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SakuraMinamino SakuraMinamino is offline
Default   #225  
@Alex: That's probably because they have a bajizillion dollars to buy superfast servers. xDDD We'll get there someday!! *grin*

This Sushi has been Fen-Bitten
Old Posted 10-10-2010, 02:16 PM  
Default   #226   Logan Logan is offline
Fydan Ela Yen

Thats fine and that all i have to say to Poot, Linden.

I just want to be sure that Poot has updated
version of browser to lessen the problem with
Trisphee, that all i was aiming for when i posted here.

@Sakura; my point exactly.

Old Posted 10-10-2010, 02:16 PM  
Alexander Linden Alexander Linden is offline
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Default   #227  
Sakura - haha yeah, and money makes money as they say! I'd like for Trisphee to grow, but it will be hard when it feels like the community is too big to follow anymore.

Logan - Well that's fine then. ^^

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Old Posted 10-10-2010, 02:20 PM  
Default   #228   Zypher Zypher is offline
Master Ninja, and Thread Eater of Doom!
There will always be users who love or hate the site for various reasons. Despite all of Poot's issues with the site, it's no reason for others to respond to the feedback in disagreement. A lot of poot's issues are either on the to do list or are still under development in some way.

Being honest definitely isn't the same as trolling.
Old Posted 10-10-2010, 02:28 PM  
Coda Coda is offline
Default   #229  
Being honest isn't trolling; being rude is. Your first post was incredibly rude. Your actual feedback is well taken. Much of what you've what you've said is already on the to-do list -- better organization for the avatar editor should be up by the end of the week, for instance, maybe slightly longer depending on how long the actual grunt work of shuffling things around takes. Shop performance is on the list already and has already seen some not-insignificant improvement.

The two years past was essentially all artwork -- most of the code work done before about 2-3 months ago has been completely overhauled when we got a new coder, so essentially you're looking at a website that's 2-3 months old, not one that's two years old. The overall interface design is far from final, as well; we had to make a difficult decision to either open before we were ready or risk losing users, and we chose to open -- we may be losing a few users due to this, but I believe we would have lost more otherwise.
Old Posted 10-10-2010, 02:29 PM  
Default   #230   Fenris Fenris is offline
Art Meiser
I'd like to point a few things out to Poot, I completely understand your oppinion on some of these things. But we are a new avi site. We were in development for a very long period of time because we had a slow coder before this one (granted he was talented but he had to many projects) not to mention we had a lot of problems. Because we are new we don't have the cash to go lay down a lot of money on a really good web designer, I hate this layout because its not fancy at all and it is just a basic layout to get us by for now. I have said that plenty of times. And as other users have said, we aren't big enough/aren't getting enough money to get a 'dedicated' server. At least we are paying for what we have so you don't have to deal with crappy free-site loading. As for loading problem, I would really like to know what your are using. my phone loads this site like lightning and its a phone. The only reason my comp doesn't is because I am using so much ram while working that it can't.

As for basic items, we are looking into a set that will automatically be in your inventory. We are a 'baby' site we can't please all avenues at the snap of a thumb. You have to give the site time. We have less than 800 members and only a small portion of them are able to donate to help the site grow faster. If we were rich this site would of been opened years ago because wed of had a dedicated everything. But we don't, we are trying our hardest with what we have.
The Almighty Fen-God
[8:25:15 PM] Galla: o3o ty for amusing my peen obsession
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Old Posted 10-10-2010, 02:31 PM  
Poot Poot is offline
Zombie Platypus
Default   #231  
I have logged into Trisphee from my 13" macbook pro that is a beast of a machine and doesn't have problems loading any other sites nor huge graphics heavy video games. I've loaded it on the killer 27" imacs at school. I've loaded it on various friends PC's which were bought this year. All of them, the shops and avatar system load really, really slow.

Go to deviantart, you can find someone there that does web design for a few hundred bucks rather than a thousand.

Hopefully this site will be great in a year or so. But at the present moment, it leaves much to be desired even at the level it's at. Best of luck, but I've never been so disappointed in a site's opening. I'd been keeping up with you on twitter since you announced it.

Sorry fen.
Old Posted 10-10-2010, 02:45 PM  
Default   #232   Azrael Azrael is offline
Blue Fish
I'm on my 13" macbook pro (granted a 2010) and it loads just fine and great. Admittedly sometimes the avatar system is slow or the shops, but I also have a bunch of tabs open or am doing other things. I've never had any issues where it's so slow it's completely unbearable, though.

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Old Posted 10-10-2010, 02:47 PM  
Coda Coda is offline
Default   #233  
As I said, Poot, rather than leaving for a year, try a month. We've got big plans even short-term and I think you'll find yourself pleased with the changes that you'll see between now and our next holiday event.
Old Posted 10-10-2010, 02:50 PM  
Default   #234   Fenris Fenris is offline
Art Meiser
All I have to say is that its not like gaia started great, it is not like other sites have started great. Its something you work up for, and I know Zy's and I's staff works more than hard enough to be given the benefit of the doubt and given a chance to work towards the greatness we so desire. Saying you are disappointed in us for an opening that you didn't think was great enough is like judging a book by its cover. You can't just look at what is now you have to look at what will be ans what makes up the staff. The Trisphee staff is very hard working, and we will become much better. You have to give us time all the money we have spent in development has been on coding, website costs, art, and pixeling. None of that is cheap what so ever. We have paid 99% of that out of our own pockets, I am saying rather than judging a site that is practically brand new, why not give it a chance and see where it goes rather. Ask us what we have planned. What we are doing etc.
The Almighty Fen-God
[8:25:15 PM] Galla: o3o ty for amusing my peen obsession
Married to: Galla, Aurelia, Sei, Demonskid, Arrikanez and Ashy.
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Old Posted 10-10-2010, 02:52 PM  
Demonskid Demonskid is offline
Pocket Demon Ninja
Default   #235  
I run a HP compaq running on vista.. I use the latest Mozilla and safari browsers and I don't have any problems. Not even in the shops or avatar edit area.

I love this site because of the friendly atmosphere.. I could honestly care less about its layout and can wait for when all the other things that need actual work, like the profiles, and other more important things that need to be done.

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Old Posted 10-10-2010, 02:54 PM  
Default   #236   sprinkles sprinkles is offline
i really like how the site is coming along, so far. :>
i'm sure it'll get better and better over time.
Old Posted 10-10-2010, 03:31 PM  
Cronislee Cronislee is offline
The Infernal Knight
Default   #237  
Originally Posted by Poot View Post
I'm not trolling. I'm giving feedback in a feedback site.

A site should not be open to the public and asking for money before it's got a more solid piece to present to what we are....customers. What incentive do I have to purchase an item on this site?

The shops are slow. They take much longer to load than they should.

The avatar system is incomplete and having basic features included in it is sort of...basic. Of the 15 or so avatar communities I've beta'd and been a member of, I can say that this one is the most difficult and unpleasant one I've had to use.

Constructive criticism. I don't know who you hired to design your website (the buttons, color scheme, etc) but fire them. I've seen 12 year olds design it better. Invest in a web designer that actually knows a bit about design and you will be flooded with customers. I've heard from a huge chunk of people on this site that the current design and layout of the site is pretty much the main reason they will no longer be visiting the site.

It just really makes me wonder what work went into the 2+ years this site was in development. I'm perfectly aware of what it takes to plan a project that requires art and coding and release it. I'm not ignorant in that aspect. But I've watched other sites develop and open that have a beautiful design, solid systems, and just overall were more pleasing in user friendliness.

You have a confusing avatar system and no basic features in it. The LEAST you could do was have some sort of guide for new users. I got so frustrated trying to make a base avatar that I nearly quit the site right there.

Not trying to be a dick. If it were my site I'd rather have people tell me how it is so I can fix it rather than be all like, "OH EM GEE UR SITE IS SOOOO GR8!" when it's by far not.

Somehow, however, being honest = trolling to 95% of the internet population.

Not my fight, I really could care less because not only do I not know wtf a troll is in regards to net-lingo, I dont use Gaia online and the like. But there is such a thing as politeness, something that individuals ofton forget to use in regards to the internet. Whether your critiquing a site or not, saying "I've seen twelve year olds design better" is not constructive critisism, its being, as you phraised it, "a dick". I have never used an Avitar site before this one, and I figured out how to use the Avitar design system almost immediately, so if you had trouble with it, that is refered to as User Error. Perhapse other sites have the funds to "invest in a web designer" but not everyone can do that. If you had taken the time to look into the forums, you will (or would have) see (seen) that there is a section called "the Welcome Wagon". Within that, you will find not one, not two, but eight pages of "Help" related threads. How much more "user Friendly" do you want it to be? Not only is it straight forward, it practically spells it out for you. So there is no reason to bash the site or its designers for the fact that there are small (yes, SMALL) issues that you do not like. Those "Kinks" will be worked out over time.
Also, it is possible to explain issues you are having and still be polite.

I appologize if, by chance, I have offended any viewers, or been out of line. However, politeness is a cornerstone of society, on and off the web.
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Old Posted 10-10-2010, 03:33 PM  
Default   #238   Coda Coda is offline
Before anyone goes too far off-topic with it, "user friendly" doesn't mean the attitude people have toward users; it's a description of an interface that's easy to use and self-explanatory. To be honest I don't see what specifically isn't user-friendly in terms of the stuff we've finished (except that the avatar editor needs better granularity) but I accept the criticism that we can do better.
Old Posted 10-10-2010, 03:46 PM  
Demonskid Demonskid is offline
Pocket Demon Ninja
Default   #239  
Coda, Fen, Zy, can I make a suggestion about something that actually concerns this thread?

I've noticed the suggestions and feedback thread becoming more of a type of discussions that should really have its own thread.. or something.

Like when someone suggested something about the Forum Games place it turned into a really heated discussion about weather or not something should be done, and well now there is the small heated discussion about what Poot put.

I wouldn't really know what to call the thread.. but it should be a place to take stuff like this.

I thought this thread was for suggestions like well "I suggest this and this" and if someone wants to comment and say "Yea but how bout this to make that suggestion better" or "No.. that isn't really necessary for the site and wouldn't really have much use" and it would go on to the next suggestion. It seems it's turned into a small battle field for heated discussions about others suggestions and feedback.

Just putting my 2 cents in on this, so we could have a cleaner Suggestion and feedback thread. ^^,

Not sure if I worded it right, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or anything but.. I do think we should have a separate thread to take the heated parts.

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Old Posted 10-10-2010, 03:48 PM  
Default   #240   Coda Coda is offline
We can always split stuff out if things start getting too hard to follow, but at least for now I think we're okay.
Old Posted 10-10-2010, 03:52 PM  
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