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Default   #14   Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
I have tattoos currently, one on my left ankle with my Dad and two grandfathers initials on it in a single line of cursive. I got it when I was 18 and while it has made so annoyance while finding a job I don't regret it. I needed to honor the men in my life that are no longer there.
I also have a Celtic heart in white behind my ear, and while I got it to symbolize something from when I was engaged I still love it because it does symbolize love eternal, no matter how far apart or what comes between people you still love them even if they aren't in your life any more.
As for piercings… currently i only wear my lower lobes but I have 7 in my ears. My right ear cartilage closed up years ago but until last fall i wore two in my left ear cartilage. The second set on my lobes bugs me because one is off center, so i don't wear them. I also had my belly button pierced but after several years it got infected so i took it out.
Old Posted 02-16-2017, 02:39 PM Reply With Quote