.
Poster 2: Duck.
Poster 3: Goose.
Poster 4: Duck.
Poster 5: Goose.
Poster 6: Goose.

♠ This game is highly based on trust... I ask that you follow these rules to every punctuation mark... However, also please note that both givers and receivers are playing at their own risk...

♠ If you're goose'd, you MUST wear the item given to you for a day (24 hours)... Play at your own risk...

♠ If you goose someone, you MUST give them an item to wear... And please don't expect it back... This is meant to be for the gifts that one member gives to another...

♠ There's no price limit on the item you give someone else...

♠ You are allowed to re-gift items as long as the 24 hours (1 day) is over... No worries...

♠ Let's play nice, too... If you don't like what you get, don't complain... Like I said before, play at your own risk...

♠ If you're given an item, you have to let at least a small part of it be visible... You cannot obscure it completely, however, even if just a little bit is showing, it's acceptable...

♠ You cannot transfer an item to your mule and wear it there... The account it's given to is the account that wears it... However, if you receive two items that would replace one another (for example, if you receive an item, then later another item, and find upon putting it on it makes the other disappear), then talk to the person who gave it to you... You both are free to discuss whether you put it on a mule or wait until the first item expires...

♠ Please do not just leave when you already got an item, it's rude...

Cazzidy 08-11-2016 05:29 AM

::cuts ribbon:: Welcome mateys! The thread is now officially Open!!! ::Opens rum bottle::

Cazzidy 08-11-2016 05:48 AM


Gallagher 08-11-2016 01:25 PM


Hope you're as into this as I am.

Fulkth 08-11-2016 04:49 PM

Well, this looks like a fun game!


Lawtan 08-11-2016 06:37 PM

...Doesn't a goose have issues with breadcrumbs...sort of like dogs and chocolate?

Fulkth 08-11-2016 09:16 PM

I've been goosed! @_@

*chases Lawton around the circle*


Thanks for the item! *puts it to good use*


SparX 08-11-2016 10:52 PM


Gallagher 08-11-2016 11:14 PM


hope you like googly eyes

Tiva 08-11-2016 11:22 PM

Galla is gonna goose everyone aren't they?

SparX 08-11-2016 11:26 PM

I do Galla

Tiva 08-11-2016 11:30 PM

Quack goes the Duck

I picked something annoying for Galla *giggles*

SparX 08-11-2016 11:35 PM


Tiva 08-11-2016 11:45 PM

Don't you know I am a Grade A stud muffin? Why are you asking me to show of these guns? You want me to milk you all night long?

Gahhhh you have made for entertainment Spar…..


SparX 08-11-2016 11:47 PM

How much milk you gotta drink for those ceps?

Tiva 08-11-2016 11:49 PM

About 2 gallons a day mixed with a dozen raw duck eggs, straight from the teat.

I am waiting on Galla to show up… I know they got the trade

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