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Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain
Arrow ☠ Pirates Tavern ☠ [SERVERS NEEDED!]   #1  
Thread Layout by: Cazzidy Thread Design & Art by: phoenixbasilisk


NEWS: The tavern is in need of 3 more Servers! Let me know if you're interested by posting..


Welcome to the tavern lads and lasses! Pirate or not, make yourselves comfortable! Come drink your worries away, chat or even participate in the contests! In this tavern, anything goes! Our mainstays will be happy to serve you...


Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 05-04-2014 at 02:59 AM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:12 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain

♠ These general rules are to be observed within the tavern!

♠ Follow Trisphee rules, TOS and The Club House Rules! Make sure you are aware of Trisphee Privacy Policy!

♠ I'm the Captain here... So what I say goes... If ever any of my crew came here, better respect them or it'll be the cat-o-nine-tails for you...

♠ I own everything (formats, texts, images, siggy, etc.) on the front page until the opening message and so are the replies I'm posting... So please do not just copy it... If you want to use any of it, please ask my permission first... Much thanks...

♠ No flamming, begging, spamming, trolling or harassing other users! Don't fight here! Take it to the PMs if needed...

♠ No page stretching! Do not quote posts...

♠ Please make your post readable and understandable...

♠ Advertising is allowed, just keep it tasteful and to a minimum...

♠ Please chat! Have some sort of conversation with other people in the thread... It's always good to get to know other people, right?

♠ You CAN be kicked out of the thread if you violated any rule too many times... Repeated violation of any rule will automatically ban you from here... Much more, you'll be reported if the violation is too much...

♠ Have fun! Easy on the rum you scallywags!


Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 03-28-2014 at 02:21 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:17 AM Reply With Quote  
Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain
Default   #3  







Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 11-20-2014 at 10:23 AM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:24 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain

♠ The Green Letters is a game meant to be entertaining, satisfying, and even potentially helpful to those who are questing...

♠ I will announce that the game would start... This game would be held at least once a week, on a weekend...

♠ I will post as I normally do... Usually, I post in red text... However, once in a while, I’ll make one specific letter in my post green-colored, bold and bigger...

♠ All those green letters together form a word...

♠ Guess the word and win 1000 Aurum...

I ask that you follow these rules to every punctuation mark...

♠ I will only give out one letter per post... Meaning, only 1 green, bold, big letter in every post...

♠ I will NOT post those green letters in chronological order that it will form the word already once collected together... Though when I'm generous, I'll post it in order already...

♠ It’s your task to "collect" those letters and form the word with those letters...

♠ If all the letters are given and you can guess, I will say so in my post... That's the only time you will post your guess...

♠ I will not post how many letters will make up the word...

♠ You should chat with me in order to qualify... Besides, how can I finish giving the clues if I don't have someone to talk to right?

♠ You cannot make a guess, if you don't chat at all... I'll know those who are active at that time...

♠ The first to have the complete, fully correct word, wins the 1000 Aurum prize... If your guess is incorrect, I will tell you...

♠ Absolutely, no mules please! If I find out your doing this and has enough proof, I'll report you... Really, please don't cheat other people!

Format: [Username of Recipient] // [Date Received]


Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 05-05-2014 at 11:59 AM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:28 AM Reply With Quote  
Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain
Default   #5  

♠ The Giving Goose is a game meant to be entertaining, satisfying, and even potentially helpful to those who are questing... This is the game I set up in the "Forum Games" section but I closed it and transferred it here... I got this idea from another site...

Credits (Idea): Ryciera of Solia Online
I just gave it a twist of my own... Again, I would like to give that thread and the creator all the credit for this...

♠ It IS NOT MANDATORY for everyone to join...

♠ Basically, each person posts either "Duck" or "Goose" somewhere in their post...

♠ If you post "Duck", then nothing happens... If you post "Goose", however, your job is to give the above poster an item...

♠ When they receive that item, they are to incorporate it into their avatar for 1 day... After a day, they're allowed to remove it, and this item is now theirs!

Poster 1: Duck.
Poster 2: Duck.
Poster 3: Goose.
Poster 4: Duck.
Poster 5: Goose.
Poster 6: Goose.

♠ This game is highly based on trust... I ask that you follow these rules to every punctuation mark... However, also please note that both givers and receivers are playing at their own risk...

♠ If you're goose'd, you MUST wear the item given to you for a day (24 hours)... Play at your own risk...

♠ If you goose someone, you MUST give them an item to wear... And please don't expect it back... This is meant to be for the gifts that one member gives to another...

♠ Also, would you be willing to tell me when you goose someone? By posting what you gave works... It'd be much easier to update the front page with...

♠ There's no price limit on the item you give someone else...

♠ You are allowed to re-gift items as long as the 24 hours (1 day) is over... No worries...

♠ Let's play nice, too... If you don't like what you get, don't complain... Like I said before, play at your own risk...

♠ If you're given an item, you have to let at least a small part of it be visible... You cannot obscure it completely, however, even if just a little bit is showing, it's acceptable...

♠ You cannot transfer an item to your mule and wear it there... The account it's given to is the account that wears it... However, if you receive two items that would replace one another (for example, if you receive an item, then later another item, and find upon putting it on it makes the other disappear), then talk to the person who gave it to you... You both are free to discuss whether you put it on a mule or wait until the first item expires...

♠ Please do not just leave when you already got an item, it's rude...

Format: [Username of Giver] // [Item Given] // [Username of Recipient]


Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 05-06-2014 at 12:21 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:28 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain

♠ There will be a theme for every avi contest...

♠ There will be a minimum of 5 contestants per round...

♠ Winner will be chosen by me...

↠Criteria (Total=50):
↳Theme (How coordinated your avi is with the theme): ? / 15
↳Originality (How creative you went): ? / 15
↳Style (Wow Factor): ? / 10
↳Cost (Cheaper = Better): ? / 5
↳Appeal (How the masses like it): ? / 5
↳Comments (Feedback on the score & avi): -

♠ Prize will be at random depending on the theme of the contest... It will announced in the next post... When the entries are deserving, I also give consolation prizes...

♠ If you want to join for the current avi contest, fill out this form and post it in the thread... Please do not alter the form in any way possible...

PHP Code:
[color=#dabb93][size=3][b]I WOULD LIKE TO ENTER![/b][/size][/color]
[size=2][b]Username: [/b]-ANSWER-  
b]Description: [/b]-ANSWER-
b]Avatar: [/b]-SCREENSHOT-
b]Item/s Used: [/b]-ITEM LIST-[/size

♠ One entry per account and mule accounts are allowed to enter...

♠ No stealing of ideas from others... If proven, you will be disqualified...


Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 05-06-2014 at 12:27 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:32 AM Reply With Quote  
Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain
Default   #7  

Status: Open
Theme Title: "Loan Shark"
Details: Make an avi that embodies a loan shark... Be creative! Most creative one will win!
Deadline for Entry Submission: June 7, 2014 or until 5 entries are reached...
Judging Date: June 8, 2014 or until 5 entries are reached...
Prize: Pillow Talk & 1K Aurum


Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 05-30-2014 at 02:38 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:33 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain

All future theme contests will be listed here... This will be updated once an idea came to me... Suggestions are welcome too... A theme will be picked in random...

Like a Hall of Fame, all winners will be posted here along with their respective winning entry...


Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 05-24-2014 at 01:14 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:34 AM Reply With Quote  
Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain
Default   #9  

STATUS: Closed

Ahoy there mateys and lasses! I welcome each and everyone to my Birthday Bash!

Cazzidy's __th birthday is on Sept. 26!

My birthday bash will only last until my birthday... I don't have that much grog and food to serve to everyone for free so it will only be for that long... Heh... Free food and rum for everyone!


Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 09-27-2014 at 04:46 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:36 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain

STATUS: Closed

I suppose I can put a small birthday wish list here, right? So here goes:

♠ For people to enjoy my party! Let's have a lot of fun!

♠ Other wishes and such can be found here:

But these are just wishes! Please don't feel obligated to get me anything! Your gift is your presence!

Any ITEM / CURRENCY as a gift is very much appreciated... :)


Any ART as a gift is very much appreciated... :)




Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 09-27-2014 at 05:03 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:37 AM Reply With Quote  
Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain
Default   #11  

STATUS: Closed

♠ Maybe we can reach page ___ until Sept. 26th!

♠ Here are the prizes for the first person on page:
Page ___ = 250 Aurum
Page ___ = 250 Aurum
Page ___ = 250 Aurum
Page ___ = 500 Aurum
Page ___ = 500 Aurum
Page ___ = 500 Aurum
Page ___ = 1k Aurum

♠ Prizes will be given on Sept. 26th!

♠ What is a party without a raffle? Everyone who attended my birthday bash up until the 26th will recieve ONE ticket to this raffle!

♠ As I have no clue exactly how many people attended my party, I do not know how many tickets there will be, so sorry but giving them out in chronological order!

♠ Only one ticket per person and absolutely no mules please!

♠ I'll use random.org to choose winners...

♠ Please don't just come by the thread once just to get a ticket and then never come back... It would be unfair for the others who have been active...

♠ Winners will be drawn on Sept. 26th!

♠ First Place: One Yearly Item of your choice that I have!
Second Place: One Monthly Item of your choice that I have!
Third Place: 5,000 Aurum


Winner: TBA


Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 09-27-2014 at 05:05 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:38 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain

Format: [Username] // [Reason]

Format: [Username] // [Reason]


Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 03-28-2014 at 02:45 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:38 AM Reply With Quote  
Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain
Default   #13  

[How To Link]

PHP Code:



Bottle o' Messages & Grog Plaque Drunken Code Mainstays The Green Letters, How It Works, Game Rules & Winners The Giving Goose, How It Works, Game Rules & Trading Partners Pirate Promenade, How It Works & Contest Rules Current Match & Match Entries Future Match Themes & Previous Victories & Styles Cazzidy’s Celebration The Wanted Gala Games Hearties & Scums Dwelling Signage & Cliques
Last edited by Cazzidy; 03-28-2014 at 02:53 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:39 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain

Last edited by Cazzidy; 03-28-2014 at 02:55 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:47 AM Reply With Quote  
Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain
Default   #15  

Last edited by Cazzidy; 03-28-2014 at 02:55 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:49 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain

::cuts ribbon:: Welcome mateys! The thread is now officially Open!!! ::Opens rum bottle::

Last edited by Cazzidy; 03-28-2014 at 02:55 PM.
Old Posted 07-30-2010, 10:51 AM Reply With Quote  

cazzidy, chat, game, hangout, letter

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