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Pessimisticat Pessimisticat is offline
Hakuna matata
Default   #33  
Cazzidy Alright, np :D

So, what did ya'll end up doing for Halloween??
I worked till 9:30 then had to write a 5-page essay...that turned into an 8 page essay ;u;
Old Posted 11-01-2016, 01:46 PM  
Default   #34   Witchchylde Witchchylde is offline
I like the color of the one with dragonfly wings -- um, but also the one with the lavender butterfly wings, or are they pink? Ooh, look forward to seeing what comes out of the green one with the flowers and vines too.

Good spell components are things like insect wings, herbs, flowers, oils, bark from certain species of tree, powdered minerals like crystals, basically crushed precious stones, and there are plenty of references for correspondences between these things and the desired intent on like, Wicca sites and folklore sites and the like.
Old Posted 11-02-2016, 03:27 PM  
Buschbabe Buschbabe is offline
Default   #35  
Loving the idea :) I wanna play
Old Posted 11-02-2016, 03:30 PM  
Default   #36   Witchchylde Witchchylde is offline
Also affecting the possible outcome of a potion: heat or cold in brewing; speed of stirring; hours of steeping; phases of the Moon; sunlight, moonlight or candle light; and the presence or absence of a familiar during the brewing. Some potions actually would preclude the presence of cats whatever other form the potionist's familiar might take.
Old Posted 11-02-2016, 06:16 PM  
Pessimisticat Pessimisticat is offline
Hakuna matata
Default   #37  
Witchchylde Thanks so much for all of the info!
I am definitely gunna use what you said and look into some Wicca potion making stuff. c:
I was thinking of doing that, but since I do not practice Wiccan culture I didn't want to culturally appropriate anything, haha.

Buschbabe I'm glad you do!

We reached page 2, so I will have to pick a winner. :)
Gunna get around to doing that within the next few days, as I have an two upcoming exams to prep for. Should be fine by Friday.
Old Posted 11-02-2016, 10:10 PM  
Default   #38   SparX SparX is offline
-pops back in-
oh hello XD

{MyAnimeList}{My MAL Graph!}{Read manga? Come here!}

Currently Questing For: Lil Spoops,Puppet Master, Toamna lantern, Cyber Reaper,Braen's Jacket
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Buy runes from me! PM for details!

Old Posted 11-05-2016, 10:24 AM  
Pessimisticat Pessimisticat is offline
Hakuna matata
Default   #39  
SparX Welcome back :D
Btw, just did the name picking generator thing and you won!!

So, here is what I need help with:

For this specific Healing Potion, which ingredient do I use?
A. Sage
B. Wormwood
C. Rosemary
D. Mint
Old Posted 11-05-2016, 11:34 PM  
Default   #40   SparX SparX is offline
that one.

ugh this weekend was terrible for me too, and this week is starting out just like last week D:

{MyAnimeList}{My MAL Graph!}{Read manga? Come here!}

Currently Questing For: Lil Spoops,Puppet Master, Toamna lantern, Cyber Reaper,Braen's Jacket
Have Au and some Runes
Buy runes from me! PM for details!

Old Posted 11-07-2016, 10:50 PM  
Pessimisticat Pessimisticat is offline
Hakuna matata
Default   #41  
SparX Pick the color of potion you want, so that I can add it into the Healing Potion :)
Then, we can see if Wormwood was the correct ingredient ~
Old Posted 11-08-2016, 12:12 AM  
Default   #42   SparX SparX is offline
the purple one with glittery bits?

{MyAnimeList}{My MAL Graph!}{Read manga? Come here!}

Currently Questing For: Lil Spoops,Puppet Master, Toamna lantern, Cyber Reaper,Braen's Jacket
Have Au and some Runes
Buy runes from me! PM for details!

Old Posted 11-08-2016, 09:42 AM  
Pessimisticat Pessimisticat is offline
Hakuna matata
Default   #43  
SparX One more thing, which I should have asked before, what would you like your drawing to consist of? :3
Old Posted 11-17-2016, 02:31 PM  

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