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Default   #12   Patcharhoo Patcharhoo is offline
Zombie Platypus
Leona would instantly want to protest to not being able to protect him. She was too stubborn to think that she personally couldn't handle an issue that was flung at her. Normally all she needed was time to think things over. She was a slow mover, but a hard hitter when she had a decent plan to follow. Regardless there must have been something they could do in case of an emergence. After all she was technically in danger having this vampire around, sure some kind of precautions would better then nothing at the very least. Even if the safest thing for both of them would be for him to run away she'd at least like for him to go somewhere she knew would be safe."I'm sure I can do something to assist." She'd state extremely stubbornly. She knew nothing of Hellsing, but she can surely learn. Liam seemed pretty confidant that he could hide well among her and although her mother has a close connection to churches and their charities Leona herself rarely had to be around things that would deem vampires a no-no. Perhaps she was over thinking this as always, but she knew well enough that keeping something dangerous close to you always meant that mishaps were bound to happen. The scar on her left upper leg vibrated slightly as she remembered the first time her bot had malfunctioned and went rogue. Not that she felt as though Liam would do the same to her, but not matter how safe she could feel anything could crumble after some time.

" I think those are fine rules to abide by for both of us. It's easy enough to follow." She'd nod in agreement, her eyes laying on tier hands. Finally he bit into her wrist causing her fingers to stiffen at the initial pain of the prick. It wasn't anything bad, though having her blood taken from her made her entire body feel tingly. Maybe it was her own doing at how surreal this experience was. It only dawned on her now that she had never had her own personal butler to take care of her needs. She always had maids to clean up after her and cook her meals, but never someone who would, by contract take souly care of her. Leona wasn't too sure that she wanted something like that out of anyone. In the back of her mind she found this to be more of way to share a decently hidden secret she had kept to herself for so long and now she had a secret of someone else's to hold onto. A secret that was far too outlandish for most people to believe if she even wanted to share.

Leona would watch Liam mend to the small wound on wrist, the look on her face was one of slight awe and disbelief, but when she realized his eyes where competently on her, she'd grow a blank expression, nodding by default. Leona felt strange, but she still wasn't fully of aware of it was her or the slight blood lose. " I'm fine, but I think I should still get some sleep soon. She'd say reassuringly trying not to show how odd this new experience was. Leona wanted to ask what it tasted like, but found it would be to morbid for her to even know the answer to that. " A quick tour of the house and then bed.. Do you sleep? She'd pause waiting for answer, hoping it wasn't rude or a completely out of place question. Regardless of the answer, she'd start moving out of the short hallway that was rather empty, but considered their front entrance. They walked straight into a rather large room with two spiraling staircases as the center point, to the left and right of them were large archways that lead to very extravagantly furnished rooms.

" The down stairs is mostly used for parties. To the left of us are just sitting rooms and the right is the dinning room and kitchen. Upstairs our normal sleeping quarters are on the left and extra rooms and the maid's quarters are on the right. Your free to explore and if my parents return home, please feel free to show them a contract i'll doctor up when we get to my room for a normal butler contract and i'll sign your papers then too." she'd speak quickly and point in the directions she'd say before finally walking up the stairs. It's then that she felt a little weak, moving slower then she'd normally would. Eventually she'd make her way to her own room, it was decently large, but pretty empty. In the furthest right corner was a simple canopy bed with many blankets and pillows. The other corner adjacent to the bed was a desk with several stacks of paper and quills scattered about. The only other thing in the room was a heavily stacked bookcase, that looked a little strangely placed near a closet.

Leona would plop herself down in front of her desk and immediately start making up the fake butler contract. It would only take a few minutes before she'd hand it over to him, keeping her hand out for his actual contract, to sign it.
Old Posted 03-11-2018, 12:00 AM Reply With Quote