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Default   #18   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
"Then it pains me," Simon began, pausing long enough that he might think about what next to say, "It pains me to say that last night's murder victim was none other than Mrs. Thomas. Given her husband's status as police chief he is too involved so they hired a private investigator--myself. Now, I have reasons to believe that the culprit has one or several specific characteristics generally erm...assigned to killers of this breed." He found that saying the word vampire was generally received by ill company and chose to veer away from it. "Tell me, do you know of any that might be particularly...secluded from the rest of the village? Perhaps on the outskirts, or maybe only seen at night?"
Old Posted 11-15-2017, 09:16 PM Reply With Quote