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Default   #334   Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
she's one of those big corso dogs. which is part of why she needs so much attention, she has to adjust to the whole family so we all have to bond with her or else she might get the idea she has to protect only one of us from everyone else instead of the house being a safe space.

so, the story goes, she's a breeder that was kept in a small back yard with 2-3 other dogs just as big as her, and they'd have food thrown at them once in a while. that was about as much socialization she got.

my brother had one of her sons, but that doggo died suddenly and unexpectedly while he was still young, it was a real heartbreak.

so, big mama rogue gets to the end of her breeding time, she's 8 and she's gonna get tossed in the pound. my bro decides he's gonna take her, because a grown dog that's neglected and overweight and known for problems with strangers? yeah, no one was gonna adopt her, she'd just get put down.

now, my bro ain't exactly a great person. he's not really there for his dogs, either, tho they're not kept outside all day and all night. he has like 8 of them or something now, it's getting to be a serious animal hoarder situation, and he doesn't know how to train dogs. and he has a temper. so he's been known to take a belt to his dogs.

which, even on its own, disgusting. but especially with big dogs like rogue that are made to protect you, it's an unforgivable sin. but that's not a situation we can do anything about without breaking our nana's heart because my bro is her favorite child.

so anyway, my bro is moving out to a farm 4 hours away, and rogue physically could not make that trip. so we agreed to take her.

she's been here since late last month (literally since the moment i needed to sit down and knock out the monthlies, yikes lmao) and so far, she's adjusting well. now that she's actually getting positive attention for the first time in her life, she needs it pretty much constantly. she's scared whenever people have to leave for a long time because she's not used to us always being here, she's used to us visiting. so one of us has to look after her and check up on her often when the others go.

she has more energy and is starting to lose weight and adjust to our little family, but it's definitely a process. we only just got her to start seeing nana as part of the family, because nana's been plain not spending any time with rogue, so rogue started to see her as a potential stranger-danger. but, as nana's do, she solved it by giving treats...


ok... but that does get in the way of helping her lose weight...

sigh. oh well. we'll figure it out.

Old Posted 12-08-2018, 06:40 PM Reply With Quote