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Emily Barker

Age: 19 years old
Sex: Cis/Female
Orientation: Bi/leans toward women
Species: Human
Occupation: Lady

Miss Emily Barker was born and raised in London to the well-to-do Mr. and Mrs. Steven Barker, the latter not making out of the birthing chambers. The former, not having any idea how to raise a young woman, hired a nanny to aid him in taking care of his beloved daughter. He loved her more than anything and soon he saw the years ticking by. A decade, his little sweet was ten. Then eleven. Then twelve. By fourteen the pretty little thing was already gaining attention from the opposite sex. Thankfully, he still had a few years before he would have to give her up to another man.

Circumstances wouldn't allow him to see another year of his dear daughter's growth, however, as he grew sick that same year, and had died by the time young Miss Emily Barker was fifteen. He'd made her the sole inheritor of all of their wealth, and their estate was to be sold with the money from that, as well, going to his beloved daughter. Until she was of marrying age, he'd arranged to have her stay with a Mr. and Mrs. Trumbuckle, another well-to-do family who now had an empty nest. They were loving and took Emily in for her remaining youth as if she were their own daughter.

Simon Wegg

Age: 23 years old
Sex: Cis/Male
Orientation: Straight
Species: Augmented human*
Occupation: Helsing

Simon Wegg. Orphan. Raised himself on the streets since he was ten...until he was....found. He had been trying to steal a loaf of bread that was laid out in a windowsill to cool but the officer who caught him didn't take him in to the station. No, in fact, the little orphan boy roaming the streets wasn't ever seen again after that day, at least, not by many—and even then, he was never recognized.

Where he'd been taken instead was a long established institution in need of employees—the Church of England. It was an institution that dealt with things that did not belong in the realm of humans. He was trained to hunt and kill vampires, werewolves, exorcise demons. You name it. The young lad was quite clever indeed and soon found himself one of their leading helsings. Upon hearing of a vampire attack, a simple but gruesome murder they called it, in central Wales—he went.

Last edited by sylvanSpider; 12-21-2017 at 07:44 AM.
Old Posted 10-31-2017, 05:03 PM Reply With Quote