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sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
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*jazz hands* Alright, so if you poked around the Private Rps, you'll see that I pretty much just hang out in that part of Tris. *shot* I also have no uh. Don't be daunted by the sheer amount of rps I'm in. I tend to post pretty regularly so long as there are things to respond to or study isn't eating me alive. If I get bogged down by homework I can send a pm to let you know about a short hiatus, but for the most part, I'm pretty good about it. If you'd like, we can get some general logistics out of the way!

How long do you generally prefer your posts? I saw the 1-6 paragraphs, but I'm in rps ranging anywhere from a sentence to a couple thousand words a post easy so I'm flexible in that regard. How many characters do you usually run? I'm kind of a sucker for the multiplot type rps where we have lots and lots of characters and lots of different things are happening at once (Spacepunk style, if you're brave enough to check that one out) but we don't have to do that by any means.

Then there's also the whole romance thing. A lot of people are into it, and I dunno if that's something that you care for or not. I am fine either way so long as there is a plot and stuff is happening and not all of it revolves around said couple. xD

Lastly that I can think of at the moment, should we have a setting where things are evolving politically or culturally or have this be solely based on character development?
Old Posted 12-30-2017, 04:24 PM Reply With Quote