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The Rotting Goddess
Default Nox Nocturnalis : OVER   #1  
Nox Nocturnalis
Festival of the Night

There was a brief squeak of feedback over the speakers as Katrine Dmitriev took the microphone, standing near the banquet table on the far end of the decorated town square. The entire square was made up to emphasize light and dark – the dark storefronts were covered in nets of tiny lights to mimic the stars that twinkled in the open sky above, the twenty or so dining tables were covered in black velvet tablecloths, and on each one of those tables were three lanterns of the same design as the ones they would soon be floating downriver.

“Alright, everyone!” she called out, “We’re going to eat until midnight, and then it’s time for the lantern ceremony! Enjoy your delicious meal; bask in the wonderful decorations – you have Lesallia Surish to thank for putting them up! Give her a round of applause!” There was a roar of applause as Lesallia stood from her table and took a small, rather hyperactive bow, cheerful as ever. When she was finished and the applause died down, Katrine continued: “Now, we owe the success of tonight’s Nox Nocturnalis to our very own Ryuko Sunder, so if you get a chance during the festivities to thank him, do so. He’s planned everything you’re enjoying tonight, from the meal to the placement of the tables, to the schedule for every event… He’s kept us all in line and made this night possible, so thank you Ryuko!”

Ryuko stood and nodded at the crowd, smiling wanly. He sat down before the applause even ended, and Katrine finished up her speech.

“Now, eat, drink, listen to the music I’ve arranged for you, and enjoy your Festival of the Night!”

The night air was filled with the clanking of dishes and the light murmur of conversation. Sweeping, airy music that fit the mood and the night perfectly filtered through the speakers that were tied to each lamppost around the town square’s perimeter. Ryuko, ever the perfectionist when it came to these traditional holidays, barely touched his food as he observed the festivities, making sure everything was going according to plan. Just as he was mentally timing the dinner according to the lantern ceremony at midnight, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Ryuko turned to see Virgil Marks standing beside him, a plate in hand as apparently the other shopkeeper was already on his way to get second helpings of something.

“You seem to take this very seriously,” said Virgil, smiling warmly as he motioned to the entire town square.

Ryuko sighed. “It’s part of my culture,” he said simply.

“You know I don’t even understand what all this is about?” Virgil’s smile turned into a bemused frown.

“It’s a celebration of our moon… Toamna.” Ryuko looked up at the aforementioned moon, full and bright in the night sky and just over the Western River.

“The legend is that Toamna is where the dead rest. They are guided by the Twins of guidance, Faust and Falla, who wield the Fati Luxphera orb as a beacon for lost souls… To celebrate the myth, we light the lanterns – which symbolize both the light of the Fati Luxphera, and the souls that it guides – and let them float down the river – which symbolizes the darkness of death and the night sky where Toamna shines. It is an old tradition, dating back from before it could even be written down…”

Virgil chuckled, patting Ryuko on the shoulder, “You’re so old-fashioned, you know that?” He shrugged. “Well, it’s good for business, anyways. Have a nice Festival of the Night, Ryuko. Thanks for all this… And thanks for the story…”

As Ryuko watched Virgil walk to the banquet table, he hoped desperately that not everyone was so blasé about the traditions he held so dear.

At midnight, the moon was as high as it would ever be and the sky around it was as dark. It almost seemed like the stars had extinguished themselves in honor of the ceremony. Ryuko distributed the lanterns and Pandora Karsalia lit them – a team that Ryuko was less than happy about, but the others were busy either cleaning up or had families and friends of their own they were celebrating with – as all the townspeople waited for everyone to finish getting their lanterns before setting them on the river.

As the last lantern was lit and all the people were lined along the river, it happened: a bright flash in the sky, followed by a rain of sparks that shot in every direction. For a short time, everyone looked pleased and a spattering of applause broke out. They thought it was all part of the festival, and for good reason – the sparks were perfectly timed with the beginning of the lantern ceremony. Ryuko knew better, however, and soon the townspeople did as well.

The sky went dark again for a heartbeat before an even larger, even brighter flare of light lit it up again. This light came down, down, down – it got closer and closer to the crowd of people, who scrambled away a distance until they knew whatever it was wouldn’t strike them. The expressions on the shopkeepers – the ones who had organized the ceremony in the first place – told everyone that this was not according to plan.

At first, the light was so bright that they couldn’t see what was at the center of it. Then, as it landed right in the moon’s reflection on the river, they all saw what it truly was: two people, one carrying the other in his arms, who were pale white and glowing. The male figure was the one carrying the other, a female, and, completely ignoring the fact that he was almost waist-deep in the river, he looked at the line of stunned citizens. He had the bluest eyes of anyone Ryuko had ever seen, and the palest skin, the whitest hair…

“I am Faust,” said the male, whose voice was powerful and refined. “This is my sister, Falla… We are the Twins of Guidance and we dwell in Toamna, the moon. It is of great importance that we reveal our existence to you now, People of Karin, for we desire your help.

“Something grave has happened. The Dark God Braen has shattered the Fati Luxphera, the orb of souls, in an attempt to reignite the fires of war…”

Finally, the ethereal figure stepped from the river and onto the grassy riverbank. He set the woman – Falla, his twin sister – on the grass gingerly. She still had not opened her eyes, but Ryuko knew that they were as unsettlingly blue as Faust’s. Falla clutched something in her hands, and Faust gently pulled away her grip.

“These are the shards of the Fati Luxphera,” he said. Tiny, crystalline shards rested in Falla’s palms, and several people gathered around to get a closer look as he displayed them. “We must find the rest of these, and repair the orb… I must watch over my sister – I will help as much as I can, but it is of you that I ask this task, my People. Help us repair the Fati Luxphera; help us guide the souls that it cannot… until it is whole again…” Faust seemed to stare each one of them in the eye, though it was impossible for him to do so. His seriousness and desperation permeated every word.

“Do these things for us, and your assistance will be repaid in full.”

Old Posted 09-21-2010, 10:53 PM  
Default   #2   Faust Faust is offline
Bondslave of the Dragon
How to Collect Fati Shards and Lost Souls

Fati Shards and Lost Souls can be collected by posting or winning in one of the event contests. Fati Shards are much easier to find than Lost Souls. Bring any Fati Shards or Lost Souls you find to the event shop to earn items. You can also trade them with other users.

Falla's Bundle and Faust's Bundle

The bundle items in the event shop unpack into multiple independently-equippable items in your inventory.

Falla's Bundle contains Falla's Ribbons, Falla's Tiara, Falla's Top, Falla's Arm Cuffs, Falla's Skirting, Falla's Panties, Falla's Sandals, and Falla's Staff.

Faust's Bundle contains Faust's Crown, Faust's Shirt, Faust's Mantle, Faust's Arm Cuffs, Faust's Pants, Faust's Boots, and Faust's Staff.


1. Story Line Introduction
2. Navigation/Info
3. Item Design Contest
4. Avatar Contest
5. Word Ends Contest
6. Quote the Fati Shards & Lost Souls Contest
7. Pin the Tail on the Anka

Old Posted 09-21-2010, 10:55 PM  
Pandora Karsalia Pandora Karsalia is offline
Queen of Quesaria
Default   #3  
The Nox Nocturnalis Item Design Contest

1. No more than 3 designs per person.
2. This is a themed Contest: you must design a spell/special effect item.
3. Ends on Oct 4th with the event.

1st: 10 Lost Souls and 100 Fati Shards
2nd: 6 Lost Souls and 50 Fati Shards
3rd: 3 Lost Souls and 25 Fati Shards
Places after 3rd: Item Made

All winning designs will be pixeled by one of our many pixel artists.

ALL SUBMISSIONS GO HERE: http://www.trisphee.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1362

Old Posted 09-21-2010, 11:05 PM  
Default   #4   Lesallia Surish Lesallia Surish is offline
The Nox Nocturnalis Avatar Contest

1. No more than 2 Avi's per person
2. Ends on Oct 2nd

Best In Show: 100 Shards and 25 Souls
Best Color Combination: 50 Shards and 10 Souls
Best use of an event item(s) : 50 shards and 10 Souls
Best Event themed avi : 50 Shards and 10 Souls

ALL SUBMISSIONS GO HERE: http://www.trisphee.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1362
Old Posted 09-21-2010, 11:11 PM  
Ryuko Sunder Ryuko Sunder is offline
New God of the Three Worlds
Default   #5  
Word Ends Contest

The way this event works is you shall see a word that is missing the first and last letter.
The first and last letters are the same and complete the word.
My name would be a perfect example of this: _yuko Sunde_
The answer would be: R = Ryuko Sunder.
So you know, some are Trisphee-related, some event-related, others random. Please be aware of this.
Look around for some of these answers is my hint.

The contest is officially over and I will no longer accept answers. The correct answers are as follows and thank you for participating.

Here is your list of answers:
1. thrift
2. typist
3. Anlina
4. overdo
5. cleric
6. armada
7. willow
8. trust
9. anka
10. comic
11. Azula
12. render
13. doodad
14. ceramic
15. Eevee
16. huzzah
17. Agapa
18. hearth
19. pickup
20. trait
21. kinfolk
22. Inari
23. agora
24. mayhem
25. druid
26. selfless
27. twilit
28. museum
29. redder
30. lost soul

Each correct answer gets you a shard.
Each two correct answers gets you a soul.
Example: 4 correct answers = 2 souls. 7 correct answers = 3 souls and 1 shard.
And so on...

This contest has been hosted by Chi and Anonymous. Thanks for playing guys! <3
Old Posted 09-21-2010, 11:16 PM  
Default   #6   Katrine Dmitriev Katrine Dmitriev is offline
Music Extraordinaire
Quote the Fati Shards & Lost Souls Contest

How to Play:
Watch the Staff member's posts closely! Every once in a while you will find a picture of some of the Event Currency in their post that look like this:

Be the first one to quote it!

We'll keep track of the people that quote it first and the 3 Trisphites that quote the most will receive fabulous prizes!

1st Prize: 50 Fati Shards + 10 Lost Souls
2nd Prize: 25 Fati Shards + 5 Lost Souls
3rd Prize: 10 Fati Shards + 2 Lost Souls

Also, as a bonus, when the contest is over, you will receive actual Event Currency for the ones you quoted, so everyone who participates will win something.

Happy hunting!
Old Posted 09-21-2010, 11:16 PM  
Virgil Marks Virgil Marks is offline
The Man in Red
Default   #7  
Pin the Tail on the Anka

How to Play:
See this image above? It's a gridded picture of the Anka Phoenix, correct? Correct. In the four squares where the tail connects to Anka's body... Four numbers have been placed. It is a random number 1-70. Each user gets one chance to guess the numbers within the squares... Guess properly and you can win a prize.
Please PM me the following with your numbers filled in, and the title of "Pin the Tail on the Anka!"
I Desire These Numbers!
The first person to get the proper numbers will earn the prize.

Within three of the squares, are three Fati Shards.
Within a single square, is one Lost Soul.

You will receive this currency after the event is over and may spend it then.
Old Posted 09-21-2010, 11:17 PM  
Default   #8   Fenris Fenris is offline
Art Meiser
Many of these events are being added in slowly by our Moderators and will be up by the end of tomorrow. We apologize for the slight delay.
The Almighty Fen-God
[8:25:15 PM] Galla: o3o ty for amusing my peen obsession
Married to: Galla, Aurelia, Sei, Demonskid, Arrikanez and Ashy.
Batty is My Girlfriend!
Mizzy is my Family.
Belial is my Cookie Monster!

Mon-Mon is my rainbow popsicle!
Chi is my Famiry!

Old Posted 09-22-2010, 12:06 AM  
Fenris Fenris is offline
Art Meiser
Default   #9  
There is also 1 item missing from the event shop. It will be added asap.
The Almighty Fen-God
[8:25:15 PM] Galla: o3o ty for amusing my peen obsession
Married to: Galla, Aurelia, Sei, Demonskid, Arrikanez and Ashy.
Batty is My Girlfriend!
Mizzy is my Family.
Belial is my Cookie Monster!

Mon-Mon is my rainbow popsicle!
Chi is my Famiry!

Old Posted 09-22-2010, 12:18 AM  
Default   #10   Logan Logan is offline
Fydan Ela Yen

Amazing story and will help out! <3

Old Posted 09-22-2010, 12:25 AM  
Zypher Zypher is offline
Master Ninja, and Thread Eater of Doom!
Default   #11  
And now for something completely different.
Old Posted 09-22-2010, 12:28 AM  
Default   #12   #FFFFFF #FFFFFF is offline
Exp. + 9,000

Here's to a successful event. <3

[ L v e ]

There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you paid for...
Old Posted 09-22-2010, 12:29 AM  
Fenris Fenris is offline
Art Meiser
Default   #13  
Zy and Fen have both taken on event regalia :3
The Almighty Fen-God
[8:25:15 PM] Galla: o3o ty for amusing my peen obsession
Married to: Galla, Aurelia, Sei, Demonskid, Arrikanez and Ashy.
Batty is My Girlfriend!
Mizzy is my Family.
Belial is my Cookie Monster!

Mon-Mon is my rainbow popsicle!
Chi is my Famiry!

Old Posted 09-22-2010, 12:31 AM  
Default   #14   Taiki Taiki is offline
Good luck everyone~ C:

Old Posted 09-22-2010, 12:32 AM  
Sei Sei is offline
Moderation Admin
Default   #15  
Looks awesome, guys! Congrats! :'D

Galla: always, all the time, a galla has no tolerance for it, and galla has all the tolerance.

Trisphee Site Rules | Sei's Hideout
Old Posted 09-22-2010, 12:32 AM  
Default   #16   Logan Logan is offline
Fydan Ela Yen

Those even items look hot and kick-ass!

Old Posted 09-22-2010, 12:32 AM  

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