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Espy Espy is offline
Default   #17  
So uh, I personally dislike referencing art for anything, so I never trace. (Except the few times I was required to do that in art class.) But back when I was learning anatomy, I did try to eyeball it and copy some poses, positions, whatnot. I think that's fine. Any more than that, and I usually ask the original artist if it's okay to post said stuff. (I know that most artists are fine with people just /referencing/ their art for learning purposes.)

But I feel like asking first is always common courtesy, and if permission has not been given, then tracing (or even copying, really) can be considered theft.

Old Posted 04-12-2014, 07:29 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #18   Twigg Twigg is offline
Yes, I consider it theft, unless the person who traced it made it very clear that they traced the whole thing or even parts of it and not only gave credit to the original, but linked to the persons page (if it was from an online artist). Furthermore, if you did trace something, i don't think it should be posted anywhere anyway. Tracing can be a helpful tool, but it should only be used for practice, it should never ever be used in a finished piece, in my opinion.

Because what happens when someone posts a piece with traced bits is that people will skim over the part where they said it was traced (if they even say that) and will immediately give praise to someone who does not deserve it. Or, if on tumblr, 9 times out of 10 the description gets erased anyway so the original artist is not getting credit for their hard work.

So in short. Tracing is okay to learn, but in my opinion, shouldn't be posted online. Use what you've learned from tracing to make new original works and then post that instead.

EDIT: also if you're going to trace ANYTHING and post it online, you better make damn sure you get permission first.

Old Posted 04-13-2014, 04:21 PM Reply With Quote  
Lawtan Lawtan is offline
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Old Posted 04-15-2014, 11:49 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   Poggio Poggio is offline
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Okay there have been cases in the professional world where people have literally traced an image, vectored it and instead of paying the original artist they just used it on the products. Again I think its like Lawton said intention to me is what makes it thievery.

But considering as a child I would not draw fanart because I thought it was stealing I am not sure where to stand. It has been years and I have been to art school I know that not every one has a friend they can turn to and say 'hay can you pose for me?'. I was always taught that as long as you made it your own its your own creation. And that is where the lines blurr a bit. I have seen a guy loose a full ride to a university because his collage was not altered enough from the original source material, and I have also seen a guy get an entire children's book publish and yet one of his water color paintings was found as an exact copy from a national geographic image.
Old Posted 04-15-2014, 12:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Lawtan Lawtan is offline
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Honestly, I was very much the "not draw fan art" thing as a kid. As such, I never learned to draw cartoons. (And, after ~14, due to art instructor, I stopped art until about a year ago.)

That actually brings up a point for fanart - Is it a good or bad thing that people try to use another's characters?
Which, is a nice place to point out the similarity between this and stealing another's writing, or coding.

Also *points to Art Discussion* I asked a question of my own.
Lawtan: A chaotic dragoness with issues.

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Old Posted 04-15-2014, 01:53 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   Dorian Pavus Dorian Pavus is offline
Lawtan sumed that up really well. : 0
"Selfish, I suppose. Not to want to spend my entire life screaming on the inside."

Old Posted 05-06-2014, 01:09 AM Reply With Quote  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #23  
Fanart is totally fine, unless the original creator of that character has specifically asked for people to not draw their characters.

Old Posted 05-06-2014, 01:52 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #24   Taiki Taiki is offline
I've had someone trace my art before and I was really angry. Honestly I would not have been mad if they had just traced the pose and made it their own characters. What made me mad was that they didn't even change my characters! They only changes the colors of the clothes and hair and claimed the art as their own. I politely asked them to take down the picture and they went crazy on me. They even went as far as saying that the characters in the picture were male even though the person who traced it didn't even bother to remove the creases on the shirts for the breasts of the females that I originally drew. Their account on deviantArt eventually got shut down because a bunch of my webcomic fans reported the person.

(It was a picture of 2 characters from my webcomic that other people recognized as well.)

Old Posted 05-07-2014, 10:01 PM Reply With Quote  
Echo-chan713 Echo-chan713 is offline
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In my view, tracing isn't stealing art AS LONG AS you credited the original artist. if you traced a piece of art and claimed it to be all your doing and originality then it's stealing.

I actually traced original arts from sailor moon back in 2005, and that's how I improved my art skills. however I never posted them on the internet and claiming that I did all the work. if somebody asked I would say that I traced it from this pic from a certain artist.

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Old Posted 05-07-2014, 10:46 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #26   Illusion Illusion is offline
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Originally Posted by Echo-chan713 View Post
In my view, tracing isn't stealing art AS LONG AS you credited the original artist. if you traced a piece of art and claimed it to be all your doing and originality then it's stealing.

I actually traced original arts from sailor moon back in 2005, and that's how I improved my art skills. however I never posted them on the internet and claiming that I did all the work. if somebody asked I would say that I traced it from this pic from a certain artist.
What echo said on top! Unless you are given a cease and desist by the creator of said art, it's okay to trace. But if you take a character and made that character in your own design it in your own style it is your art but with a different alteration to that character. (Meaning if you made a new awesome looking spider-man which is stylize and designed as an original look or appearance that art style and version of spider-man you made is yours even though Marvel owns the character and all rights to TV shows and all of that chiz.)

But tracing very opened in big media because a lot of big corporations love it when you trace their characters because odds are you will actually learn how to draw their characters by tracing, hence you most likely will create a ton of fan-art or even in the future work for them doing art for them. (Which is the story for a lot of people who work at Marvel, or even the person making that new Sonic Boom game.)
Tracing is just a technique in art to practice learning how to draw in general in my opinion, but it can easily be used selfishly for personal gain.

Old Posted 05-11-2014, 10:34 AM Reply With Quote  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #27  
I feel like tracing AND crediting the original artist, then posting that somewhere, is only okay if you get actual permission from the original artist.

....I guess I'm still not a fan of tracing, if only because if you're learning from other people's art, the most effective way to teach yourself is probably not to strictly trace, but also to figure out the composition of the piece...

Old Posted 05-11-2014, 11:51 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #28   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
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This tumblr user, did they just post their version for storage reasons?

Be cause if I did something like that and posted it, one: might not know the original artist because other people steal (if there's no watermark) and post it two: might not think of tagging the artist due to the fact that part of it could be original....but mainly due to just not thinking about it.

This makes me think of the people who do parodies/whatever including like a Dali painting or something. We don't say well, that part doesn't belong to the artist, they shouldn't make money/a career off of it.

Of course, I don't know how much tracing or anything this user did. If it's more of a photoshop type thing where they just changed the colors, well, they should still be able to post it, but they shouldn't be like LOOK WHAT I DID! (unless they note they mean the color, not the actual thing). But plenty of people will trace a base and I don't think that that alone should be held against a person, but tracing too much? Of course. (If I traced, I might not credit either due to it slipping my mind or something, but if someone asked me to draw something for them, I'd be like, I traced the base...of course I don't draw because I suck at it, so no worries on me doing that)
Old Posted 05-15-2014, 02:48 AM Reply With Quote  
zosa zosa is offline
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it depends on the tracing. if the person got permission from the original creator or the image is free-to-use(that is the image does not belong to anyone such as classical works) and did say that they traced then it is no big deal, if they used a source without permission, even if it is credited, they stole it and that is wrong
Old Posted 05-28-2014, 07:21 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #30   Night Fury Night Fury is offline
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In my opinion it just depends on the situation.
It is all about their intent and also I feel sorta the age and maturity of a person also takes part in it.

I do feel if someone traces that it isn't completely their art and that it isn't good enough for a portfolio.
Art based off a copyright also isn't for a portfolio either.
However, I do feel tracing can help with their development and control over a medium, like pencil, pen, charcoal, paint, etc.

Sometimes while working with kids they sometimes start with tracing but then they tend to move away from that, at least the ones I worked with... and you can sometimes see improvement
which also depends on how much time they put aside to draw

As long as it isn't a crutch for them and they don't claim they did it all themselves

It's hard to comment to some of my friends about art... because they just color other people's pictures... at first I was surprised and wasn't to happy because they tried to pass it off as their own... ... so it can be disappointing as well

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Last edited by Night Fury; 06-16-2014 at 11:48 PM.
Old Posted 06-16-2014, 11:39 PM Reply With Quote  
Den Den is offline
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Default   #31  
Tracing can be a good way to learn, but traced artwork should never be claimed to be the tracer's original artwork. I admit, I have traced in the past, and sometimes, if there's a specific pose that I want to study, I'll trace the pose. But those tracings go into my references folder, and I never post them online or in a portfolio.
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Old Posted 06-20-2014, 02:52 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #32   Sookei Sookei is offline
It is art theft. You cannot improve on your own work unless you do it yourself. Take for instant if you are tracing someone else's work and they have made a mistake and since you've only been tracing you don't see that mistake. That person is only hindering their self and basically learning a mistake from tracing. :P Kind of lame to trace if you ask me when there is so many resources out there like tutorials to teach you how to draw.
Old Posted 06-23-2014, 04:20 PM Reply With Quote  

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