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~N~ ~N~ is offline
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Default Carmella High ~ Open~   #1  

Info: hi there this is Carmella high were demons,angels,nekos,werewolves and vampire go to school to learn how to control there abilities and basic life learning and maybe learn new abilities . This school will be holding 20 students max its not much but only high class students come to Carmella high .

Also ones you have signed your self in you may wait in the main en tell your name is called you rooms will be in sets of 4 ea of you will get you own bed own dresser and own closest

and room service and house cleaning so enjoy your self and have fun and make friends

sincerely your principle

this is a rp i had open in ernya i hope you injoy it as much as they did :> and i am a hug rp fan so pm me links to your
rps and i'll be happy to join :>

you may post you profiles here
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Last edited by ~N~; 10-03-2010 at 02:44 AM.
Old Posted 09-26-2010, 03:56 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   ~N~ ~N~ is offline
Addicted to Trisphee

Angel~ 3 spots open

Were Wolves ~ 3 Spots Open

Vampire ~ 3 Spots Open

Neko ~ 3 spots open

Demon 3 Spots Open
Old Posted 09-26-2010, 03:56 AM Reply With Quote  
~N~ ~N~ is offline
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Default   #3  

Online Name:
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Abilities:( limit 3)
Pitcher: ( if your a were wolf please show wolf form here to )
Old Posted 09-26-2010, 03:57 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   ~N~ ~N~ is offline
Addicted to Trisphee

UserName : ~N~
character name: Nana
Race royal pure bred vampire
UserName: ~N~
character name: troy
Race: Angel

Originally Posted by Poggio View Post
Online Name: Poggio
Character Name: Ryan
Race: Inu ( I hope you don’t mind you can just lump me with the werewolves. )
Age: 17
Likes: He is a lover of many things. He especially enjoys drawing and taking pictures. He also likes long walks without a leash and chasing cats. His favorite game to play is fetch and find the bone.
Dislikes: He has a natural dislike of cats but can tolerate them. He also hates being in one spot for too long.
Bio: He was born the youngest pup in his family. By the time he was 3 he and siblings realized they could change between human and dog.
Personality: Ryan is bright friendly and outgoing.
Abilities: His main ability is shape shifting. As a human he can summon hell hounds. It’s a universal trait of his family. They are his family’s guardians and protectors and only come when called.
Picture: Human form Dog from

Originally Posted by Evil View Post
Online Name: Evil
Character Name: Lumael
Race: demon
Age: 16
Likes: Fire, and lots of it. Tormenting and scaring people, and also generally causing trouble and mayhem. Enjoys heavily caffeinated beverages, chocolates, and raw meats. ....Hamsters...he likes hamsters. Also likes shiny things. Being told he's evil, bad, etc.
Dislikes: People who ruin his fun. Extremely bright lights. Vegetables. Dolls and plushies..as weird things tend to happen when he's around them. Being told that he's kind, helpful, and anything good.
Bio: Lumael grew up with a very loving and caring demon family, which he viewed as something that was abnormal. He detested it and often ran away just to do the things he thought a demon was supposed to do. Eventually his family found out and decided to send him off to school where he will have to learn to be more civilized and kind...hopefully.
Personality: He acts insane and is a troublemaker who will cause a stir whenever he feels he has a good chance to do it successfully. He can be very vicious, but also has a sweet, gooey center at random times.
Abilities: Dolls+plushies animate when he's nearby (has no control over what they do), possessing/hiding within inanimate objects.
Picture: Head shot -- Full body
Last edited by ~N~; 10-03-2010 at 02:48 AM.
Old Posted 09-26-2010, 03:58 AM Reply With Quote  
~N~ ~N~ is offline
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Default   #5  
Old Posted 09-26-2010, 03:59 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
Online Name: Poggio
Character Name: Ryan
Race: Inu ( I hope you don’t mind you can just lump me with the werewolves. )
Age: 17
Likes: He is a lover of many things. He especially enjoys drawing and taking pictures. He also likes long walks without a leash and chasing cats. His favorite game to play is fetch and find the bone.
Dislikes: He has a natural dislike of cats but can tolerate them. He also hates being in one spot for too long.
Bio: He was born the youngest pup in his family. By the time he was 3 he and siblings realized they could change between human and dog.
Personality: Ryan is bright friendly and outgoing.
Abilities: His main ability is shape shifting. As a human he can summon hell hounds. It’s a universal trait of his family. They are his family’s guardians and protectors and only come when called.
Picture: Human form Dog from
Old Posted 09-26-2010, 04:40 PM Reply With Quote  
~N~ ~N~ is offline
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Default   #7  
accepted you may post when ever you get back on :3
Old Posted 09-26-2010, 06:29 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
Ryan’s heart was pounding. He had been running all over campus not sure what to do with himself. His parents dropped him off earlier then he had expected. He reached another hill and started to roll in the grass. The fresh smell was a joyful welcome to the stuffy car. He reached the bottom with his vision still spinning. He lay in the grass looking at the sky not quite remembering where he was suppose to be.

Last edited by Poggio; 09-28-2010 at 10:32 PM.
Old Posted 09-26-2010, 09:32 PM Reply With Quote  
Evil Evil is offline
lurking ninja
Default   #9  
Online Name: Evil
Character Name: Lumael
Race: demon
Age: 16
Likes: Fire, and lots of it. Tormenting and scaring people, and also generally causing trouble and mayhem. Enjoys heavily caffeinated beverages, chocolates, and raw meats. ....Hamsters...he likes hamsters. Also likes shiny things. Being told he's evil, bad, etc.
Dislikes: People who ruin his fun. Extremely bright lights. Vegetables. Dolls and plushies..as weird things tend to happen when he's around them. Being told that he's kind, helpful, and anything good.
Bio: Lumael grew up with a very loving and caring demon family, which he viewed as something that was abnormal. He detested it and often ran away just to do the things he thought a demon was supposed to do. Eventually his family found out and decided to send him off to school where he will have to learn to be more civilized and kind...hopefully.
Personality: He acts insane and is a troublemaker who will cause a stir whenever he feels he has a good chance to do it successfully. He can be very vicious, but also has a sweet, gooey center at random times.
Abilities: Dolls+plushies animate when he's nearby (has no control over what they do), possessing/hiding within inanimate objects.
Picture: Head shot -- Full body
Last edited by Evil; 09-28-2010 at 05:13 PM.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 12:43 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   ~N~ ~N~ is offline
Addicted to Trisphee
accept you may post when ever :>
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 05:54 AM Reply With Quote  
Evil Evil is offline
lurking ninja
Default   #11  
When everything seemed quiet, a black car sped through the roads leading to the relatively large school structure, destroying the peaceful atmosphere of the area. It screeched to a halt near the entrance of the building, kicking up whatever dirt and stray rocks into the air, and creating a noxious cloud of dust mixed with tire smoke. Suddenly, a door swiftly swung out, bouncing back until it was only two-thirds of the way open, and soon a tall, menacing fellow in a black suit pulled himself out of the seat. He straightened the sleeves which had wrinkled across his bulky arms and then grinned to the fact that the passenger whom he was sitting next to was cowering to the farthest side, which was blocked off by another person who was hindering the passenger's attempts to escape. Inevitably, the two people worked together to get the unwilling passenger out of the car and into the streets, and another had gone to the backside to pull out a suitcase and dropped it right in the road behind the car.

"Don't worry, the drugs will wear off soon," the woman standing near the trunk said, without turning her head to view the person whom she was talking with, but it was apparent where she was directing her attention, "Have fun!" And soon everyone had returned inside the vehicle, which sped off as though they were in an extreme hurry to get somewhere.

Lumael coughed from the airborne debris and rolled onto his back, where he pushed himself up into a sitting position. He was still groggy from the drugs but was fully aware what had happened: his parents sent him to school. He had protested to such a ridiculous idea earlier, and would have had a fist fight to prevent it if he had the chance, but it had appeared his family was just one step ahead of him at the time.

He rubbed his eyes and looked back at the building, sneering at the thought of what his family expected from him and his school attendance. Lumael might be on campus, but it didn't mean he was going to cooperate with whatever system they had in place. In fact, he was starting to scheme with ideas about how to make life miserable for every person in the school.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 11:30 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
Ryan lazed in the grass a bit more. Content with falling asleep amongst the grass. He started to chew bits of grass that had fallen into his face. His ears perked up a bit when he heard tires screeching to a halt some here just beyond his vision. He rolled over to get a better look at what was going on. As the door opened he smelled something. He sniffed the air again making sure he was correct. The air had a subtle hint of charred wood. He crawled closer to the spectacle forgetting that he had two legs instead of four. He hid himself behind a tree as a young man was ceremoniously dropped on the ground along with all his things. His tail wagged excitedly. It was the first time since his parents dropped him off that he had seen another living person.

Sniffing the air again, Ryan coughed a little covering his nose. As much as he wanted to pounce on the young man he kept his distance. He watched him pull himself off the ground and survey the campus. He took a deep breath after a moment having all of his senses adjusted to the general small of drugs and burnt wood. He just couldn’t contain himself any longer. He leaped from behind the tree, collapsing into a seat beside the young man licking his face. “ Hi” He grinned, his tail creating a little whirlwind behind him.
Old Posted 09-29-2010, 11:16 PM Reply With Quote  
Evil Evil is offline
lurking ninja
Default   #13  
It took Lumael a few seconds to realize what had just happened. And when he did realize, his tail coiled itself closer to his body and the short black fur stood on end, showing that he was shocked by the sudden appearance. Soon, he had his tail plopped straight out behind him with the tip swishing in a similar pattern to the stranger's tail, and then he leaned closer to Ryan and licked his cheek with a tongue as rough as one belonging to a cat.

Lumael leaned back and smiled as though what had just happened was perfectly normal for greeting other people, "Hi! Oh my oh my! You look like a dog! Have you been neutered yet?" What was once a friendly smile in appearance quickly turned into a malicious grin while his tail curled around and pointed towards Ryan's back. Lumael's behavior hinted that he was ready to attack the amicable stranger, but his goal was to stir some fear within Ryan for some amusement before doing anything that would injure Ryan.
Old Posted 09-30-2010, 01:29 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
Ryan was a little surprised that the boy licked him back. The ghostly feeling lingered on his face. He was honestly expecting something else. Especially since he didn’t sniff his butt first. He reached up to whip any residue off his face. But as soon as the boy said the word Neutered, confusion fell on his face. Why would he have been neutered? By his parents standards he was still just a pup. Through some strange logic every thing seem to connect in Ryan’s mind. The reason why he smelled like drugs and burnt wood. He let in a sharp gasp. “They didn’t…” He said not sure how sensitive his new friend was. “Did they?” He immediately lacked on to the stranger out of pure sympathy, coughing as he hugged him tightly. “Your parent’s neutered you and sent you to school.”
Old Posted 10-02-2010, 12:33 AM Reply With Quote  
Evil Evil is offline
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Default   #15  
((roflmao epic x'DDDD))

Lumael's eyes widened the moment he was hugged, and almost rolled his eyes in disgust from how uncomfortably friendly Ryan was. Then his stomach flipped with Ryan's last comment. He knew his parents weren't 'that' insane to strip him like a dog, but it was still a possibility and he did not enjoy the thought of it...about the things they could have done to him when he was out cold. Though, on top of feeling disgusted, he was also aggravated by how quickly this stranger had turned the situation around with a simple comment and ruined his hopes of trying to make quick entertainment out of the target.

"You're a dumb mutt! Get off of me!" he used his hands to try to pry Ryan's arms off, and he used the flat side of his tail against Ryan's face in an attempt to push the dog boy off and away from himself. He was well aware that someone like Ryan would be hard to shake off and shuddered at the thought of seeing other classmates like Ryan. In fact..he wasn't sure if Ryan 'was' a classmate at all because the way Ryan acted made it very difficult to tell, "Are you even supposed to be on campus!?"
Old Posted 10-02-2010, 01:10 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!

Ryan stumbled backwards on to the ground. He was still confused by the young man. His ears drooped a little. There was no need for insults; it wasn’t like he peed on the guy’s carpet. “Hay I am not a mutt!” He said indignantly. He pushed himself off the ground a little hurt that he was shoved away. At the mention of being on campus Ryan turned to search for his luggage. It was still where he left it earlier when he went romping around in the grass.

“ Yes I am!” Ryan remembered why he was here in the first place. Although he had no idea what he was suppose to do. His parents left him with some instructions but he had forgotten them. He sprung to his feet stretching out his limbs as he stood. “Are you suppose to be here?” he asked. He instinctively offered his hand to the young boy, wondering how much the drugs had worn off during their conversation.
Old Posted 10-02-2010, 09:21 PM Reply With Quote  

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