Merskelly Metalien
Icy Footed
( ( (Come on in, the water's....wet) ) ) ) ~Merskelly's Pond Hangout
Decided to try to make a hangout thread. I realize it's-I'm a newbie, and I'm kind of not expecting this to be super popular, ^^; and I ramble a lot, but I've never really made a hangout before, even on previous sites. I'm a tad shy sometimes..
so my hangout shy sometimes?
It's nnnnnnnot much, >-> *blows bubble* but there's uhh...goldfish and lasers?
Anyway, if you like critiquing movies, talking about food, aliens, theme songs, cuddly demons, bottled water, dumb puns, being a frog, discussing weird dreams, stargazing, memes, roleplaying, myths and legends, or wanting to know more about me, then...stick around I guess. ^-^;
Hopefully the water here isn't too cold and glowy. I brought snacks.
*offers dead fish with sprinkles on them*
And I got tea too. :)
Although can't really say I've got much else to offer...>->; other than free hugs and no kisses.
Oh, and it's the holiday season, so I might be checking back in and out periodically in the evenings only. ^-^; As I'll likely be gettin some sweet gifts or making sweet gifts for others. :/ Just an FYI. :)
So, yeah, that's it I guess. I am currently relaxing, and having a nice cup of tea, :) wondering if I should play some more fallout 3, and listening to a few old techno songs from way back in jr. high. -u- *sigh* good times...when drawing cartoony animals and fun dip and being a complete recluse was my life.~ wait...I'm still a complete recluse. o_o ....*sinks into the water a bit*
^^^Click to go to my pond hangout^^^ ^^^ Click to go to my frickin' art shop ^^^
Posted 12-22-2018, 03:37 AM