Kit Katy
Ho! Miscreant!
And yet, there were those basic roles. There's always an enemy out there set to eliminate any royals as a means to strip a layer of control away. A young witch was hired to do this very task, but not because she wished to do it. Society deemed that all witches are to use their magic for trickery and any other heinous acts that were viewed as vile. What else was their magic good for? It was created to incite chaos! At least, that's what everyone around her believed.
Hazzle didn't buy into that rubbish. While a few pranks are good and fun, poisoning people is going way too far in her mind. In order to graduate from college, however, this 'final' was necessary. Use your most potent potion and get rid of society's greatest menace; a royal family member. Get-rid-of. Surely they meant to kill, but to Hazzle 'Get rid of' had several loop holes that could be argued. If they wanted her to kill the royal, they should've just flippin said so!
Therefore her aim wasn't to kill, but to incapacitate and kidnap. She needed a thrall anyway. What better than someone she could manipulate the public with? Yes, this was far better than murder! With a smile hidden away through a polyjuice potion, a brew used to give a false appearance to the consumer, she waited with all these gussied up chicks for the best opportunity to slip that little vile that'd put her victim to sleep.

~ You can dance if you want too,
You can leave your friends behind.
Because if they don't dance,
Then they're no friends of mine ~
Posted 06-23-2022, 06:41 PM