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Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg is offline
Gentle Lady
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Chantal had sincerely hoped that Gustave would have taken her hint and been on his way. Of course, you can't always get everything you want, especially so with a man of his status. Once more, her attention was begrudgingly pulled back from her brother and over to the Prince. So he was going to ignore how rude she'd been after all? Somehow, the femme was surprised.

The young woman sincerely considered declining the Prince's offer to join him in the pavilion, being the sort of woman she was, but in the end gave in and simply took the taller man's arm with a bit of reluctance, keeping her gaze straight ahead, lips turned down into what seemed nearly like a pout, though truly Chantal's lips took such a shape naturally were she not attempting to smile or scowl.

"I surely did not think that our visit would be so anticipated by a man of such importance as you Prince Gustave." she spoke aloud as they walked along. "I see nothing so appealing about a monk and a mere lady of no real lineage. How gracious of you to spare such time, for I am sure you're busy." Playing polite was all she could manage at this point, half wondering what interest it was that he'd taken in them. It was the sort of thing she was bound to get skeptical about.

[No worries at all. ^^ I more than understand being busy.]
Old Posted 02-07-2011, 04:45 PM Reply With Quote