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RedRum RedRum is offline
Haunted AND the thing that haunts you!
Default   #1905  
Crap, I didn't. I didn't know that.
~ Red Rum She Said
Old Posted 08-29-2018, 06:58 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1906   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
Golden razzberries do not help in my opinion. If it isn't legendary and I participated, I caught it. Legendaries? Well, I have a zapdos from a raid? Golden razberries never made a difference on catching legendaries.

Work on your curveball throws, they do help a lot.
Old Posted 08-30-2018, 02:23 AM Reply With Quote  
Coda Coda is offline
Default   #1907  
They totally help. They're 3x more potent than a Razz Berry.

Catch bonuses:
* Poke Ball: 1x, Great Ball: 1.5x, Ultra Ball: 2x
* Razz Berry: 1.5x, Golden Razz Berry: 2.5x
* Curve ball: 1.7x
* Nice: 1x-1.3x, Great: 1.3x-1.7x, Excellent: 1.7x-2x
* Bronze Medal: 1.1x, Silver Medal: 1.2x, Gold Medal: 1.3x

Yes, this means "Nice" could potentially not be any better than not hitting the inner ring at all. It actually scales with how small the circle is and the message just gives a hint.

If a Pokemon has two types, the medal bonuses average (so if you have a Silver medal for Normal types and a Bronze medal for Flying types you'll get a 1.15x bonus against a Fearow).

So your odds of catching a legendary with a single Premiere Ball using Golden Razz Berry and landing a Great curveball is about the same as if you had landed 6-7 Premiere Balls with straight throws and no Great.
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Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 08-30-2018, 01:07 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1908   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
Well, for me, golden razberries have never made a difference. That ring was as red as ever no matter the ball (in research legendaries, but 0% flee rate so...) or berry combination.

And where is the premier ball chance? The only ball you can use in raids. Are they the same or higher than basic pokeballs?

And on every single legendary, a golden razberry did not change the color of the circle so it is such a small help you might as well just keep it to fully heal your pokemon at a gym or for a rare spawning pokemon in your area.

Any curveball, for me, seems to help more than golden razzberries. Which does not make sense by your numbers above since my curves tend to be nice or just a curveball.

That"s also part of the reason I rarely do legendary raids....no point in trying to catch them because it isn't gonna happen due to no bonus balls really due to being team Instinct in my area.
Old Posted 08-30-2018, 04:36 PM Reply With Quote  
RedRum RedRum is offline
Haunted AND the thing that haunts you!
Default   #1909  
Well, I'm confused now regarding the golden razzbarries.
I'm guessing an Aloan Raichu can't be obtained via evolution?

As for curveballs, I've been practicing, I'm still bad at getting the Pokemon encased but my aim is improving. I'm now able to get it to go in the Pokemon's direction at least.
~ Red Rum She Said
Last edited by RedRum; 08-30-2018 at 05:19 PM.
Old Posted 08-30-2018, 05:12 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1910   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
Well, with non-legendaries it does help, that includes alolan raichu which cannot be gotten through evolution because there is no alolan pikachu. It would be nice if they would let you have a chance at normal pokemon in the alolan eggs, ones with an alolan evolution and if you keep and evolve it? Alolan evolution for you! (I know it won't happen lol)
Old Posted 08-30-2018, 10:37 PM Reply With Quote  
RedRum RedRum is offline
Haunted AND the thing that haunts you!
Default   #1911  
Noted for next time.
Today's raid was a Pokemon there wasted on, a Makohita. Don't want one but if I did they pop up in the wild all the time so I left as soon as it counted towards my mission. Didn't even battle.
~ Red Rum She Said
Last edited by RedRum; 08-31-2018 at 04:37 PM.
Old Posted 08-30-2018, 11:44 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1912   Coda Coda is offline
Premiere Balls are probably 1x, but it doesn't matter because the rest of the bonuses are multiplicative. You can compare with a berry vs. without a berry and it'll always be the same comparison regardless of the ball.
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Old Posted 08-31-2018, 11:40 AM Reply With Quote  
RedRum RedRum is offline
Haunted AND the thing that haunts you!
Default   #1913  
I plan to use the golden razzberries next time but the last two raids I've gotten were worthless to me to the point where I didn't even care to fight, I just went it so it counted towards the mission and then left right away.
~ Red Rum She Said
Old Posted 08-31-2018, 08:25 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1914   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
I need moar makuhita

MY last raid was kirlia...need moar. Need Gardevoir.
Old Posted 09-01-2018, 02:35 AM Reply With Quote  
Coda Coda is offline
Default   #1915  
I got a Kirlia from a raid but the stats kinda sucked. Still crossing my fingers for getting a better Ralts/Kirlia to drop between now and the time I get enough candy to evolve.
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Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 09-01-2018, 10:51 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1916   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
Well from what I've seen IV does not matter too much. Like my best pokemon supposedly has poor iv, but....still does well in raids and all that.
Old Posted 09-01-2018, 11:52 AM Reply With Quote  
RedRum RedRum is offline
Haunted AND the thing that haunts you!
Default   #1917  
Originally Posted by Yokuutsu View Post
I need moar makuhita

MY last raid was kirlia...need moar. Need Gardevoir.
My second to last raid was a makuhita. I have no interest in them.
I got a Raltz from the wild, so don't need a raid Kirlia either.
~ Red Rum She Said
Old Posted 09-01-2018, 04:59 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1918   RedRum RedRum is offline
Haunted AND the thing that haunts you!
An Aloan Marawak raid just ended at my gym but I could hardly touch the damn thing. :(
~ Red Rum She Said
Old Posted 09-01-2018, 06:22 PM Reply With Quote  
Coda Coda is offline
Default   #1919  
Originally Posted by Yokuutsu View Post
Well from what I've seen IV does not matter too much. Like my best pokemon supposedly has poor iv, but....still does well in raids and all that.
IVs don't matter as much as the species, level, and movepool, for sure. But it does add up: at level 30, a 45 IV Vaporeon is ~350 CP tougher than a 0 IV one. And the way the damage formula works, having high Defense IVs could make a HUGE difference for the survivability of a glass cannon type like Alakazam. And since you've gotta catch a ton of them to get enough candy in the first place, it's worth aiming for the best you can get -- why compromise if you've gotta do the work anyway?
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
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Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 09-01-2018, 06:50 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1920   RedRum RedRum is offline
Haunted AND the thing that haunts you!
I've never understood IVs. '^_^
~ Red Rum She Said
Old Posted 09-01-2018, 08:15 PM Reply With Quote  

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