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Honor Honor is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Default Persuasive Jewelry }{ Neirra & Honor }{   #1  
MATURE WARNING: I don't know if this is needed, but with vampires, I figure better safe then sorry. So please view at your own risk, could contain mature themes

This is a roleplay between Neirra and myself. Read if you wish, but do not post. Thank you.
Old Posted 08-22-2011, 09:18 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Honor Honor is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Name: Luca Massimo (<--- he's Italian)
Age Appearance: 25ish
Actual Age: 357
Hair: ear length, sandy brown
Skin: pale, olive toned
Eye color: Dark brown with hazel fleck, get red when hungry
Personality: Persuasive, slightly selfish, determined
Old Posted 08-22-2011, 09:29 PM Reply With Quote  
gremlin gremlin is offline
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Name: Rachel
Age: 21
Hair: Sandy blond hair to her chest
Skin: Semi-tanned
Eye color: Hazel brown
Personality: Ambitious, creative, outgoing

Old Posted 08-22-2011, 09:44 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Honor Honor is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Sundown, the most beautiful time of the day in Luca's opinion. He could practically taste the change in the atmosphere as life shifted through the veins of the city. The night brought out a different side of the people who lived here. Some grew more cautious, adrenaline filling them every time a shadow seemed out of place. Other revealed in it, felt free in it. Luca was sure those people would be hunters like himself if they had the same power, but as it was they were still among the hunted.

Pulling on his favorite jacket, Luca checked his reflection in the mirror with a smile. What a funny myth it was to say vampires couldn't see themselves in the mirror. How could the look so fashionable if the could see what they looked like. Brushing a hand through his hair he went outside, ready for the hunt.
Old Posted 08-22-2011, 10:03 PM Reply With Quote  
gremlin gremlin is offline
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( omg this is so long D8 )

She ran her hands along the stone building's that made old down town so interesting. A clicking noise was made as her heels embraced the cobblestone below her. It smelled like freshly baked bread as she ventured in to new territory. Rachel had only lived in the city for a few months now. The noises, the smells and the sights were all very new to her. Despite making such a dramatic change, she loved it here. She had been born and raised in the country, but something about the city was alluring.

As night readied itself to consume the city it began to get cold. Rachel pushed her hands in to her jacket's pockets and couldn't help but shiver. Her eyes danced upon the market that she had curiously entered, as she walked her fingers played with some jewellery here and there that hung from the stands. Then she stopped as she spotted a beautiful necklace. As she looked up from the necklace an elderly woman was smiling warmly at her. It started her a bit, then she smiled back.

"Do you like it?" she asked Rachel, her voice quivered. Rachel wondered how old she was.
"Oh," she said timidly. "Yes, it's beautiful."
"Would you like to try it on?" she asked then lifted it from where it lay. Rachel nodded and leaned forward, the woman tied it behind her neck and Rachel leaned back. She looked at it for a moment. "That necklace is very powerful," the woman said. "It will protect you from monsters."
"How much are you looking for it?" Rachel brought her hand to the pendant and ran her thumb over it.
"It's yours," she woman said.
"What?" Rachel looked up from the pendent, her eyes met the woman's.
"You can have it for free," she said then brought her shaking hands to a second pendent. "If you take that one then you must take this one, too." she said and reached for Rachel's hand. She placed the pendent in her hand then closed Rachel's hand over it. "If you ever encounter a person of evil, place this necklace around their neck. Then they will not be a problem anymore." she laughed almost bitterly. It made a chill run down Rachel's back. This woman's insane, she thought. She brought her hand back and slipped it in to her jacket's pocket, she let the second pendent fall in to her pocket.
"Thank you," she said nervously then managed a smile. Lucy stepped back and when the woman seemed to have nothing else to say she left the stand with two new possessions.

Rachel looked above at the darkening sky, the street lights had turned on and there seemed to be less and less people. She pushed past a rowdy crowd outside of a bar and in to a narrow alley way. It was a closer route to her apartment. Her heels echoed as she walked and she tugged on her scarf, bringing her closer to her neck. It was cold.

Old Posted 08-22-2011, 10:41 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Honor Honor is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Luca felt himself drift seamlessly through the now thinning number of people on the streets. These people were the true prey of the city, scattering like mice the moment their environment changed. There was more fear in them than those who lived in the more upscale part of the city, but they also had more fire. These people wanted to live more than anything else. They would fight, do anything to see themselves saved. They made for much more amusing hunts.

What made him smile the most was how easily they counted him among the scared defenseless people of the city. In truth, he was the only threat they had no power against. Luca might find that pathetic if he didn't find it so hilarious.

Breathing in he let his sense wander. He felt like being picky tonight and would weight till he found the best smelling blood to hunt. He was deciding between a rather shifty 'business man' and a hot dog vendor when a new scent caught him.

It was unfamiliar. Someone new to this city. Luca grinned. He had better go give her a proper welcome. Following the scent he saw a girl walking through a narrow alleyway. She must have been taking a short cut to the nearby apartments. Idiot girl. She definitely had to be new to the city to walk home alone at night on this side of town.

Blending through the crowd Luca went down the same alley, following her. He waited for her to notice him walking behind her, for her to begin to fear.
Last edited by Honor; 08-22-2011 at 11:02 PM.
Old Posted 08-22-2011, 10:57 PM Reply With Quote  
gremlin gremlin is offline
Posty McPostsALot
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Rachel had been walking for a while, she was consumed in her own thoughts. She had not had dinner yet and wondered what she would eat once she got home. Despite having a mid-sized apartment she lived alone. Which was why she spent her days out and about, it almost became depressing to sit in a quiet apartment all day.

One hand was in the pocket that she had slipped the pendent in to earlier. She played with the chain, running her fingers over it. The alley was dark, lights had not been installed in it. It made her feel nervous, walking home at this time at night. Though Rachel continued to assure herself that she would be alright.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard another pair of feet. She turned her head slightly, but not all the way. Subtly looking from the corner of her eye, a tall man walked behind her. Perhaps he lived close as well. It was nothing. She couldn't get a good look at him, she looked forward again, determined to get home even more now. As she got closer to the back door to the apartment complex she felt relieved. The apartment complex was an old building turned in to just that. She removed her purse from her shoulder and felt around for her keys. As she removed her keys she dropped them, she leaned down to reach for them.

Last edited by gremlin; 08-22-2011 at 11:11 PM.
Old Posted 08-22-2011, 11:07 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Honor Honor is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
As the girl walked faster so did Luca, but his steps became quieter and lighter instead of panicked and loud. He was close behind her as she dropped her keys and as soon as she reached for them he closed in. He crouched just in front of her, his foot on her keys, his face level with hers and his hand catching the one she had been reaching with. "Sweety, why don't you just let me get those hmmm?" He moved upward into a standing position over her, keys now in his hands. He dropped them in his jacket pocket.
Old Posted 08-22-2011, 11:14 PM Reply With Quote  
gremlin gremlin is offline
Posty McPostsALot
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Rachel's eyes grew wide as the man placed his foot over her keys. She became as nervous as he was so suddenly close to her. Her body felt hot, her face became red. It felt as if all of her blood had rushed to her head. What was he doing?

"No, I can-" Rachel stopped as she saw him drop her keys in to his pocket. She stood, straight, her arms firmly by her sides. She was trying to seem intimidating and strong. But she couldn't stop her legs from shaking. "What do you want from me?" she asked, she felt embarrassed as her voice cracked.

Old Posted 08-22-2011, 11:20 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Honor Honor is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Luca's eyes scanned her, looking her up and down with a hungry expression. He grinned widely, possibly showing his fangs, he didn't care to hide them right now. "I want a lot of things, but as of right now..." He trailed off and stepped closer, leaning his mouth next to her ear. "I'm just really, really hungry, that's all." He breathed in. Yes, she smelled amazing. He would only tease her a little bit more before he fed. He wouldn't be able to resist.
Old Posted 08-22-2011, 11:26 PM Reply With Quote  
gremlin gremlin is offline
Posty McPostsALot
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Rachel wanted to scream but for a brief moment it felt as if she had swallowed her ability to speak. She struggled as he pulled her close, her hands pressed hard against his collar bone in an attempt to release herself from his touch. She felt light-headed as she saw him bear his bangs. A vampire? She thought and breathed in heavily. Her hand wandered down to her pocket and she gripped the second pendent in her shaking hand.

Rachel brought the necklace up, she snaked it around his neck tightly and tied it. Enraged, she began to pound her fists against his chest. "Let me go," she hissed.

Old Posted 08-22-2011, 11:32 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   Honor Honor is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Luca simply raised and eyebrow in confusion as she snaked her arms around his neck. He felt the chain of a necklace, but it just seemed strange. What did she would happen? He'd be flattered that she thought to give him a gift?

But the moment she started struggling Luca felt... odd. Almost in pain. A strange sort of agony filled his insides. It wasn't a physical pain. No, the physical pain came when she gave her command. At that moment he felt fire lace through his being. He dropped away from her, rolled to the ground and clawed at it with his hands. And just as suddenly as it had come, the pain was gone. Still, he laid there, breathing hard.
Old Posted 08-22-2011, 11:39 PM Reply With Quote  
gremlin gremlin is offline
Posty McPostsALot
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Rachel breathed heavily, her hair was a mess, strands rested against her face. Her body shook in fear, wondering if he was trying to trick her or if he had actually followed her command. Was it the necklace? If you ever encounter a person of evil, place this necklace around their neck. Then they will not be a problem anymore. That's what the woman had said to her. Was she telling the truth?

Her body rested against the wall of her apartment. Her eyes didn't stray from the man who had attacked her. She watched him claw at the necklace helplessly, unable to remove it. "What are you doing?" she finally broke the silence with her question.

Old Posted 08-22-2011, 11:44 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Honor Honor is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Luca felt the chain along his neck. When he tried to take it off it sent small jolts of pain through him. He hissed, baring his fangs in anger, frustration, and pain. When the girl spoke his eyes slowly went to her face. After a long moment of starring at her with utter hatred he said. "Take the necklace off now little girl, or so help me I'll-" He cut off as pain took him again. Apparently death threats were out of the question. He didn't speak again just growled and hissed.
Old Posted 08-22-2011, 11:51 PM Reply With Quote  
gremlin gremlin is offline
Posty McPostsALot
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Rachel approached her, her body tense. She brought her hand to the chain around his neck, she ran her finger over it. "If you can't then what makes you think that I can?" she asked and tilted her out to the side. "And why would I? Look at you." she said the last words a bit quietly. "You would kill me if I took it off." Rachel still shook, afraid of what he would do to her. She brought her hand away from the chain, then brought her hand in to the pocket that he placed her keys in. She slipped them out then stepped back from him.

"I'm not taking it off," she said firmly. Rachel felt pathetic when she tried to act powerful and strong. She was the complete opposite.

Old Posted 08-22-2011, 11:59 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Honor Honor is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Luca growled. "I would most certainly ki-" He hissed at the sharp pain, "Nevermind. You put it on, you can take it off." He stood then, feeling stronger. He sized her up in his minds eye. It was really quite pathetic to have her controlling him. Perhaps he could intimidate her.

Slowly he took a step forward. "You... are quite adorable." He said slowly, drawing closer. "Staring at a monster as if you weren't afraid. It's commendable really. I'd be impressed... except that I'm not." He was very close now, close enough that she would be able to feel his breath. "You're bravery is fake. Pathetic."
Old Posted 08-23-2011, 12:08 AM Reply With Quote  

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