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Espy 12-08-2017 04:30 AM

Espy's Art Gallery
Whoo, place to stick my art.

Everything's going to be from newest to oldest.

=============== Pencil sketches ===============

=============== Hybrid ===============

=============== Inks ===============

=============== Digital ===============

=============== Copics ===============

=============== Brush pen ===============

=============== Character/outfit designs ===============

Espy 12-08-2017 04:31 AM

uh i guess i'll stick this here for now and fill it in later

Espy 12-08-2017 04:31 AM

okay yeah open for chatting/critique/anything really

bluebird 12-08-2017 04:59 AM

Handsome males. Nuff said.
But for real tho, dope gallery! I can't stop ogling at the detailed shading. Even if it's done in pen, it looks so smooth??? How even.
Also, what a nostalgic trip because I was hella into naruto and maple back in my day.

Espy 12-08-2017 05:02 AM

I wish I could get back into MS, but damn, that power creep. It's super discouraging when all the new classes level like...3x faster than the four original classes.

I, uh. Should draw more female portraits. And stuff that's not in 3/4. And update that progress chart.

Quiet Man Cometh 12-08-2017 05:42 AM

It's neat to see progress charts like that. I seem to be all over the place but then, I got for great spans doing nothing and then probably fall out of practice or what not.

Who's the second guy from the right on the bottom, with the spiky hair?

Espy 12-08-2017 01:07 PM

That's my character from TERA, and Blade and Soul.

Gallagher 12-08-2017 01:17 PM


the signature espy face i know and love is going 5 years strong.


Espy 12-08-2017 01:27 PM

-snort- Yeah I need to do something about that...

Tiva 12-08-2017 10:40 PM

I got Espy Art!!!! *goes to find it*

There is my Espy Art! I love it!

Espy 12-09-2017 02:10 AM

Whee, updated with art from the past...year? I don't think people want to see really old shit from me.

bluebird 12-22-2017 05:03 PM

Love the copic piece! Amazing how it looks like watercolor, but it's done with markers. If that's not magic, idk what is.

Espy 12-22-2017 08:53 PM

That was my first (and only, since I managed to leave my markers across the country) copic drawing so far, so it's a

bluebird 01-05-2018 06:16 PM

RIP expensive markers. And how is it possible to be this good on the first try??? Slay me.

Espy 01-05-2018 06:25 PM

I ended up getting my boxes shipped back a couple weeks ago, and the copics were in them. I’m away from home now for college (again), and I took a lot of care to make sure I brought all my art shit with me this time. (aka not bringing my tablet and forgetting my friggin tablet pen)

bluebird 01-05-2018 07:06 PM

Huzzah reunited at last! \o/
Oh god I feel you on the tablet pen. Mine rolls off somewhere if I look away. Hope you have time for art tho because college can get hectic. ;; On the bright side, at least you're prepared enough to pull off an Espy Renaissance during summer break or something. :D

Espy 01-05-2018 07:25 PM

Pfft, I’m prob taking a full load of courses over the summer, too. Trying to (finally) get my degree in 2.5 years.

bluebird 01-05-2018 09:17 PM

*whistles* That is...intense ngl, and I can feel the secondhand burn-out, but work hard, play hard amirite? You can do it! Eyes on the prize (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

Espy 01-05-2018 09:24 PM

I mean I’ve already spent 4-sort-of-5 years trying, so.

SparX 01-05-2018 09:34 PM

We believe in you! you can do it!

Espy 01-05-2018 10:25 PM

Muhhhh. I certainly hope so.

bluebird 01-06-2018 12:24 AM

Well, some people quit and never finish. Ya gotta give yourself credit for not giving up! The fire is still in you. (ง ՞ٹ՞)ง *fans the Espy flame*

Espy 01-07-2018 01:09 PM

-hair catches fire-


Espy 09-11-2018 05:54 PM

TV Head again. I should update the first post, huh.

...He doesn’t actually have a name.

bluebird 09-12-2018 04:57 PM

from the depths rises an enigma, a nameless hero
who needs a name when one looks that bada$$ ✨👀💦

Espy 09-12-2018 06:49 PM

Honestly I was going for a more dynamic pose, but then my brain shat out :|

One of my friends accidentally called them (him? not sure yet) CRT head and that just might stick. CRT...

bluebird 09-13-2018 12:00 AM

it's a great start tho! i already got the feel u were going 4 sth dynamic with that karate stance. maybe add some smoke near his feet and specks of debris in the foreground if u want to work w/ what u have.
if u don't mind some erasing n redrawing, maybe u could foreshorten the leg holding most of his weight. i'd draw redlines but idk how u feel about that.

!!! i can totally vibe w/ CRT. it sounds cooler and befitting!

Espy 09-13-2018 01:42 AM

Yeah I'm having Serious Issues with that leg :|

I need to redo the sword; I drew it from memory and herp derp. (Also I was planning on doing something w Sharpie but uhhh i don't have the guts to do it yet help

Hm the USB might look better if there was just a massive beam coming out w lightning and shit around it

I like the smoke/dust idea a LOT, maybe like, shards of glass and stuff for debris

I don't actually have much in terms of his backstory but I can also see someone walking up to him and going "...okay whoever made you clearly had access to superior technology with that sort of chassis but like. they couldn't have done better than a CRT for your head?"

and CRT's just standing there buzzing awkwardly that I think about it IDEK if he was made/programmed/how the fuck he happened.

Espy 09-13-2018 03:01 PM

Drew some stuff all over my... exam. Don’t ask.

(first page)

(why are my meds not kicking in yet)

(how do I make the USB sword less Trisphee?)

(question about statistics and failure rates of components)

(last page.)

bluebird 09-13-2018 03:02 PM

Time to awkwardly pose in front of a mirror & take weird selfies \o/

oh man traditional is not my forte. no ctrl+z = byE.
(maybe you can do the lineart in pencil, then digitally max the contrast to imagine what it'd look like in sharpie.)

ok u know the beginning of Edward Scissorhands where the doc passed away before he could make the hands? but instead of scissorhands, it's the head. Edward CRTHead. i know i'm v original.

Espy 09-13-2018 03:08 PM

The Sharpie thing wasn’t just about lineart; I wanted to do some shading shit and all hahaha.

and yeah I was walking to class yesterday and got ideas for the skeleton boxer sword cat, which... was not the character I wanted ideas for. Like there are so many things I haven’t even fleshed out for TV Head.

...How did he happen? PrOnOuNs?? ??? Was he programmed? Was he made? Does he experience human feelings? HOW DOES HE PUT A SHIRT ON? Does he talk? IDEK IF HE TALKS. Maybe he just puts words on his screen and adds exasperated buzzing noises. Maybe talking takes up a lot of energy. ...Energy? Is he an android? A cyborg? Does he corrode?


bluebird 09-13-2018 03:09 PM

wtf ur handwriting is nicer than mine
dude CRT oneshot comic when
first page is hitting me hard bc i draw random heads in my notes telling me to pay attention in class haha

Espy 09-13-2018 03:12 PM

Lol I always draw on exams, and hence I always write “sorry for the doodles, they help me concentrate” or something like that

which is mostly true

CRT doesn’t even have much of a backstory hahaha what can I do for a oneshot

also my handwriting’s usually not that nice. It just somehow becomes nice when my pencil’s doing the dull flat thing and I have to write tiny.

bluebird 09-13-2018 03:20 PM

oh that's a bold idea. were u going for a super stark contrast? i can imagine the light from the electricity making the left side all white and the other side
all black. and then like some dithering/crosshatch on the edges where the light is weaker.

the crux of a artist-writer
this is why i don't have OCs lmaooaoa
but damn those are interesting questions tho, and could be explored in a story.

Espy 09-13-2018 03:29 PM

I have...over 120 OCs, I think. I should really redesign most of them; a lot were made in middle/early high school so they’re kind of


But yeah I wanted contrast w sharpies; might have to do a couple practice scribbles before committing.

bluebird 09-13-2018 03:36 PM

if i were a prof, i'd find the doodles amusing lol

oneshot about self-discovery n meaning to life for crt-kun.

ur all-caps style soothes my eyeballs is all i gotta say. carry on

Espy 09-13-2018 03:41 PM

Yeah, the all-caps was... a recent development. Not sure why it happened; it just did...? Looks better to me. Can't take all my notes like that, though. Too slow.

Bluh that oneshot would need a lot of those questions answered first before I could draw it.

bluebird 09-13-2018 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Espy (Post 1873023)
I have...over 120 OCs

*chokes on air*
youth well spent.
i spent mine drawing inuyasha n naruto lmfao

oh man that's gonna look so cool i;m hyped

Espy 09-13-2018 04:06 PM

...I'm v bad at committing myself to finishing any art. You're probably in for disappointment :|

bluebird 09-14-2018 05:23 PM

snazzy new sig! clever way to fit a fullbody without stretching the page

tbf i do the same, so no pressure? xD art is best when it's done for urself and not for the expectations of others i think.

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