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Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Default The Alchemist's Desire [RP Search]   #1  

Hello, Welcome To The Alchemist's Desire

{ A Role-Play Search Thread. }
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 03:56 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
♚ What I am looking for in a rp partner:
• Litteracy. I prefer to role play with people that use proper spelling and grammar. A few mistakes sometimes is fine, and inevitable, I will not hold that against you.

• Post Length. It is very hard to advance the role play when the participants are posting one liners. I prefer that you post between 1-3 paragraphs or more. My usual posts can sometimes be 3-5 paragraphs, and usually introductions might be longer, unelss you know a bit about my character already.

• Dedication. I am looking for a rp partner that is active. I am aware that writer's block does happen, and I am not asking that you post every day and multiple times a day, but a few times a week would be nice. Also, if you plan on being away for a while, please inform me before you go, so I'm not left hanging. Same if you do not wish to continue the role play.

• God-Moding. You will not do it. I really don't think this was something that needed to be said, because I know that most people hate it as well. Nothing ruins the fun of a role play more than someone doing this. Come on, you have to take a hit sometimes!

• While we will be role playing in the boards, it would be nice to be able to contact you via AIM or MSN to discuss plot details.
Last edited by Alexander Linden; 09-28-2010 at 04:05 PM.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 03:56 PM Reply With Quote  
Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Default   #3  
♚ Character Listing

These are some of my characters that I have created for role playing. I can create new characters to role play with, but if you would like to role play with me while I'm using one of these characters, that is perfectly fine with me.

♚ Role plays I would be interested in
• Romance. I am not interested in a role play that completely revolves around romance, but light romance is fine. I will only role play boy love though.

• Genres. I prefer sci-fi and fantasy genres. I love horror, and a little blood is perfectly fine with me, as long as it doesn't break the rules.

• Dungeons and Dragons. I play this table-top rpg a lot. So D&D settings and character making would be cool if you're interested. I also play Pathfinder IRL, which is kinda similar to D&D 3.5.

• Guild Wars. The setting mostly. Tyrian characters preferred, though they can travel to Cantha and Elona.

• Pokemon. In setting only, I don't want to role play characters from the canon, but trainers living in the world with their own Pokemon is fine with me. We can work on plot ideas from there.

• Original Characters. These are much preferred over characters from anime/manga and other media, but I will make some acceptions.

May add more later.
♚ Plot Ideas
• An Academy of Psionics where as a game, they enter dreams in teams of 3-4. A dreamwalker is needed to enter dreams and bring the rest of the group into the dreams, they can also manipulate the dreams and have 'empathy' powers (this is the ability to sense emotions of those around them). I'm still working on the plot idea, however, this is the setting I'm working on.
♚ Notes
The next two posts are samples. They are introduction posts for role plays that I have done. Note that my posts aren't always that long.

If you want to play with me, please state here. You can either send me samples via PM, or post them here. If you post your samples here, please put the samples in "Quote" tags.
Last edited by Alexander Linden; 09-04-2011 at 12:37 AM.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 03:57 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
♚ Sample I

This is the first post I wrote for the 'Solemn High' RP on the site-that-must-not-be-named. I was actually quite proud of this post, so I decided to post it here in my portfolio.

A few things to note: this may be the first post by me in the rp, but it is a reaction to a few things that happened in another post that came before I posted. His instructor threw kendo swords at them, and two, they are demons and each have certain powers. His instructor has control of fire magics, I.E. the sparks that he reacts to is something she did to get the students attention, and the kendo stick stopping in front of him is the result of his telekinetic abilities.


Punctual was one word to describe him, though it was something completely different when he was the first one there about an hour before the club activities were supposed to even begin. In fact, Ms. Blake, the teacher who had started the club, hadn't even arrived herself.

It had been just the other day that Gabriel had mentioned to the red-headed instructor that he had been in a kendo club at his old school. Of course, he had to quit that along with many other activities before he began his study here at Solemn High, and he was just a little disappointed upon arrival that no such club had been formed. He assumed this was one of the reasons that the teacher had decided to start this club herself, though there must have been a few other factors, considering the word of just one student wouldn't be enough to set up the battle room for practice.

So there he in the middle of the battle room in meditation. It had been a deep meditation at first, but about forty-five minutes later, some of the students had already started showing up, along with Ms. Blake herself.

He waited as the other students chatted amongst themselves, and didn't even look the instructors way when he heard loud sparks she used to grab the attention of the students, a younger student next to him jumped at the sound, and Gabriel only scratched the side of his head in response.

After looking over the other students in the room, he assumed that very little of them had actually been in a club like this before. There were a lot of them though, he hadn't realized there would be this much interest in such a club at all.

It was then that just a glance stopped the wooden sword about half a foot in front of him. Staring at it for a moment, he adjusted his black-framed glasses, then reached to take the motionless object out of the air.

Icy blue eyes darted to the right as a second year asked if he would practice with them. He looked the younger girl over for a moment, and decided it would be alright. They were supposed to change partners every few minutes anyway, and he hoped somewhere along the line he would find a more challenging student to spar with. He already assumed that he would be one of the two students sparring with Ms. Blake at the end of the 'meeting' anyway.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a red-haired student catching a wooden kendo sword. Testamente, that was his name. The other student was in the same class as him, and he wondered if the other had been trained with a sword. Maybe he would get a chance to test out the other after a few sparring matches with some of the younger students.

He didn't really know Testamente very well, but they had had a few assignments to do together, both being hunters and all. The other man was arrogant and self centered, but for some reason, Gabriel liked him. This was very uncommon, considering Gabriel really didn't have much of an impression of any of the students. He usually kept to himself and rarely made connections with the others. Cold was a word that he had heard people describe him as, though that wasn't really the case. Truth was, Gabriel was actually quite shy, and that was the real reason that kept him from making such connections.

After practicing with some of the other students, he started to grow a bit bored with them. His assumption at the beginning of the club meeting was obviously right, a lot of the students had not had any sort of sword training. His eyes once again settled on Testamente as the student he had just practiced with went to find another partner with a frustrated sigh.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 03:58 PM Reply With Quote  
Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Default   #5  
♚ A Formal Invitation Part I

A book snapped shut, the sound rang through his large study, and echoed about the third floor. He looked to his maid, and stood up, stretching his limbs.

"It is about time I have greeted our guests," he said, not really talking to anyone as he adjusted the monocle fixed about his right eye. The Suu girl had interrupted his reading earlier, the reason he had stayed in the study a bit longer than was really necessary.

He walked over to the door without saying more the the maid. She had been expecting it, since he had acted this way towards her since he had come into possesion of this grand multi-dimensional mansion.

He strode down the long hall, his footsteps echoing off the walls. Everything was so large and grand, and yet so impersonal. It was cold, the way he liked it, the way he wanted it to be. The Formal itself was neutral ground, and nothing could be done at all today anyway, so he might as well make the best of it.

He walked down the first staircase to the second floor, then again down that hall. The guest bedrooms lined this hall. There were papers taped to each door displaying the names of the guests that would be sharing these rooms for the next couple days. One had a missing sign, so someone had been in that room already. No matter, they were free to come here as they wished, as long as they did not leave the rooms after curfew.

Then he reached the mammoth-sized staircase that led to the main hall. Marble and glass, cold as the dead. A hand reached to touch the railing at the side of the staircase, and he strode out of the shadows, and stood before the occupants of the Hall. Not everyone had arrived yet, but that was fine, they would be here shortly. It was time he made the entrance speach anyway, before anything became out of hand.

"Greetings guests." he said, his voice echoing through the hall. When he knew he had their attention, he continued.

"Welcome to the Annual Dimensions Formal, and Starlight Mansion. Some of you may already know me, and those that do not, I am Fei Wong Reed. Due to the nature of the Formal, this is considered neutral territory, meaning there will be no violence while the Formal is held. That being said, we are all friends until the Formal has ended. Of course, no one will be here then, I will not have anything happen to the Mansion."

He paused, looking at each guest in turn, spotting the Space-Time Witch. She had been at many Formals for the longest time. He was not surprised to see her.

"Also, no magic is to be used. Empaths," he said, looking specifically at Kudo Kazahaya, knowingly, "as they cannot completely control their powers are fine, they will not be punished in any way. The last rule is that no one may leave their rooms after curfew. Anyone who has come to this sort of Formal before," he was looking at Yuuko now, "Know this rule already."

"I will now point out our guest of honor, Watanuki Kimihiro. An employee of Ichihara Yuuko," he made a small nood in Watanuki's direction, "Being the guest of honor at such a grand event is similar to a coming-of-age, and is not to be taken lightly. You will recieve more details about this later though."

He smiled now, a cold smile, his eyes slightly closed, "Enough with the formalities though. I am sure my guests are famished and require something hot to eat." He pointed toward the corridor they had walked through when the reached the mansion. The one lined with the Shouji screens. Each room contained large dining halls able to seat multiple guests.

"We will all go through that hall now, into the first room on the right. The Shouji door with the yellow crane painted on it. I am sure that dinner has already been set on the table. Please enjoy."

He took as step back, waiting to hear the reactions from the guests.
♚ A Formal Invitation Part II

He watched the guests shuffle out of the main Hall and into the long corridor. Once he saw that they were all out, he began his decent down the grand marble stair case. He was then following the straglers down the hall and into the dinnng room he had indicated, the one with the Shouji door that had the painting of a yellow crane.

This was the 'Yellow Crane Dinning Hall', the largest of all the dinning halls in the Starlight Mansion. It could accomedate all the guests for the Annual Dimensions Formal and more, if needed.

The clockwork maids with the doll ears came in and out from the kitchen, the door on the other side of the hall. It was a tatami-floored room, with little decorations, a few paintings, but that was it. But the table was just like what you would see in a Western home, granted much longer for all the people that would be sitting at it.

Everything had already been set out, and he took his seat at one end of the table, looking over the guests, and began to eat himself.

When he noticed a lot of the guests were finishing up with their meals, and he was about done himself, he decided it would be best to say his dinner speach. Then he beleived the clockwork maids would come out with their dessert.

"May I have your attention once more?" he said now, standing up. When Fei Wong could tell he had everyone's attention, he continued.

"I have gone over the rules, and now I will go over the agenda for the next three days that you will be here. As I said earlier, Watanuki Kimihiro is our guest of honor, and his innitiation will be on the last day. Breakfast will be server each morning at dawn. There will be a maid assigned to each room to make sure you do not miss it.

After breakfast tomorrow, there will be a game. I will not give any details about the game at this time, all tomorrow of course."

He looked over the guests, knowing that they would want to know what sort of game they would be involved in.

"All you need to know is that everyone will need a partner, and it will take the entire day. There will be a prize for whoever 'wins' this game. I'll discuss the rest of the agenda with you at dinner tomorrow night. Now on to dessert, then you can return to the main Hall to talk or whatever you wish. Curfew is when the bell chimes three times. Thank you for your attention."

Fei Wong Reed sat back down as the clockwork maids began setting dessert in front of each guest.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 03:59 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 03:59 PM Reply With Quote  
Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
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Reserved 2
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 04:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Now Open for posting. ^^
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 04:03 PM Reply With Quote  
GothicBellydncr GothicBellydncr is offline
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Hello, how are you? I was wondering if you would be interested in either a sci-fi roleplay or a fantasy roleplay. I have a setting idea for the sci-fi genre, and I have something of a plot for the fantasy genre.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 04:07 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
hn... I do like sci-fi/fantasy. I suppose it depends on the plot. What do you have?

Mystic Menagerie (Temp Art) | The Alchemist's Den | The Alchemist's Desire | IRL Commissions

♔ Trisphee's one and only Vampire Prince ♔
Currently working on "Dream World Is Mine" art.
Let me catch you in my Dark Void...

Old Posted 09-28-2010, 04:10 PM Reply With Quote  
GothicBellydncr GothicBellydncr is offline
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Well, this is the setting idea I have:

The year is 2663, and Earth is nothing more than a metal covered planet of a city, a metropolitan planet with artificial oxygen and massive space ports. Floating in vastness of space are colonies, each their own nation. Mars is dotted with dome like colonies, each run by their own government. It was in this year that it was decided they would try to organize the Earth, colonies, and Mars under one government rule, but this failed, and crime took over. Various crime syndicates rule the colonies and Mars, and Earth is nothing more than their play ground. Police have become useless, and the governments try to bring about a resolution. Chaos rules, and no place is safe in this time of anarchy. Bounty hunters and assassins are hired daily, and the police have been reduced to clearing bodies from the streets.

I don't have a concrete plot at the moment for the setting though.
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 04:12 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   Sei Sei is offline
Moderation Admin
*reserves a home here* :3

Galla: always, all the time, a galla has no tolerance for it, and galla has all the tolerance.

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Old Posted 09-28-2010, 04:13 PM Reply With Quote  
Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Default   #13  
I'm still kind of updating my third post. lol

Mystic Menagerie (Temp Art) | The Alchemist's Den | The Alchemist's Desire | IRL Commissions

♔ Trisphee's one and only Vampire Prince ♔
Currently working on "Dream World Is Mine" art.
Let me catch you in my Dark Void...

Old Posted 09-28-2010, 04:52 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Sei Sei is offline
Moderation Admin
Okay, so here is what I propose for us to roleplay, if you're interested:

Our characters are both of Ascalonian in origin. We're roleplaying in that two-year gap that the characters never actually get to see (and beyond that, if we like the roleplay). We're both males, in the military, fighting against charr. We form some sort of relationship, fight more charr, follow the prophesy (if we continue on).

I'd like to explore Kyrta and do Shining Blade/White Mantle as well. :3

I can post a sample of my writing style if you would need that to approve of this roleplay.

/proposal submitted...
/awaiting response...

Galla: always, all the time, a galla has no tolerance for it, and galla has all the tolerance.

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Old Posted 09-28-2010, 06:46 PM Reply With Quote  
Evil Evil is offline
lurking ninja
Default   #15  
So far so good 83. Looks like Alex will rp a storm x3
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 06:56 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
♔ Vampire Prince ♔
Sei - Yeah, sample, please. ^^

Bug - I hope xD

Mystic Menagerie (Temp Art) | The Alchemist's Den | The Alchemist's Desire | IRL Commissions

♔ Trisphee's one and only Vampire Prince ♔
Currently working on "Dream World Is Mine" art.
Let me catch you in my Dark Void...

Old Posted 09-28-2010, 07:00 PM Reply With Quote  

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