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sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
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Honestly? I think that may be the best. I actually prefer anime/illustrated pics and I'm terribly sorry that I'm not skilled enough to make one myself. I think I have a good one for vampy too. x3 I'd be down to start with skellies, and if you want me to start, I think I can if you prefer! If not, I'd be down with you starting too. x3 I'll have a skellie up forthwith! I'm currently helping friendos in FFXIV, so I'm kinda boppin on and off based on their cutscenes.

Edit* Gonna edit my top post for characters <3

Edit edit* You okay with swears or no?
All that is empty in the drawing should be filled in, the teacher said to us kids. First you sharpen the pencil to fill in the thin whiskers, then you use the thick crayon to fill in the wings with brown, meticulously and without letting the crayon leave the page. Six feet can be traced below the soft belly. Now, breathing is hard to detect on paper, the teacher said to me when I asked, but it is easier to feel it in real life.

Even insects breathe.

-Rawi Hage, Cockroach
Last edited by sylvanSpider; 03-04-2018 at 10:56 PM.
Old Posted 03-04-2018, 08:58 PM Reply With Quote