Pocket Demon Ninja
Trisphee's Item Guide (RIGs Are Updated)
Trisphee's Image/Item Guide
WARNING! Image Heavy!
Collecting Yearly Images
Last Update:
:RIGs are updated
Welcome everyone to my Image/Item Guide.
I started this guide as a normal user. I update this as if I were still a normal user. Yes I am now staff, but this thread will be updated as I can get to it. I get ill, distracted by games, or take breaks so I don't burn myself out. That is how the thread gets behind and I thank you for your patience.
This guide is for charities, questers, shop owners, or someone needing to see poses of the rare items.
New stuff will have " ~NEW~ " above the thumbnail of the item.
The Directory is separated into categories. Use it well.
Also I request that you do not post in this thread.
If I have missed an item please send me a PM with the thumbnail image, its name, and its store price. This is not a price guide so user prices aren't needed.
For any questions feel free to PM me.
✴ DK ✴
~Official Helpers~
✴ Kaguya ✴
✴ Arikana ✴
DK's How to Collect Images for the Image Guide!
Helpers Please follow this!
What I do.
Grab 2 posts of mine where the avis are facing oposite directions
Females would be the R link
Males would be the L link
I use Male base 5 (Row 2 Base 2)
Female base 9 (Row 3 Base 3)
they are the same skin tone. For items with poses that are hardly visible on the lighter skin tones use a darker skin.
@ - Make sure the avi is nakkid.
Take an item, put one pose on the avatar and save. go to the links you saved/bookmarked
and refresh.
Right click Save as
If male:
001M *if its the first pose)=*
If Female:
and then repeat! Make sure Avi is naked and choose the next pose.
002, 003, 004..
Save them in a folder with their name...
eventually you'll have something like this:

Folder: Item Name
Images: 001F, 001M, 002F, 002M, ect..
after all poses are saved I normally have my helpers zip the folder and send them to me to make the images for the guide.
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-=The Art of Money Making=-
~Rules~- Follow the Terms of Service and Site Rules!
- Don't Post in this thread!
- Don't PM me begging/asking for items in this thread
More can and will be added later on if needed.
Last edited by Demonskid; 11-20-2012 at 08:05 PM.
Posted 09-29-2010, 09:07 AM