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Fey Fey is offline
Default   #17  
Squeaking in shock as a young man popped up in front of her Tayu blinked. "Uhm," she quickly made note of his air bending and tilted her head to the side. Not a cousin, at least that shew knew, so...there were other air benders? "Tayu," she rocked back on her heels, her hair swishing from side to side. "Are you an air bender? Of course you are, but still, are you a new cousin? I thought that Uncle had brought in all the other cousins already. Where ya from? Did you wanna go to the lake and see the koi?" She barely took breaths between the comments, it was like being caught in a whirlwind of words.
Waving a hand at the city, "Have you gotten lost yet? I lived out in the country before Uncle took me in, so I get lost all the time. I think the lake is that way," she pointed east. "I'm trying to avoid having to go back to the island, b'sides the koi might be giant koi and then I could ride them." Finally taking a breath she tipped her head the other direction. "You don't say much do you?"
((Sorry Ju! She's sorta always hyper so she tends to talk over people, good luck!))
I've gone to look for myself, if I should return before I get back keep me here.
|What is your Quest?|
Nikko was here out of love for Fey. <3

beautiful art by littl3chocobo
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 10:38 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #18   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
As Taku was being bombarded with a rush of words he was sure was more ramble than it was any question he was actually supposed to answer. His first initial response was a raise of his brow and narrowing of his eyes as he attempted to absorb the information. There was very imperceptible pause which chose to take a breath and opened his mouth slightly to respond at the end of her "last" sentence only to hear her apparently finish with "You don't talk much do you?"

Taku pretty much discarded all his answers because obviously her mind must have been like a sieve. She couldn't possibly retain...or rather couldn't possibly wait through all the precious seconds it took for him to say anything with 100% context but no fun.

"How long does a second last in your hyped up world?" He smiled, showing he was really teasing rather than insulting her. "Cause that's all the time I had to answer about five questions sparsed between a couple statements not even related to the last question."

The young man then stopped his next sentence as he realized who she was. "You are related to the current representative of the air nation?" Quickly realizing how it must've sounded to her though Taku tried to switch tracks to something else.

"This isn't my first time in republic city. Even natives can get lost because of how big it is. It's just a matter of knowing the most important places and how to get there."
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 11:11 AM Reply With Quote  
whitexsuicide whitexsuicide is offline
Default   #19  
Senalda Soyala Okena

Senalda went to one of the venders and bought one of her favorite foods; Crab puffs. She just loved how they got the crab meat so puffy. With that in her hand she decided to go to the Republic City park. She liked how it had grass. The only other place that she got to visit, that had grass, was the spirit oasis and that was work.

Once there she found two spunky air benders chatting with each other, she found this to be the perfect way to spend the rest of her time before bed. She would eat her puffs, like someone would eat popcorn at a movie.
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 12:43 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!

Thokin guided Maru to where he though RC was but then he soon realized he was at the cost that was about a day's worth a travel but then he also for got to get a map and he was horrid with North, South, East and West. "Ummm sorry Maru it seems I got us lost again and this time I don't think I know where we can go. . . " as he jumped off of the armadillo lions back walked around he couldn't tell where he was all he knew he was at the cost seeing the water he sighed. "I guess we could have gone left back at that train then straight a head. But I had a feeling I should have gone this way." he muttered to him self.

Now he was going to stubborn with him self on how this had happen then getting annoyed he kicked the ground to make a chair he knew Maru was getting tired and it had been almost a full day he let out sigh deiced he would take this time to work on some bending.

I am the manry-est of men!

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 01:00 PM Reply With Quote  
whitexsuicide whitexsuicide is offline
Default   #21  
Misu Moshe

Misu had just about enough of her home town and relatives for one vacation. She was just happy that it didn't start a week ago. But today was the day she got to go back home to Republic City. It made her happy. She was packing her clothes as fast as she could so she could get on the boat before any one else and pick her room. It took a few days to get back up north, so they had to have rooms on the ships, but if she wasn't careful she would get stuck with some one else, like her brother. She couldn't stand him one bit! Finishing up her packing she went out to the ship with bag in hand to find the one room she enjoyed most, the one by the shipping room. It was were all the goods they kept to transport to the other cities. It was the best spot to watch the benders, bender the goods out of the ship.

She got lucky this time for no one had already picked the room for themselves, which means no brother! She was happy and started to only unpack a bit making herself cozy while she waited for the rest of the family. She soon fell asleep on the cot, when she was reading a book about Avatar Aang's journeys.

She woke up to the ship starting to take off. She looked around to see if she was still alone and she was. She got up, stretched, started thinking about something to eat. She wondered around the ship to see where the rest of her family was when she found them. "Misu I was so worried we had left with out you! Where were you hiding?" Her mother seemed upset but her father just rolled his eyes. Her brother was daring to climb her. "I just found my own room mom, no big deals. I had to or you would have stuck me with him!" She poked to her little brother as he pounced in Misu direction. He hit his target straight on the face with his small body. If she didn't know any better she would of thought he was an air bender, but because of his training he got he was very skilled at it. "See? what did i tell you!?" Her words were muffled and all you really heard was her brother's giggles has he started to climb about her. She finally was able to pluck the four year old off of her body with one good yank. "No more. I am getting something to eat!" She tossed her brother at her father and ran as fast as she could so she could lose her brother. "Well at least we know she is alive." Her father gave her mother a huge smile in hopes that would ease the tension. Her mother gave him the death stare.

Misu found her way to the kitchen to steal a bit of fish before she would get caught. She peeked in finding no cook in the room. This was perfect timing. She slowly opened the door and slid into the room, slowly making her way to the unattended food when she saw them; Egg custard tarts, Avatar Aang's favorite food. She grabbed five of them and started for her escape, with one already half eaten when she got hit in the face with the door. The pain was great, but it was much worst then what it seemed like. It was the cook. She stared up at the man from the ground, stilling holding all of the desert for the night in her hands. She finished off the one tart, and handed the four tarts back nicely but that didn't work. She was sent back to her parent's room. She had to stay there for the rest of the ride, though she planned to escape that room and at least make it to her own room, by the time they reach the port into Chin Village.

An hour was all it took to hid in the room with her parents, maybe her dad knew she was behind the dresser, but her mom was clueless along with her brother. This is how she was going to do it. Her brother's nap was coming up soon, so her mother will be distracted by that, and when that happens she will just go behind them and make a dash for the door. Most likely making it out with out being seen.

The moment came for her to make her dash for it. She almost didn't get seen but her father caught her. All he did though was wink at her and whisper 'no more stealing'. He was proud of her skill to get past another Kyooshi warrior like her mother, and also get by him, since he almost didn't see her leave. But Misu took this chance and made her run for it towards her room. "Made it!" She was a bit out of breath, but nothing that bad at all. She looked out of her ship window and saw Chin Village's port. Only a few more minutes until they were docked.

This was her favorite part of the trip; unloading. She got out of the ship and watched as the Earth benders and Water benders, used their skills to carry the heavy boxes off the ship. She could stand there and watch them for the hours it took them to unload everything and reload the ship.
Last edited by whitexsuicide; 06-14-2012 at 02:21 PM.
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 01:27 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!

Sitting in his seat he watched as the water laid still but he knew better then that, he worked on his earth bending and fire, he was very shaky with his water the one he had most hard time was air, he was able to make small bits of wind bit not enough to throw full gales of them. Soon in a while he saw a ship headed for land this made him wonder. "Hey Maru are you ready to head off again? I see a ship it's headed that way." he pointed to the west. "So we should see if there is a small village there and maybe we can get a ride to RC and not have to worry about getting lost any more!" he was excited for this.

The huge beast blinked and watched as his master ran around gathering things up and get settled back his back. "Okay Maru off we go!" Thokin yelled as the armadillo lion got up headed west for the village that the ship would be docking at. After what seemed forever for the poor armadillo lion they reached the small village Chin. "Here are Maru! Chin it looks nice sorry about having you take the other path and then had you back track." as he petted Maru. Sliding down his back he land on the ground took the reigns walked into the town with his mount looked around.

"You must be hungry Maru, cause I know I am we can grab something to eat here and we see if we can get on the ship to head out to the city and find my self some teachers to help me improve my bending." as he continued to talk to armdillo lion. Stopping he could smell something being cook and it seems it caught Maru's attention also. Wondering over he spoke with the man gave what money he could give then sighed he was only able to get enough to feed Maru. "I didn't have enough sorry buddy but here you will need this more then me." as he smiled fed it to his companion.

I am the manry-est of men!

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Last edited by NikkoGallarado; 06-14-2012 at 02:16 PM.
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 01:37 PM Reply With Quote  
whitexsuicide whitexsuicide is offline
Default   #23  
Misu Moshe

Misu's attention got distracted by a armadillo Lion coming into the village. The only time she got to see one up close was at the zoo. She slowly ventured towards the animal to see if she could get close enough to pet it. She then noticed that the lion had an owner. She could only wonder if he was a bender too.

She got close enough to touch the animal, but her Kyooshi warrior training rang through her head: that maybe she should ask before just touching. "Uhh.. hi." Misu waved at the boy. He looked about her age. "Can i pet your armadillo lion?" She held her hands behind her back and waited for a reply. It was just about all she could do to keep herself from touching the animal.
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 02:36 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #24   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!

Thokin was caught of guard by the person as he looked back at her, tilting his head to the side walked up to her looked her up and down as cat would looking at someone who was watching them in return. He then moved back to Maru, whispered something to his friend then looked back at the girl. "Okay, you can pet him." he nodded some as he finished feeding Maru the last of the meat, he held on to reigns so Maru wouldn't do anything to scare the girl.

"His name is Maru, he is my friend we are heading to the city, I'm Thokin." he nodded some he was in away being a little stand offish cause of his cat like persona but at the say time he wanted to know more about this person who just showed up asking if they could pet his armadillo lion.

I am the manry-est of men!

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 02:48 PM Reply With Quote  
whitexsuicide whitexsuicide is offline
Default   #25  
Misu Moshe

Misu's eyes lit up when he said she could pet the lion. "I'm Misu Moshe. Call me what ever you like." She started to pet the beautiful cat. "I am going to the city as well! How are you getting there?" She put her face to the lion's fur and started to rub her face all over him. "soo fluffy..." She was really enjoying herself a bit too much.

She turned her head to the side to see Thokin, but still kept her face on Maru. "Are you bender? If so i would love to see some bending. Maybe I could take you out to lunch?" She gave him a smile and then continued to rub her face in the fur.
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 03:05 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #26   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!

Once the words Lunch and Bought where in the same sentence he was all over it. "Sure I can show you some, and I'll even let you ride Maru for a short bit." he said to her. As he was told never let ones kindness go undone for if you do something kind in return something good will always come about it in the end. Food was on his mind since he used what he could use to get Maru a meal before him self. "So where are you coming from?" he asked her.

I am the manry-est of men!

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 03:08 PM Reply With Quote  
whitexsuicide whitexsuicide is offline
Default   #27  
Misu Moshe

Misu was happy with their deal and went to go find a near by noodle shop with him. "Oh i am coming from Kyooshi Island. It's where i grew up." She smiled thinking about how she will try and ride him through the city in a few days. As well as Thokin bending. "You never answered my question. How are you getting to the city? Boat, train, car?" It only took them a short bit to reach the noodle shop. In fact they could still see the ship.

The restaurant was a bit busy with all of the sailors and ship riders, but they got a seat pretty quickly. "SO what type of bending do you do? Earth, Water, Fire, or Air?" She gave him a big smile, showing her teeth. It was a grand moment every time she got to talk to a bender. "I will have the Five Flavored soup please." And when ever she meant one her age, she would always take them to a meal to learn more about them. Hoping one day one will like her.
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 03:39 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #28   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!

"Oh well was going to ride Maru all the way to the city then I noticed I got lost, so I was thinking maybe we could go by boat if they will allow Maru on the ship I can't really go out any where with out him he is my best friend after all since we where small. Kiyoshi Island I hear it lovely place where you have huge Koi that people can ride is that true?" he smiled at her. Once they got to the restaurant he saw how bust it was and he could smell the food his stomach growled loudly as he pinked some. "ehh sorry haven't eaten since I left this morning to head off to the city."

Once they both found a place to sit he was asked of what kind of bending he could do. "Well I can Earth Bend, and bit of other things." was all he could really say he didn't know if he should say anything about him self being the Avatar after all everyone they said they where one something odd and strange would happen like with Aang even with Korra he was told all the trouble they went though and what had happened to them it was rather something he didn't want to have so many people know. "Umm, I'll have a beef noddle bowl is that fine?" he asked.

I am the manry-est of men!

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 03:51 PM Reply With Quote  
Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
Default   #29  
Ari got back to the main house taking off her helmet and armor as soon as the representative was safely inside. Under her armor was her under wrappings, they were loose enough to let it be still known that she was female, but tight enough to battle in. Running to her bunk in the guard area she threw on her vest, grabbing her sword. during guard duty she had to look like a typical bender, a fire sword of her waist would mark her as a highly trained individual. Now that she was off duty though it was time to let herself be known. She wasn't important enough to be known to the public eye that she was a royal, family twice displaced away from the throne but still a royal.
She wanted to get away from it though, most of the other Guards knew that she was of the royal line and they treated her differently. Hell sometimes they acted as if she were more important than the council member, which she wasn't, she was nothing important because she would never take the throne she was far enough down the line that unless the whole Capitol City was destroyed some one would all ways be there to take over.
Closing the door behind her Ari set out for the park to see if any one was causing trouble, the fire benders in this city where mostly calm but there were a few that wanted to see the rise of the Phoenix King... which thankfully would never happen. Azula had died during Avatar Korra's time, and Fire Lord Zuko didn't act like his family members. The park seemed calm today, a few air benders who weren't on the island...
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 10:26 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #30   Fey Fey is offline
Grinning wide Tayu took no exception to Taku's words. "A second is nearly a year, specially if I have to sit STILL for it! But that's okay, you learn to talk over me, or at least everyone I met has." A puff of air brought the smell of puffed crab and her stomach growled. "And, uhm, I guess I'm sorta related to the Councilman...it's like a bunch of seconds and thirds and half removed cousin steps, but there's some sort of relationship. Though I know he sometimes claims I'm not." Rocking on her heels she sways to and fro.

"And if you're not a cousin, of some sort, does that mean there were other air benders that survived the war long, long, long ago? Or is your family some deep dark secret love child sorta thing? And I swear, I never got lost at home, but I think they change street names every Friday because I knew where this great tea shop was, but when I tried to go back it was a dry cleaners! And I know I didn't get lost...maybe...probably...."
(Ju, et al, I hate to do this, but I'm gonna be outta town until sunday night, so if need be you can either drag Tayu around or you can just say she hyper-lost herself into the woods, sorry! I was just so excited this got started I couldn't wait!)
I've gone to look for myself, if I should return before I get back keep me here.
|What is your Quest?|
Nikko was here out of love for Fey. <3

beautiful art by littl3chocobo
Last edited by Fey; 06-15-2012 at 10:59 AM.
Old Posted 06-15-2012, 12:44 AM Reply With Quote  
whitexsuicide whitexsuicide is offline
Default   #31  
Misu Moshe

Misu wondered if he had thought through the whole ship ride thing, but at that moment she was more interested in in what he meant by 'bit of other things'. "So can you metal bend as well? That could come in handy." She grinned at him. Misu started to play with a metal spoon in hopes that if he could she would ask him to bend the spoon.

A few moments went by and their soup was brought to them. "This smells yummy! Have you ever tried the water tribe's famous soup?" She offered some of the soup to him, not minding if he used her spoon. "Oh and about the koi fish. Yes. It is true! they are very big and only the water benders can ride them, so i never got the chance." Her mood dimmed a bit at the thought of her not being bale to bend anything. She took a sip of her soup and cheared herself up. "mmmm It's so good!" She looked at a clock and saw that it had been getting closer to the ship getting ready to sail off. "Oh, it's almost time for my ship to set sail. Have you figured out how you are getting up to the city?" She felt the need to help the bender to get where he had to go. And she wanted to become better friends with him as well. She had few bender friends. Most of her friends were from her home town or from her Kyoshi Warrior class, but that was it.
Old Posted 06-15-2012, 02:00 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #32   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
"I'm pretty sure my parents' story falls woefully short of a good romance novel." Taku did note her stomach growling. As he turned, "He let's get something to eat!"

The young man held a momentary paused when he noticed 2 other people nearby seeming to be staring at him and Tayu...one was a woman seeming to possess wisdom that came with age. The other was a warrior judging by how she held herself. That or just a hot girl with a rebellious streak, maybe both. In any case Taku didn't like the feeling of being watched. He hoped he was just being needlessly paranoid.

Taku liked crab puffs so he decided to speak to at least one of them. "Good evening ma'am. Where'd you buy that crab puff? It smells really good."
Old Posted 06-15-2012, 10:40 PM Reply With Quote  

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