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Suzerain of Sheol Suzerain of Sheol is offline
Desolation Denizen
Default   #39  
Marl: Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 = 10

"Leave the kid be, Tans. He's had a hard day. And that sounds like a damned good plan, to me. This old brand of mine has seen better days." She pats her saber for emphasis. "Harper's a gnarled old bastard, though, tough as iron. He gets wind of what we're up to, he's like as not to come swinging with that hammer of his as run for the guards."

Marl: Diplomacy: 1d20 -1 = 16
Cold silence has a tendency
to atrophy any sense of compassion
between supposed lovers.
Between supposed brothers.
Old Posted 11-02-2017, 02:38 AM Reply With Quote