Let's start with one of the more obvious ones when someone thinks of scary Twilight Zone episodes...
Living Doll

Of course, toys that come to life are nothing new today, but back then, it was probably too fantastic a concept to even dwell on. So when it occurs in the Twilight Zone, it's both alarming and unnerving to say the least. Nowadays horror has mastered the full frightfulness of living toys with movies like Child's Play, Poltergeist, Dead Silence, Anabelle and Puppetmaster, in which the inanimate objects have such unnatural movement and behaviors that are murderous and horrifying.
Back in the early 1960s though, to see that would likely be traumatizing to full grown adults, let alone children. x}
In Living Doll, the Doll, Talky Tina, conveys her character through her speech rather than move unnaturally. She doesn't really do anything scary by today's standards, except maybe threaten and end up vanishing from the places she was left in. She just sort of moves her head and arms back in forth in a robotic sort of way, and opens and closes her eyes.
This episode is a favorite simply because of her sweet little voice threatening a grown man with a rotten mean-spiritedness towards his step-daughter and his wife for getting her the doll. Talky Tina herself is actually kinda sassy despite being a guardian to the sweet little girl that loves her. xD Just the fact that she's alive and realizes the step-dad is an asshole and is probably abusive, kind of makes her a heroic force of retribution, as well as the creepy subject of focus. (:] Fun fact: I actually dressed up as Talky Tina for one Halloween. :/ Don't have any pics unfortunately tho..)
Additionally, the music in this particular episode is probably the creepiest I've heard compared to any Twilight Zone episode's musical score. :D It was composed by the legendary Bernard Herrmann and is one of his more creepy works I think. If you're familiar with the Psycho theme and the famous string shrieks during the shower scene, then you're familiar with Bernard Herrmann. >:D That was totally his music.
Season 5. Episode 6. Living Doll. Check it out. ;}
[Or don't, if you don't want to. :] *shrug* Up to you! ^-^]

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