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Rinni Rinni is offline
Default   #49  
"Aye, I say we have. A good room, possibly food for the little thing." Razyn said, climbing down from the driver's seat to head around to the back. "Hey, careful now. Mind the broken glass; don't want to get too cut up, now do you?" He offered the catboy a smile before looking back up to Gabe. "Need some help getting him inside?"

Old Posted 04-01-2012, 11:12 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #50   Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop

Keeping his focus on watching the boy's movements, he raised a single brow slightly at the other man's offer. He was discomforted with his patient's insistence on fixing things, but decided not to scold him on the matter. "Actually," he started, tugging his purse from his belt. He retrieved the gold pieces he'd been given, as well as the majority of coins he had before this began, and held the lot out to Razyn. "I was thinking you could take care of that for me."

Proper magic works with nature and science. We simply don't understand enough to see the big picture just yet.

Old Posted 04-01-2012, 11:32 PM Reply With Quote  
Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
Default   #51  
The boy continued to put things away, even if he wasn't sure where everything went, until he was sure there were no more glass bottles on the ground. Then, he started wiping up the medicine that had been spilled, using his own rags as a soaking cloth, and soon without a shirt. Still, he was sure this wasn't going to solve anything, but at least he was helping, he wasn't useless - was he? Was he a burden to his new masters?
Old Posted 04-01-2012, 11:35 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #52   Rinni Rinni is offline
There was a momentary glint in the boy's eyes, a shine of temptation, before the boy reigned in his self control. He may be a theif, but he was a man of his word. And he'd said he'd help the healer, so that meant no stealing. Even if it would have been extremely easy to do so. Money in hand, he headed into the inn to get them a nice, comfortable room and some food.

The price had been around 3 gold coins. 2 copper pieces and a silver coin later, laced with glamour and paired with a charismatic grin and some well-placed compliments, he'd booked them a room. Food was going to be served as soon as it was done cooking. Splendid! He smiled, shaking the innkeep's hand as the man slipped his money into his pouch, before heading to the door to wait for his new companions.

Old Posted 04-01-2012, 11:47 PM Reply With Quote  
Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
Default   #53  

Satisfied that the thief wasn't, in fact, about to run off, Gabriel turned his attention to the catboy. He watched him for a moment longer before he spoke. "Thank you, for helping. But I need you to stop now. If you keep moving around so much-" He waved a hand to indicate his own body. "-you'll end up making your injuries worse, yeah? Then you can't exactly help, can you?" With a smile, he nodded in the direction of the inn's door. "We're going to get you into a proper bed now, alright?"

Proper magic works with nature and science. We simply don't understand enough to see the big picture just yet.

Old Posted 04-02-2012, 12:00 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #54   Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
The boy turned to look at the healer, and dipped one ear in assent. But as soon as he put his foot on the ground, he collapsed to said ground, unable to walk on the leg. It was clear that it was either broken, or badly sprained. Either one would result in not being able to use the leg. Quietly, the catboy whimpered, as he tried to get up again, using the wagon for support. He was going to not be a burden. He didn't want to be a burden. He didn't even ask for help, using his good leg to sort of... hop along behind the healer.
Old Posted 04-02-2012, 12:03 AM Reply With Quote  
Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop
Default   #55  

Even though the boy didn't ask, or even look like he would, Gabriel moved to his side and offered his hand. The last thing he wanted to do was force contact with the boy, fearing that he may have a poor reaction to it, but he wasn't sure just how much of this nonsense he could take. "That wasn't what I meant. You're still moving too much, dove. May I help you?"

Proper magic works with nature and science. We simply don't understand enough to see the big picture just yet.

Old Posted 04-02-2012, 12:08 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #56   Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
The catboy took the other's hand, and hobbled toward the Inn's door, a bit wobbly, and a bit lightheaded. But he didn't want to disappoint, so he tried to remain mostly upright until he found a bed. After that, he just sort of sank into it, and found that he really didn't want to move anymore, thanks much. He knew the two around him were probably very mad. He'd ruined glasses and jars, and ruined his clothes, and made a mess... but maybe they wouldn't be quite so mad if he... was just quiet? He hurt, and whimpering was going to happen, but he didn't have to say anything else.. just stay out of the way, stay quiet, and don't be a bother.
Old Posted 04-02-2012, 12:22 AM Reply With Quote  
Rinni Rinni is offline
Default   #57  
"Wonder when the food's going to get here. Dunno about you two, but I'm pretty hungry." The boy said, smiling and taking a seat in on of the chairs in the room. "Oh, here. Your pouch." he said, nonchalantly tossing the back of coins at the healer. "Was able to get a fairly good price on the room and board; didn't even have to break out the gold." A small mischievous edge entered his smile, but he didn't say much else on it.

Green eyes peered at the little form that had just fell on the bed, smile faltering a moment. "Well, do you have a name?" he asked, curiosity tilting his head ever so slightly.

Old Posted 04-02-2012, 12:29 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #58   Gallagher Gallagher is offline
It Won't Stop

He turned his focus away from the boy just in time to catch the borrowed coins. He offered just a mumbled token of gratitude as he quickly took count, not failing to notice how little was actually missing. Having stayed at this very same in for over a week as it is and attempting to haggle a better price every evening he came, he was well aware of just how much it should've cost. Still, Gabe felt no need to comment on it, just tucking all of it, along with his thoughts on the matter, away. "I'll come back in a tick," he said, more to Razyn than the boy, and turned back for the door.

Proper magic works with nature and science. We simply don't understand enough to see the big picture just yet.

Old Posted 04-02-2012, 12:41 AM Reply With Quote  
Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
Default   #59  
"Issac." the boy said, responding to the thief, pushing himself to sit up, and looking over at the boy. His tail twitched a bit in agitation, as he was still very much in pain, but he tried to still it. Don't make anyone mad. Answer when you're spoken to.

He added a slightly-belated "Master." to the end of that, and dipped one ear in recognition of his status in this particular relationship. There was no way he was going to alienate his new masters after just having met them. He didn't ask anything - didn't have a right, and hadn't been ordered to. Just sort of... sat there. In silence. Looking at the door where his other master had vanished.
Old Posted 04-02-2012, 12:47 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #60   Rinni Rinni is offline
"Nice to meet you, Issac. Call me Razyn." he said, offering the boy a grin. "No need to be so stiff; we're all friends here." A knock at the door caused the smile on his face to widen; food was here! Finally. With a grin and a quiet thanks, he received the tray of food, closing the door behind him with his foot as he carried it into the room.

"Looks good, doesn't it?" he asked his quiet companion, smiling and motioning to the platter of bread, cheese, and some sort of stew made of whatever had been caught that morning. "Help yourself; you look like you could use a good meal." He chuckled, serving himself some food as he spoke. He intended to get some talking going on, dammit!

Old Posted 04-02-2012, 12:55 AM Reply With Quote  
Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
Default   #61  
Issac closed his eyes to sniff at the food, left ear flicking back at bit. It smelled so good, and looked so tasty, but he knew what would happen if he DID 'help himself'. He would be scolded for being a greedy little boy, whipped until he couldn't stand, and sent to sit in the corner, just like with the smithy. So he held his tongue, held his gaze toward the food, and just sort of... sat there, looking at it. Nothing in his conditioning against watching, just... No begging. No grabbing. No chatting. He would sit there until his new master was done with the food, and then he'd get to pick off what was left. It would always be that way.

To occupy his mind - and keep his stomach from growling - he started doing sums and grammar in his head. Repeating ages old lessons that had been drilled into him since he was a kitten, over and over, to avoid speaking, or even looking at his new master wrong. 1 + 3 = 4.... The dog IS hot, the men ARE hot, the day WAS hot.... 3 + 5 = 8.... Never use ain't, it ain't correct...
Old Posted 04-02-2012, 01:03 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #62   Rinni Rinni is offline
Razyn blinked a moment, looking perplexed. "...aren't you going to eat?" he asked, his tone holding a hint of bewilderment. "Is there something wrong with the food? I could go get something else if you would prefer that." This boy was an odd one, that was for sure. Not that Razyn could really blame him, though. "You know, it's okay for you to eat. No one's going to come in here yelling at you. Promise." He offered the boy a smile, trying to reassure him. They were all friends...well, acquaintances here, right? No need to be so on-edge.

Old Posted 04-02-2012, 01:10 AM Reply With Quote  
Rainbowfox Ari Rainbowfox Ari is offline
The Weaver of Tales
Default   #63  
The catboy dipped his ear again, and looked toward the food. Something inside of him wouldn't let him deny the needs of his body, and he gingerly - juggling a bit to spare his injured leg - made his way over to the food. Even as he got there, he looked at it as though it were going to bite him, before timidly... tentatively... taking a small roll, and nibbling it, held close to him, like a tiny mouse with a morsel. His eyes looked downright feral - taking that food away from him just now could wind up with someone losing a finger. Or a hand - depending on how quick they were.
Old Posted 04-02-2012, 01:13 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #64   Rinni Rinni is offline
"...not much of a talker, are you?" Razyn commented as he at his own food, relaxing in his chair. "That's okay, though. You don't have to talk if you don't want to. Perfectly understandable." He noticed the look on the other boy's face....something told him it'd be wise not to make any sudden movements. He'd seen looks like that before; he wasn't a daft man.

As he ate, his foot tapped against the wooden floorboards, keeping an even rhythm to the tune that played in his head.

Old Posted 04-02-2012, 01:19 AM Reply With Quote  

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