・゚゚・ Gamer Heaven ・゚゚・ {( Rose x Alice )}
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Thorns and Claws
~: In Game :~
"Not a problem, glad something worthwhile dropped." better luck then she normally had anyway.
She smirked a little as the other seemed sad she had to leave. Ruffing Atolia's hair lightly she shrugged a little. "Bills have to be paid somehow, and this game isn't exactly free." Well it was but she enjoyed collecting her vanity items too much to say it was free.
Though at the other saying a odd name Verdia questioned her. "Dia?" She laughed slightly before shaking her head. "Either way, later and happy hunting."
She typed before using a town scroll so she wasn't in the middle of no where when she logged back in tomorrow. Also it gave her a moment to say night to the guild mates online and then to log off as the words came up that she had done so.
~: Real Life :~
"Ugh finally.." He said standing before going to the fridge like his plans were.
After that was done he pulled his phone free of his pants and set a alarm just incase he didn't get up. All without losing a stride as he pulled his shirt off and all but flopped in the bed.
Sleep.. he wasn't really tired but he needed sleep. Though he didn't really remember the last time he slept well. He was over worked and he knew it. But there was little choice in it seeing as both jobs were minimum pay at best.
Posted 05-04-2013, 02:20 AM