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SUBJECT: Experiment Log: DWN-012
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: May 20, 20XX
FORMAT: Holovid + Telemetry with attachments

After running the gauntlet of death traps that had been emplaced along the route to get there, Mega Man seems justifiably more cautious than usual as he enters Quick Man's chamber. The sides of the room are lined with parts salvaged from destroyed robots, sorted out into neatly organized groups based on the type and condition of the parts.

Quick Man himself is rushing around the room, checking on each piece of his collection in turn. He suddenly skids to a halt and turns to face the entrance. "There you are! I've been waiting for you!"

Switching to the Leaf Shield and hastily erecting one, Mega Man takes a defensive posture. "Waiting for me?"

"Yes! I can't wait to add you to my collection!" The Robot Master suddenly springs back into action, leaping into the air and hurling a spread of Quick Boomerangs. Most of them fly wide, but one bounces off of the Leaf Shield. Mega Man counters by throwing the shield back at his attacker, but Quick Man effortlessly pivots around the swirling metal plates.

The Robot Master deftly scoops up the deflected boomerang, but that motion is a distraction, and the other boomerangs that had missed take that moment to change course, converging on the now-undefended Mega Man. The collisions smash into his armor, leaving deep dents in the plating, and Mega Man raises another Leaf Shield in anticipation of a follow-up attack.

Quick Man isn't fooled. He leaps around the room, occasionally pausing to try to bait his opponent into throwing an attack, but he never throws an attack of his own as long as Mega Man is turtling behind a shield. He taunts the hero, "I want that shield! I'll take it from you!"

Mega Man realizes that he's in a stalemate -- he's not going to be able to land a hit with the comparatively slow Leaf Shield, but he's going to get pummeled if he lowers his guard.

Finally, the hero decides on a strategy.

"You can have it!" Mega Man throws the shield at Quick Man, who predictably weaves around it. But as soon as he lets it fly, he switches back to his Mega Buster and opens fire, strafing to make a wide spray to try to catch Quick Man, no matter which way he slips.

Sure enough, he manages to land a hit, which makes the Robot Master scowl -- more in annoyance than pain. Quick Man jumps into the air to avoid the rest of the shots. He doesn't seem to notice the faint orange light shining from the new hole in his armor; he just jeers, "I guess the new addition to the trophy room is going to have authentic battle damage!" before he rains down another flurry of Quick Boomerangs.

Mega Man keeps moving, ducking aside from the initial shots, but right when the boomerangs redirect, he turns green and white again in order to erect a Leaf Shield at the last second. The incoming attacks are all successfully intercepted, but Mega Man doesn't let up. He throws the shield at Quick Man as soon as he blocks the last boomerang and again chases it with as many blasts from his arm cannon as possible.

For as fast as he is, Quick Man's reaction time doesn't seem to keep up with his velocity. The follow-up attacks strain his ability to track all of the projectiles, and as Mega Man scores more hits the Robot Master's extremely lightweight armor is looking visibly worse for wear.

"This isn't what I wanted!" Quick Man laments, "I wanted to win!" As the Robot Master sustains damage, he loses maneuverability. and Mega Man doesn't let up on the assault, scoring further hits.

"You took what I wanted from me!" Quick Man tries to counterattack, but Mega Man has seen enough now, and he uses a Leaf Shield as a distraction to make Quick Man turn around. When the boomerangs loop back, Mega Man has positioned himself with Quick Man in the way, and Dr. Wily's creation falls to his own weapon.

SUBJECT: Re: Experiment Log - DWN-012
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: May 20, 20XX
FORMAT: Plain Text

Note to self: Critical mobility systems must be reinforced when using ultra-lightweight chassis design.

I find these results to be disappointing. Since I was able to manipulate the orange energy myself, I expected the evolved algorithm to exhibit a greater amount of control over it. I will need to perform more offline research to find the source of the problem. That said, DWN-012's behavior may provide some hints about what the algorithm discovered.

The Quick Boomerang needs some refinement. It was overall very successful but its targeting algorithm needs to take collateral damage into account. According to the telemetry its energy consumption was as low as predicted.

Word Count: 824
Total Words: 11276

I went for DAYS without getting anything written. x.x Trying to find my momentum again. I'm not happy with this, but it's better than nothing.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 11-21-2017, 12:56 AM Reply With Quote  
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SUBJECT: Experiment Log - DWN-011
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: June 4, 20XX
FORMAT: Holovid + Telemetry with attachments

Bubble Man is watching the telemetry from Mega Man's descent through the traps he left in the water -- bombs, robots, breakaway terrain, spikes tipped with energy poison -- and alternating between excitement and frustration. Every time it seems like the intruder is going to finally get thwarted by one of the obstacles, the resourceful Light robot has yet another way of getting out of a jam. Bombs are detonated from a distance with Metal Blades; robots are pummeled with buster shots and Quick Boomerangs... The breakaway terrain ALMOST got him, but he called a wall-climbing machine to get back up! And he was always able to just narrowly avoid all of the spikes!

And now Mega Man is coming through the last tunnel.

Bubble Man closes his eyes and tries to psych himself up. "I can do this. Those were just traps and hazards. I'm a Robot Master. I was BUILT to fight Mega Man." He starts to glow faintly blue as he reminds himself of all of his advantages.

The door opens and Mega Man enters. Bubble Man slams his fist against the control panel he was using to monitor Mega Man's progress, sealing the door and opening up a panel of the same energy-poisoned spikes that he had left as traps.

"Good to see you, Mega Man! You may have gotten this far, but I'm going to be the one to stop you!"

Mega Man doesn't reply, only scowling; his response is to equip the Air Shooter, turning blue and white. Bubble Man confidently swims out to float in the middle of the room, creating a Bubble Lead in each hand.

And then the fight is on. Mega Man opens fire, generating tornadoes that ripple through the water, leaving trails of frothy bubbles in their wakes. But Bubble Man intercepts with the Bubble Lead in his hand, trapping a tornado inside it and crushing it by collapsing the bubble. The Robot Master grins eagerly, his eyes shining blue as his blue aura grows stronger. "You should have known better! I am the master of water!"

The obvious failure prompts another weapon switch, green and white this time for the Leaf Shield, just in time to block a burst of shots from Bubble Man's arm cannon. But when Mega Man tries to throw the shield to counterattack, the leaves get caught up in the water, swirling in place and making little headway before sinking to the ground.

His hope further bolstered by the second demonstration of his aquatic superiority, Bubble Man's aura flares and and fires off another set of plasma shots. With the extra power, the condensed energy attacks look like piercing glares of blue that roar through the water, and Mega Man can't get the Leaf Shield back up in time to block all of them. The shots that get through sear holes into Mega Man's armor, the water in contact with the metal sizzling as it cools the melted edges.

As soon as Bubble Man stops firing, Mega Man drops the shield, not even bothering to throw it, and he switches weapons again, turning pink as he directs a salvo of Quick Boomerangs up at the Robot Master. But this time Bubble Man raises a shield of his own, a luminous spherical forcefield of blue light, and the boomerangs crumble on impact with it.

"I didn't know I could do that!" Bubble Man exclaims in surprise. "But I do know I can do this!" He creates another Bubble Lead and drops it, only to have it settle on the bottom of his shield. The Robot Master laughs in amusement and dismisses the barrier, allowing the bubble to drop to the ground and start rolling towards Mega Man.

Mega Man jumps over it easily, but with the additional buoyancy from being underwater he has to be careful about how high he jumps. Bubble Man, meanwhile, takes the opportunity to pelt Mega Man with more arm cannon shots. With no time to raise a defense, Mega Man takes several hits, but he returns a counteroffensive of Quick Boomerangs. Bubble Man's greater aquatic mobility lets him avoid the salvo easily, but he fails to notice the boomerangs arcing around behind him.

The impacts startle the aquatic Robot Master, and his blue aura flickers and dims faintly. He fires off two more Bubble Leads to provide some cover as he retreats. Mega Man switches to the Metal Blade, equipping a suitably streamlined weapon for the greater distance, and he bursts both Bubble Leads with a single blade. Loud cracking noises punctuate the bubbles' collapse as water pressure results in rapid cavitation.

Bubble Man's blue aura fades a bit more, but he tries to redouble his efforts. "I won't stop until you're defeated, Mega Man! I have more bubbles!" He fires off another series of shots from his arm cannon, but they're the normal faintly-glowing yellow, and Mega Man has no difficulty evading them.

Mega Man's return fire comes in the form of a Metal Blade hurtling at Bubble Man's central mass. Bubble Man raises another barrier, but the impact of the Metal Blade sends cracks spiderwebbing over the surface of the shield and it shatters into nothingness. A second Metal Blade is less precisely aimed but still digs into Bubble Man's left arm, and an angry electric noise marks the destruction of the weapon systems contained inside.

One more Metal Blade comes slicing through the water, and no barrier appears. Bubble Man's eyes have no blue glow now, opening wide in fear and surprise up until the moment of impact.

SUBJECT: Re: Experiment Log - DWN-011
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: June 4, 20XX
FORMAT: Plain Text

A rousing, if qualified, success!

Previously, DWN-014's Wily effect manipulation demonstrated the ability to create persistent crystalline structures. DWN-011 did not replicate this technique, but it did demonstrate at least two new phenomena.

I know that the other Mark II Robot Masters can augment their own energy with Wily field energies. That was part of the design of their power cores. Further analysis of DWN-010's experiment data has additionally demonstrated direct application of red Wily field energy as a destructive force. However, DWN-011 was able to channel blue Wily field energy into its secondary weapon to increase its effectiveness and power output beyond merely providing operational energy for the weapon itself.

The second new phenomenon is the barrier. Modern technology is familiar with working with condensed energy for weapons and tactile projections, but due to its tendency to rapidly decompose when excited it is unsuitable for defensive applications. DWN-011's barrier acts more like hard light projections from science fiction. It reacts to forces as if it were completely solid, including cracking under strain. Unlike the aforementioned crystal synthesis, this barrier only persists while energy is being provided, and unlike condensed energy constructs it dissipates harmlessly when destroyed or depowered instead of exploding.

However, DWN-011 also exhibited a severe failure mode that previous Mark II Robot Masters did not demonstrate. Under conditions I have not yet been able to identify, it stopped being able to manipulate the Wily effect. This is concerning as it suggests a significant weakness that could potentially be exploited or a point of failure that could be triggered unexpectedly in a critical time. If I can identify the specific cause of the failure I may be able to add a failsafe or fallback.

On a tangential subject, a data point to note: DLN-001 has not yet exhibited any Wily effect phenomena. The Variable Weapon System could theoretically have replicated DWN-014's crystal generation, at the very least. This supports my hypothesis about focused intelligence being required to manipulate the effect. Technology alone, even the most advanced mimetic technology I have ever worked with, appears to be insufficient.

SUBJECT: Marine Crews Carefully Disassemble Death Trap
AUTHOR: Chest, CPS Television Network
DATE: June 6, 20XX

"Cleanup efforts extend into their second day after the defeat of another one of Dr. Wily's Robot Masters.

"Two days ago, a Robot Master now known as Bubble Man installed a series of traps and weapons in the bay. Mega Man entered this impromptu lair and defeated the Robot Master, but the area is still a dangerous hazard. The cleanup effort is made more risky by the devastating effects of underwater explosives -- the shock wave of a detonation travels much more strongly in water. Light Labs is donating remote-controlled drones to assist in the disarmament process.

"Even discounting the explosives, the mechanical wreckage and the fuel and lubricant leaks are going to take a long time to clean up satisfactorily. Environmental groups have criticized Light Labs for negligence, claiming that Mega Man voluntarily entered into underwater combat instead of looking for more environmentally friendly alternatives."

Word Count: 1487
Total Words: 12763
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 11-21-2017, 08:17 PM Reply With Quote  
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Default   #19  
SUBJECT: Unexplained Earthquakes! Volcanic Threat?
AUTHOR: Chest, CPS Television Network
DATE: June 14, 20XX

"A series of small but concerning earthquakes are raising worries today. This phenomenon is known as an earthquake swarm. A seismologists has said that these earthquakes make little geological sense, as there are no fault lines in the area. And while there is a dormant volcano near the calculated epicenter, there had been no signs prior to the earthquake swarm that volcanic activity might be on the rise.

"An evacuation order has not yet been given, but residents within the path of possible lava flows are urged to take suitable precautions and prepare for a possible future evacuation."

SUBJECT: Experiment Notes - DWN-015
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: June 14, 20XX
FORMAT: Plain Text

DWN-015 "Heat Man" has been deployed.

Vulcanism has been successfully induced. Lava flows have been initiated.

Risk of eruption currently minimal. Collateral damage predictions are within acceptable bounds.

Yellow Wily field readings unexpectedly elevated. Need to cross-reference with other sources of data to form a hypothesis.

SUBJECT: Experiment Log - DWN-015
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: June 15, 20XX
FORMAT: Holovid + Telemetry with attachments

Mega Man jumps off of the Item-2 and it teleports away in a beam of energy. His armor changes back to its traditional two-tone blue scheme as he resets his weapon system back to his default Mega Buster, and he passes into the cavernous chamber where Heat Man awaits.

"Don't come any closer, Mega Man!" The boxy Robot Master stands defensively on the other side of the room. "My power core is a nuclear reactor! If you destroy me, it'll go critical and blow this whole mountain up!"

Mega Man's color scheme indicates that he has briefly considered the Leaf Shield, but it changes again as he thinks better of it and equips the Crash Bomber.

"I mean it, Mega Man! My weapon can melt metal and stone! It's dangerous!"

"Why are YOU worried about that?"

"Because this power is... OVERWHELMING!" Heat Man snaps his head shield closed and wreathes himself in flames. Mega Man is barely able to sidestep out of the way as Heat Man bull rushes across the room, but he takes the opportunity to throw a Crash Bomb in Heat Man's path.

Heat Man strikes the wall, and the bomb detonates in a cluster of small explosions... that do nothing. Heat Man's golden armor is completely unscathed. The Robot Master turns around and pops his lid back open. "Are you MAD? What if that HAD breached my armor?"

"It's a risk I'm going to have to take if I'm going to stop you from making this volcano erupt!" Mega Man switches to the Metal Blade, hoping to get a shot in under Heat Man's heavier shielding while it's open.

Heat Man's eyes widen as he sees that Mega Man is not only refusing to stand down but is escalating the attack, and he cringes back, raising a translucent yellow barrier to block the attack. The barrier promptly shatters, but it sends the Metal Blade ricocheting away. Heat Man raises his arm cannon, spraying compressed blobs of fire that burst into columns of flame when they hit the ground, but he was shooting with his eyes closed and the attacks don't land anywhere close to their target.

Heat Man complains, "It's too hot!" and then snaps his shield down again. The flames once again erupt around his body, a fireball so dense as to obscure sight. When Heat Man charges across the room blindly, Mega Man is forced to agree with the complaint, and he turns gray as he equips the Bubble Lead. He sends several bubbles rolling across the room, and each explodes in a burst of steam as the watery weapon douses even this powerful fire.

"What? HOW?!" Heat Man throws his shield open to get a better look. "How could you extinguish MY nuclear fire?" He creates a fireball in his hand, but when Mega Man throws another Bubble Lead, he dismisses it to cower behind an even brighter yellow barrier. The bubbles impact against the barrier, each imploding with a loud crack, but with no visible effect.

Unfortunately for Heat Man, Mega Man knows how to deal with these barriers now. He throws Metal Blade after Metal Blade, closing distance between each shot, and while the barrier survives the first few hits, it cracks a little more after each one. The more the cracks spread, the brighter the yellow shine of the barrier, and Heat Man is looking absolutely terrified as his defense starts to fail.

Finally, the shield does shatter, and Mega Man finishes the battle off by inserting a Bubble Lead inside Heat Man's armor at point-blank range, and the Robot Master shuts down.

SUBJECT: Re: Experiment Log - DWN-015
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: June 15, 20XX
FORMAT: Plain Text

Interesting. Despite the dramatic differences in behavior between DWN-011 and DWN-015, DWN-015 was able to exhibit the same barrier construction ability. And where DWN-011's Wily effect power was diminished during the experiment, DWN-015's grew stronger as the probability of success decreased. DWN-015's peak barrier strength also appeared to be substantially higher.

I am concerned about the implications of the personality evolved by the yellow algorithm. If this behavior is intrinsic to the optimization, the yellow spectral peak may prove to be difficult to make effective use of.

DLN-001 has by now demonstrated my genius in designing weapons. The Metal Blade has proven to be even more effective than I had anticipated. I will need to design a defense against it.

Since DWN-015 is the last of the designs I created, this concludes the experimental phase of the Mark II Robot Masters. I'm going to need to decide on the next phase of my plan soon. Thomas is surely trying to trace my Robot Masters' telemetry signal to send a robot in to try to apprehend me.

Word Count: 1003
Total Words: 13716

I'm at my grandparents' house out in the middle of nowhere, so my Internet access is spotty and I wasn't able to make a post yesterday.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 11-24-2017, 12:02 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   Coda Coda is offline
SUBJECT: Robot Master Attacks - Ongoing Coverage
AUTHOR: Chest, CPS Television Network
DATE: June 22, 20XX

"The last Robot Master attack is now a week in the past, and the public is on edge, uncertain when or where the next Robot Master will strike. Analysts have still not identified a pattern to the attacks or any relationship between the targets. However, some speculate that the attacks are a science experiment, and the wide variety of targets is an attempt by an amoral scientist to collect data in different conditions.

"Light Labs has refused to comment on the matter beyond a press release stating that they are actively monitoring for further information and that Mega Man is standing by to intervene in the event of additional attacks. Neither Mega Man himself nor Dr. Wily could be reached for comment.

"We here at CPS Television Network encourage all of our viewers to avoid panicking. Take reasonable precautions, but unnecessary evacuations put a burden on our transportation system and hoarding supplies hurts the people who need it the most. Stay tuned for further updates. If another threat arises, we'll be here to tell you."

SUBJECT: Mega Man: Hero or Villain?
AUTHOR: Patty Leonardo
DATE: June 22, 20XX

"Welcome back to The Patty Leonardo Show!" The camera pans in to focus on the set of a talk show, with a curly-haired woman sitting across from a blond man that manages to look just a little bit crazy despite his professional-looking suit. "We're here today with," she checks her note card, "'Jim Smith' to talk about the recent Robot Master attacks. Jim thinks there's more to it than just a series of terrorist strikes. Why don't you go ahead and tell us what you've been working on?"

"Well, Patty, I think that the general public has overlooked several important details. Last year, when Dr. Wily reprogrammed the Robot Masters, he took full credit for the attacks, even hijacking TV broadcasts to boast about how he was going to show the world how much better it would be if he were running things. This year, we haven't seen hide nor hair of him, and the ONLY evidence that we have that it WAS Dr. Wily is the word of Light Labs."

Patty frowns a little. "But Light Labs has been responsible for stopping the attacks, both last year and this year. Mega Man was able to get involved to stop a threat that even the military was concerned they couldn't put down on their own."

Jim's smirk grows a bit bigger. "Did he? How do we know that? Light Labs TOLD us that. We know that Dr. Wily and Dr. Light worked together on the Robot Master project. We only have the word of Light Labs that Mega Man was created after the attacks last year began. What if Mega Man was PART of Dr. Wily's plan?"

The suggestion prompts a raised eyebrow from the host. "Explain..."

"Well, look, there haven't been ANY human casualties in any of these eight attacks this year. It's all been property damage, or sometimes not even that, and there was always time for evacuation. Whoever was behind these attacks didn't want to HURT anyone. And Mega Man was always there in time to put a stop to it, a couple of times even before anyone actually knew there was a threat that needed stopped!"

"Huh," Patty frowns, "you might have a point."

"And how much of that damage was Mega Man's fault, too? Last I heard the crews are STILL trying to clean up the oil spills from Mega Man smashing machines underwater."

Patty shakes her head. "I don't know about that. If Mega Man really IS a hero, then that would still be Dr. Wily's fault for sending out deadly robots under the bay."

"If!" Jim suppresses a laugh. "We don't even know WHAT the Robot Masters were doing! I've heard rumors that some leaked evidence shows that at least TWO of the Robot Masters were scared of Mega Man, and ONE committed suicide instead of fighting him! Is that the behavior of dedicated terrorists built only to destroy? I'm telling you, there's something weird going on here, and Mega Man is right in the middle of it!"

"Well," Patty interrupts before the conspiracy theorist can continue, "I think that's all the time we have for right now. You've given us all a lot to think about, Jim. And we'll be right back after this message from our sponsors."

SUBJECT: Statement Regarding Robot Master Attacks
AUTHOR: Light Laboratories, Inc.
DATE: June 19, 20XX
FORMAT: Plain Text

We know that the public is rightly concerned about the recent Robot Master attacks. Dr. Wily has a history of violence and terror, but we at Light Labs are committed to protecting the peace and pursuing justice, especially where robots are concerned. To that end, we are dedicating our resources to stopping the Robot Master threat. For the duration of the crisis, we will donate equipment to the police forces and the military as the need arises, and we will be proactively monitoring for Robot Master activity. Mega Man will be standing by to deal with any detected Robot Masters as soon as we know about them.

Word Count: 879
Total Words: 14595
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 11-24-2017, 07:43 PM Reply With Quote  
Coda Coda is offline
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I hope you're enjoying Mega Man: The Light of Will so far! This has just been an extended introduction so far: the Robot Master battles aren't really the meat of the story. The last update is a lot closer to how the rest of the story is going to feel, really getting into the meat of the social impact on the world and the character interactions. Mega Man 3 isn't going to play out anything like Mega Man 2 did! Sure, there WILL be Robot Master battles, but the focus isn't going to be on the fights themselves.

But this also marks a turning point in how I'm going to be writing the story.

NaNoWriMo is a bust. Between overtime at work, four days of traveling, and three days of minimal Internet access, I just wasn't able to maintain the necessary pace. I'm not going to consider it an outright failure but "50,000 words in 30 days" is definitely not an achievable goal. ;)

Going forward, I'm going to take a bit of time to restructure my outline to be more appropriate for publishing it as a serial. I'll also need to figure out what I want my update schedule to be, how much I want to try to write for each update, and how much of a buffer I want to establish.

I'm not sure if I'm going to continue cross-posting on Trisphee or if I'm going to just publish exclusively on Sufficient Velocity. Is anyone actually reading it here?
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 11-26-2017, 11:13 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   trystan830 trystan830 is offline
Queen of Typoes
as i mentioned over on the NaNo thread, i'm kinda skimming it, but i'm pretty behind. i do have this thread subscribed to, too

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me... by Glitch!
Old Posted 11-26-2017, 11:18 PM Reply With Quote  
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Default   #23  
SUBJECT: Skull Fortress No. 2 - Outer Defenses
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: January 4, 20XX
FORMAT: Schematics

While searching the archives for what happened next, the computer helpfully presents the schematics for Dr. Wily's second Skull Fortress. The date on the schematics suggests that he had already built it before he began the reverse engineering project that led up to the Mark II Robot Masters. The skull motif is familiar; Wily's first fortress had a similar exterior design. Little historical information is available to suggest why Wily would have chosen such a stereotypically villainous theme. However, it is clear from the offensive and defensive emplacements that Wily was prepared to be besieged from the beginning, even before he began plotting his attacks.

The schematics first display the design of the outer fortifications. The fortress is built into the side of a cliff, making it difficult to assault in the first place by making ground-based vehicles impractical. Several monitoring stations are spread out around the foot of the cliff, providing constant surveillance to identify incoming threats. Large energy weapons are mounted on the cliff face to provide anti-aircraft fire. There are only two ways to get in: fly into the eye of the skull after providing acceptable identification to the automated defenses, or climb the cliff.

That's not to say that the cliff face wasn't also equipped with anti-personnel defenses. The schematics show the patrol paths for aerial mothership drones capable of deploying swarms of small attack fighters as well as tactical bunkers for Sniper Joe units. Surface-crawling robots and condensed energy "scworm" generators provide additional deterrence. Finally, flying explosive kamikaze drones are stationed near the entrance to the compound itself as a last line of defense against any attacking force that managed to get past the rest of the emplacements.

SUBJECT: Security Footage - Front Entrance
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: July 2, 20XX
FORMAT: Holovid + Telemetry + attachments

Wily's fortress was designed for aerial access. As such, the security footage of the inside of the fortress's entrance shows a distinct lack of floor surfaces. Immediately inside the access hatch is the cinderblock roof of the defensive bunkers, and beyond that is a wide open area for Wily's flying saucer to come in through, with nothing but support scaffolding below it.

To put the scale of it all into perspective, when Mega Man slips in through the entrance, he looks tiny compared to the vast open space.

What looks much less tiny is the giant robotic dragon that activates from its gantry off to the side in the hangar.

Mega Man has already started across the scaffolding when the Mecha Dragon catches up with him. The dragon tears through the scaffolding in pursuit, launching fireballs from a cannon in its mouth. Mega Man struggles to stay ahead, jumping from girder to girder and narrowly avoiding the flames, but he finds himself cornered when the scaffolding stops to accommodate a wide pit designed to provide access for Wily's saucer.

Trapped, Mega Man turns to the offensive. He tries the Air Shooter first, but the Mecha Dragon's armor dissipates the tornadoes harmlessly. The Metal Blades meet a similar result, and the colors of Mega Man's armor suggests he's considering the Leaf Shield and the Crash Bomber and deciding against them.

In desperation, Mega Man turns the Mecha Dragon's weapon back on it. His armor turns red and yellow as he equips the Atomic Fire that he copied from his last encounter and quickly begins to glow as the weapon threatens to overload his cooling systems. He fires off a couple of small fireballs before turning his attention to jumping to another part of the scaffolding to avoid being blasted himself. The fireballs leave visible damage marks on the dragon's armor, rings of warped metal suggesting that the heat was intense enough to partially melt it.

A warning alarm starts to wail from inside Mega Man's chassis. The air around his body ripples from the heat distortion. Weaker parts of his armor are shining a brighter yellow as the overload intensifies.

Finally, Mega Man has a clear shot, and he takes it.

A massive fireball as tall as Mega Man himself roars out from the aperture of the Mega Buster, so intensely bright that the center of it is rendering as black due to overloading the recording sensors. Mega Man has to scramble to keep his footing on the precarious girder, but when the powerful blast strikes the Mecha Dragon, it punches through the flying robot's interior hydrogen bladder, resulting in an even bigger explosion that tears the dragon apart from the inside out.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 12-06-2017, 01:34 AM Reply With Quote  
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SUBJECT: Justice?
AUTHOR: Rock [DLN-001], Thomas X. Light
DATE: June 29, 20XX
FORMAT: Video (multiple streams)

A pair of videos opens up to play back a video call between Mega Man on the left and Dr. Light on the right.

"It's been two weeks since the last Robot Master attack!" Mega Man looks frustrated. "Why aren't we doing anything?"

Dr. Light sighs deeply. "We ARE doing something. Dr. Wily is a very intelligent, very crafty man. You already know that. So when he tries to hide... it's very hard to find him. I started searching as soon as I got your report back from fighting Metal Man, and every time you fought a Robot Master I was able to refine the search parameters."

"In that case that means you've been searching for over six weeks! Why haven't you found him yet? Why is this so hard?"

"He's being careful. He's not broadcasting anything unless he has to. So the only information I have is what you were able to intercept while fighting. I'm using those to try to visually locate his fortress in satellite imagery. It shouldn't be too much longer now, in fact. I've already ruled out 85% of the planet."

The super fighting robot scowls in an irritated glower. "Right, I know... Why is this so hard for ME?"

Dr. Light's expression softens, patient and paternal. "Oh, Rock... I understand. I really do. You're frustrated because there's something that you feel is important and you can't do anything about it."

"Why did you program me that way, then, Dr. Light?" Mega Man's irritated glare is starting to soften with sadness.

"I didn't."

Mega Man blinks, surprised. "What? Then... Dr. Wily did?"

Light shakes his head. "No, Rock. The two of us built your body. Albert made some of the important breakthroughs that made Robot Master AI work, and that includes yours, but I wrote your personality program. I built you to be caring and compassionate, to be helpful, to value human life, and to value justice. But that feeling you're feeling right now?" He pauses for effect. "That's all you, son. I didn't put that there."

"I don't understand..."

"Neither do I." The old scientist chuckles a little. "You're one-of-a-kind, Rock. Even in the short time since you were first activated, you've grown in ways I never imagined. Do you remember last year, how surprised I was when you volunteered to become Mega Man?"

"Yes, I remember..."

"That was a choice you made on your own. It was my first indication that there was more to you than just another robot AI. And instead of being proud of myself for creating a robot that could do that... I'm proud of you, son."

"I'll... do my best to live up to that."

"I'm sure you will, Rock. Just... please be careful. I don't want to lose you."

SUBJECT: Coordinates of Dr. Wily's Base
AUTHOR: Thomas X. Light
DATE: July 1, 20XX
FORMAT: Plain Text with attachments

Mega Man,

I've found the location of Dr. Wily's base. The coordinates are attached to this message. As usual, Dr. Wily has a teleportation interdiction around the fortress, so you will need to teleport in a short distance away and approach on foot. Do not attempt to use Item-2 to fly into the base, because it has aggressive anti-air defenses. Item-1 and Item-3 should be safe to use during your approach. You will need to rely on your own discretion to determine if your items will be safe to use once inside.

Dr. Light

SUBJECT: Re: Security Footage - Front Entrance
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: July 2, 20XX

"WHAT?!" Dr. Wily shrieks in disbelief. "That... argh! First they FIND my laboratory. Then DLN-001 gets past my perimeter defenses. But now THIS? How can it use the Atomic Fire without melting down?!"

There's a sound of rapid typing, a sound of a stack of papers being scattered, and a sound of something heavy being thrown across the room.

"All systems to red alert! Full lethality! Extend the floor spikes!" A klaxon starts to blare, and then comes the unmistakeable sound of Wily's saucer powering up. "Open the tunnel to my bunker!"
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 12-09-2017, 02:21 AM Reply With Quote  
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SUBJECT: Skull Fortress No. 2 - Anti-Intruder Measures
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: January 4, 20XX
FORMAT: Schematics

The holographic display refreshes to show the blueprints for the inside of Wily's second Skull Fortress. At the default zoom level, everything looks tiny in order to accommodate the long vertical shaft connecting the surface part of the compound to a bunker deep underground.

Zooming back in on the higher levels shows the saucer entrance that Mega Man came in through. As seen before, the Mecha Dragon's gantry is off to the left side of the entrance, and a wide tunnel leads down into the UFO hangar. From there a corridor leads to Wily's main laboratory area. These older schematics don't show much information about what exactly is in the laboratories, but the Robot Master fabrication shop at least is clearly labeled.

Unfortunately for the hero, Mega Man did not make it down the tunnel into the UFO hangar.

The computer loads up Mega Man's telemetry from his assault on the fortress, overlaying the schematics with his route through it. The explosion from the Mecha Dragon knocked Mega Man down into the ventilation system, which runs down by the laboratories to collect the exhaust away. An annotation points out that the floor of the exhaust tunnels is covered in a carpet of spikes to prevent intruders from trying to come in through the vents.

Of course, according to the telemetry, Mega Man crossed the area with the Item-2, flying over the spikes.

At the end of the ventilation shaft is a sealed access room. As a testament to Dr. Wily's preparedness, the chamber itself is designed to be hostile to intruders; the panels of the very walls contain flying robots programmed to attack unauthorized personnel. The telemetry shows that Mega Man was able to defend himself against the trap, but the floor panels reconfigured themselves at the last minute to drop him into the pit below instead of granting him access into the service corridor.

The pit itself is a natural cavern formation underneath the fortress, opening into an aquifer. On the other hand, the robotic patrol fish and the spike trap emplacements are clearly Wily's work, once again attempting to protect against intruders coming in from unorthodox routes. For anyone else, this might have seemed the height of paranoia, but the fact that Mega Man still managed to get through suggests that perhaps Wily's foresight was appropriate.

On the other side of the aquifer, a blast door provides access for Wily's maintenance robots to go out to place the traps and service the patrol fish, as well as providing access for Mega Man to slip inside into a warehouse where Wily keeps robots he's built but hasn't deployed.

The telemetry adds a large annotation box inside the warehouse, indicating to the user that further battle data is available for viewing.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 12-11-2017, 01:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #26   Coda Coda is offline
Whoops. Forgot to cross-post here Tuesday!

SUBJECT: Re: Mark II Robot Masters
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: June 8, 20XX
FORMAT: Plain Text

Five of the seven experimental setups have been run to completion, as well as the control setup. The remaining two experiments should reach completion within the next week.

At this point it is inevitable that Light Labs will locate this laboratory. Accommodations for evacuation and relocation have already been made. However, a second encounter with DLN-001 could provide further useful information. The genetic algorithms have continued to evolve for another month since the start of the experiment, and the feedback from the experiment results has been fed into the process. It's too bad that green and red will have had less time to incorporate the additional data. There are already additional chassis ready for deployment in the warehouse.

If I'm lucky, the additional training for the AI will actually be able to defeat DLN-001. This will, of course, interfere with further data collection, but it will relieve a point of resistance for my future plans.

SUBJECT: Security Footage - Robot Warehouse
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: July 2, 20XX
FORMAT: Holovid + Telemetry with attachments

The access door slams shut behind Mega Man, and the large vapor lamps installed in the ceiling slowly begin to turn on in response to the movement. A large, looming shape starts to emerge from the darkness as the lights warm up.

"Guts Man...?" Mega Man frowns at his younger brother's face. "Did Wily make more of you?"

Then the Guts Dozer pulls out from its crate as the lights finish turning on, revealing the massive treaded machine bearing the visage of DLN-004. Each of the gigantic robot's fists are bigger than Mega Man's whole body.

Mega Man takes half a step backwards. "Oh no."

Then the Guts Dozer goes on the offensive, opening a hatch in its chest to deploy two Mettools -- small worker robots built into durable ceramic titanium helmets -- and begins to lob compressed energy cannonballs from a launcher in its mouth. The Mettools jump around the area, forcing Mega Man on the defensive.

He carefully dodges around the cannonballs and the attacking robots, firing off shots from his Mega Buster to try to wear down the huge machine, but the Guts Dozer's thick armor plating deflects the shots harmlessly. Experimental shots with the other weapons yield the same result, and meanwhile the room is getting more crowded as the Guts Dozer deploys more Mettools.

Finally, Mega Man lands a meaningful hit with a Quick Boomerang that manages to slip inside the Guts Dozer's mouth; a loud bang tells of a misfire from the cannon hidden inside. Mega Man goes on the offensive, using the Leaf Shield for cover as he pushes past the Mettool swarm and jumps up on the platform on the front of the Guts Dozer.

It tries to retaliate, punching at Mega Man with its massive fists, but the smaller, more agile robot jumps over the attack and lets loose a flurry of Quick Boomerangs into its mouth. From inside the armor, the attacks are able to rapidly break down its weapon systems, and another cannon misfire is enough to force the Guts Dozer to shut down.

Mega Man jumps away before the Guts Dozer's energy core self-destructs, but before he can relax his guard, an alarm starts to wail and doors along the sides of the warehouse all open up, the lights inside turning on one at a time to reveal the silhouettes of yet more Robot Masters.

SUBJECT: Re: Security Footage - Robot Warehouse
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: July 2, 20XX

Oh, this is perfect! DLN-001 used the aquifer maintenance hatch to enter the compound, which puts it directly in the warehouse where the spare Robot Masters are housed! I don't even have to deploy them!
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 12-14-2017, 01:07 PM Reply With Quote  
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Default   #27  
SUBJECT: Security Footage - Robot Warehouse (3)
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: July 2, 20XX
FORMAT: Holovid + Telemetry with attachments

A dome of purple crystal un-explodes around Mega Man and Crash Man, violet shards solidifying as they fly through the air to violently slam into place to form an enclosing barrier. Flash Man growls, "I told you he's MINE, Quick Man!"

A trio of Metal Blades impact against the outside of the dome, chipping it slightly but otherwise having minimal effect. "You shouldn't have stopped running, Mega Man!" Metal Man is... apparently missing something.

"You idiots!" Air Man raises his voice to be heard over the background noise of his fan holding him in the air. "Stop fighting with each other and destroy Mega Man!" A tall, wildly twisting tornado begins to form beneath Air Man's propeller, sparking with red lightning, leaving rubble in its path as it breaks up the concrete floor of the warehouse. "You destroyed me once before, but now I'm going to end this!"

Mega Man readies a Metal Blade to fight back, but Crash Man interrupts, grabbing his buster arm and pulling him aside before throwing a Crash Bomb at the base of the dome. The two robots tumble to the ground against the far side of the dome, rolling out of the way as soon as the crystal shatters. The tornado rips through where they were standing a moment before, unceremoniously catching Quick Man up in its trail of destruction and sending parts of the orange-light-wielding Robot Master flying in every direction.

Equally unceremoniously, Metal Man is the next to fall. Mega Man lets fly his own Metal Blade; the powerful offensive weapon embeds itself into the Robot Master's chest and shreds the CPU inside.

Bubble Man is still taking up the rear, not even trying to engage in the fight. Wood Man is also holding clear, keeping a Leaf Shield erected defensively while Heat Man -- and, until a moment ago, Metal Man -- is presenting too much of a risk of collateral damage.

And speaking of Heat Man, Mega Man's attention has been diverted from the gold-armored robot by more aggressive threats. The reminder comes in the form of a six-foot-tall fireball surging across the warehouse. Mega Man and Crash Man split up, trying to evade in opposite directions, but neither is able to fully escape. Crash Man takes the hit worse, with the intense heat causing a Crash Bomb in his right cannon to detonate prematurely, tearing off his right arm. Mega Man is visibly scorched, parts of his armor sagging as it softens and melts.

Mega Man hesitates, intimidated by what was just the biggest single attack he's ever faced down. Heat Man meanwhile glows with flickering, flaming yellow light that leaves his face slightly darkened in silhouette except for red glowing eyes. "Fear my flames, Mega Man! BURN!"

The Robot Master snaps down his head shield, surging forward while wreathed in flames. Mega Man dodges to the side and sends some Bubble Leads after him. The bubbles strike as Heat Man stops to turn around, letting out clouds of steam as they detonate against his armor, but it only makes Heat Man's yellow aura flare even stronger.

Air Man veers around with his tornado for another flyby. Crash Man staggers out of the way, launching a bomb towards Flash Man to try to attract attention. With his body damaged and unbalanced, Crash Man misses, and the weapon flies wide, clamping onto the far wall and exploding harmlessly. It served its purpose, though, and Flash Man turns his attention to the other Robot Master.

Mega Man turns red and white, using a quick trio of Item-1 platforms to gain altitude. Air Man lets his tornado dissipate as his opponent seems to want to take the battle to the skies, instead using his arm cannon to send a flurry of smaller twisters through the air. Two of the platforms are knocked out of the sky, but Mega Man jumps again and calls in an Item-2 to rocket past his opponent. He jumps off as high as he can, whirling around and turning pink to unload a barrage of Quick Boomerangs. As before, the boomerangs seize in Air Man's propeller. The Robot Master snarls, disintegrating the boomerangs in a surge of red light, but the damage has been done, and Air Man hits the ground before he can get his propeller back up to speed.

Meanwhile, Flash Man is using shards of purple crystal as a rapid-fire projectile weapon, forgoing his default arm cannon. Crash Man is trying his best, but Flash Man clearly has the advantage; several spikes of crystal have embedded themselves in Crash Man's armor. But the flow of the battle suddenly shifts as Crash Man flares with green light, holding his arm out and rushing directly towards Flash Man. He takes several more hits to the chest for his trouble, but Crash Man pushes through, stumbling a little before jumping to tackle his opponent. He latches on with his legs and his one good arm and activates his self-destruct, taking both Robot Masters out in an echoing series of explosions.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 12-18-2017, 12:18 AM Reply With Quote  
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SUBJECT: Security Footage - Robot Warehouse (4)
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: July 2, 20XX
FORMAT: Holovid + Telemetry with attachments

Five Robot Masters have fallen in the brawl. Three remain: Heat Man, Bubble Man, and Wood Man. Mega Man himself is looking worse for wear, his armor battered, punctured, and partially melted. But Mega Man stands firm and fearless. Heat Man's aura dies back a bit as Mega Man's confidence fights back against his fear, but the Robot Master starts charging another flaming dash.

Mega Man jumps on another Item-2, rocketing over Heat Man's head towards Wood Man. Heat Man unleashes his attack, blazing across the room. Wood Man has been prepared for this possibility for the entire fight, though, and he jumps over the jet of fire, hurling his Leaf Shield at Mega Man in the process.

Although Mega Man too successfully avoids Heat Man's attack, the Leaf Shield clips him, embedding one of the plates in his leg. He tumbles to the ground in front of Bubble Man, who jumps in surprise but regains enough of his composure to open fire on the prone hero.

Flashing indicators in the telemetry displays show that Mega Man's armor is in critical condition. But even in the face of certain defeat, Mega Man continues on. He equips the Bubble Lead and jogs away from its original wielder, servos whining and grinding as they strain against the damage.

Heat Man powers up again, wreathing himself in an even bigger fireball than before. He doesn't even lower his shield. His voice cracks, a distorted digital edge to it as he bellows, "You're still MOVING? Apparently I didn't turn the heat up far enough! You should be afraid, Mega Man, because if my reactor melts down, we ALL die, and this fortress goes down with it!"

"You're mad! That would kill Dr. Wily, too!" Wood Man intervenes, using his Leaf Shield to slice open one of the pipes to the fire suppression system, and clouds of foam come spewing down from the ceiling over the four remaining robots.

The fireball engulfing Heat Man shrinks back, but the foam hisses and boils away before it can smother it at the source. Bubble Man hardens his eyes, pushing himself into action, his flippers slapping against the floor. "Heat Man, I have to stop you! If you don't self-destruct, then Dr. Wily has a chance to win! Mega Man is almost destroyed! Wood Man and I are... we've gotta be strong enough to take him down like this!"

"You can't stop me, Bubble Man! Your power is useless! You're too weak! And what's Wood Man going to do? He'll burn before anyone else here!"

Heat Man's head shield suddenly snaps shut, struck from behind by one of Quick Man's legs. Wood Man pulls back from the throw and uses his Leaf Shield to try to push more of the suppression foam up against the fireball. Mega Man and Bubble Man both start rolling Bubble Leads into the soggy mess while Heat Man is blinded, with each bursting ball of water extinguishing a little more of the flames until Mega Man can push through.

Mega Man switches weapons, equipping the Air Shooter and throwing Heat Man into the air with a trio of tornadoes. Heat Man lands on his back, his shield snapping off at the hinge from the impact, and Bubble Man surges with hope, encasing Heat Man in a giant bubble reinforced with blue light. When the bubble collapses, the room shakes with a deafening bang, and Heat Man's flames go out as his reactor is torn apart into pieces too small to sustain a chain reaction.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 12-20-2017, 11:15 PM Reply With Quote  
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Default   #29  
SUBJECT: Encounter Log - Skull Fortress (excerpt)
AUTHOR: Rock [DLN-001]
DATE: July 2, 20XX
FORMAT: Holovid + Telemetry + Annotations

The computer isn't able to find any of Wily's recordings of what happens next, but Mega Man's own perspective is available from his encounter logs. After taking out Heat Man, Bubble Man has nervously hidden behind Wood Man, who has leveled a stern glare at Mega Man.

"You don't get it, do you?" Wood Man scowls and throws Mega Man an E-tank. Mega Man catches it, but he holds it up quizzically. Wood Man sighs, "Yes, it's an E-tank. No, it's not full of energy poison."

Mega Man runs a test on it anyway. The telemetry attached to the video shows the results; Wood Man is telling the truth. Mega Man connects the tank to a charging point concealed in his buster arm, and the rich source of energy allows his self-repair system to switch into high-speed mode. Condensed energy swells out from his reactor, forming a shell around the proper outlines of his armor, and a set of small interior focusing devices use the semisolid energy to break down damaged components and mold the materials back into the correct shape. It's a terribly power-inefficient process, but field repairs are never as good as proper maintenance in a robot shop.

"I guess I don't get it, then." Mega Man frowns.

"Dr. Wily isn't trying to rule the world or destroy it. He's a scientist, not a conqueror. He's trying to make the world BETTER."

"How does he make the world better by attacking civilian installations with war machines?"

"There weren't any human casualties in any of those operations. And you yourself participated in the property damage. If the news reports are to be believed, you even volunteered for it."

Mega Man scowls, silent for a moment. "That... doesn't answer the question, though."

"Fine, fine. Advancing science means testing hypotheses. For the good of the world, Dr. Wily is evaluating his theory by collecting real-world data in the field."

Mega Man starts to retort, then pauses, then slumps, scowling again, at a loss for words. Finally he shakes his head. "It's still not right. I can't let him keep bringing terror and destruction!"

Wood Man sighs and waves him along. "Go on. You'll see what I mean. I won't try to stop you. Nothing but suffering would come from that. Dr. Wily can show you the truth by himself."

Mega Man lowers his buster hesitantly and edges towards the elevator at the other end of the warehouse. As the elevator door opens, he notices Bubble Man starting to talk nervously to Wood Man, but he doesn't stop to listen... There's a mad scientist to stop.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 12-27-2017, 01:26 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #30   Coda Coda is offline
SUBJECT: Encounter Log - Dr. Wily
AUTHOR: Rock [DLN-001]
DATE: July 2, 20XX
FORMAT: Holovid + Telemetry + Annotations

The elevator opens into an aircraft service bay... which is vacant. A large iris in the floor is opened to reveal a very wide, rough-hewn tunnel, large enough to fly one of Wily's trademark saucers through, leading straight down.

In the absence of any other way to go, Mega Man jumps in.

About halfway down, Mega Man deploys an Item-1 platform beneath his feet and uses it to slow his descent. He jumps off near the ground and looks around. The tunnel extends horizontally a for a short distance; it appears to be built under a natural hot springs formation, and hot mineral water drips from cracks in the tunnel ceiling. And at the end of the tunnel is one of Dr. Wily's familiar blast doors built into a large wall of reinforced steel.

Mega Man approaches the door cautiously, but instead of having to force it open or find a control panel, it opens for him, as if inviting him to come inside.

Dr. Wily's amplified voice echoes through the darkened bunker.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to get here!"

Mega Man raises his buster in an instant, looking around.

"Of course, Thomas's prized creation chooses violence as his first response! So predictable."

A holographic projector built into the ceiling powers up, casting a star chart on the walls and providing enough dim illumination to see Dr. Wily standing in the middle of the room, his hands in the pockets of his lab coat and a smug look on his face.

"I'm sure you have questions. I'm sure the first question is... 'why?' Well, 'Mega Man'," the quotes are almost audible from the amount of sarcasm Wily pours into those two words, "If you must know..."

Dr. Wily begins to levitate off the ground, glowing with a brilliant green light.

"I've discovered something incredible! Let me show you!"

Wily's lab coat melts away as his body swells. His head stretches out as his eyes turn red and grow to dominate his face. His shoulders and ribs grow into thick armor plates as tubes of toughened flesh wrap around his limbs. Softer flesh can be seen hiding inside the armor, rising and falling with Wily's breaths.

"A power you don't even know you have... and I command it!"
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 12-30-2017, 01:53 PM Reply With Quote  
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Default   #31  
SUBJECT: Green Light Projector
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: June 17, 20XX
FORMAT: Plain Text

After reviewing the data from experiments DWN-014, DWN-011, and DWN-015, I decided to begin more specific research into the more exotic applications of Wily effect energy. While its applicability as a power source is obvious, the ability to construct solid projections that are more stable than traditional condensed energy technology suggests that its uses go far beyond just a battery.

As both DWN-011 and DWN-015 independently produced the same effect using different colors of energy when neither of them was designed with that capability, it seems like barrier production must be a simple and common phenomenon. This makes it a good target for experimental reproduction.

In my own personal experimentation, I have found the green Wily effect to be the easiest to manipulate, so my next goal will be to construct a device to allow me to create barriers by myself!

In parallel I have also begun analyzing the artificial intelligence cores of the Robot Masters to attempt to derive more specific information about the nature of each distinct Wily effect. I will document these findings in another report.


Super short update today because I ended up spending four hours on hold with AT&T because my Internet service isn't working. >_< I managed to squeeze this in by routing through a server at work that I was able to get to still. I was really hoping to get more out of this update than I did, but at least it's a complete piece.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 01-03-2018, 12:40 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #32   Coda Coda is offline
SUBJECT: Experiment Log - Green Light Projector
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: July 2, 20XX
FORMAT: Holovid + Telemetry with attachments

The holovid changes perspectives as the computer correlates Mega Man's data files of the encounter with a relevant entry in Dr. Wily's experiment logs. A window to one side of the video feed displays one of the attachments, a text-only transcript of Dr. Wily's notes about a device he has labeled a "Green Light Projector."

Though the green alien floating in the air in front of Mega Man has no mouth, Wily's voice still comes from it.

"A power you don't even know you have... and I command it!"

Mega Man scowls and readies his Mega Buster. "I don't care about power!"

"What's that weapon on your arm, if it's not power?" The alien begins to drift around the room, just showing off its ability to fly freely without needing thrusters or propellers.

The frown on Mega Man's face deepens. "I don't have it because I want power. I have it because I want to stop people like you!"

"Stop me? By all means, please try!"

The alien opens fire, flying up higher than Mega Man can jump and shooting off condensed energy rounds. Mega Man returns fire with his matching munitions, but they splash harmlessly off the alien's toughened hide.

"Aren't you going to try?" Wily taunts. "I'm waiting."

The hero pushes on, trying to step up his game. Mega Man doesn't have much trouble dodging Wily's attacks, but he's having trouble counterattacking. The Air Shooter comes next, tornadoes ripping through the air, but a pulse of green light shreds them into harmless wisps.

Mega Man doesn't even take the time to act frustrated about it, moving on to other weapons -- but the Leaf Shield bounces off harmlessly and a flurry of Quick Boomerangs collapse into shapeless blobs of energy that absorb into the alien's body. The Crash Bomber proves itself useless as it sails past and detonates harmlessly against the far wall.

Wily lets out a gleeful giggle, swooping across the room and punching Mega Man right in central mass. Mega Man staggers but keeps his footing, hurling two Metal Blades at the alien's back as he flies away. They sink in, the teeth of the ceramic titanium saw blades digging into the green bones, and Wily lets out a cry.

Or... is it a laugh?

The Metal Blades pop out with a flash of green light, revealing that Wily's body is completely uninjured.

Wily cackles. "Marvelous, marvelous! Even better than predicted! Even my most powerful weapon to date is no match for my new power!"

Mega Man turns red and yellow, starting to glow as his temperature alarms begin to sound again. It's the Atomic Fire, and he's charging it up to the same level he did before. "I thought this one was your most powerful!"

The fireball roars through the air, lighting up the whole room for a moment before it engulfs the alien body... and then washes over it, revealing a bright green bubble shield protecting a gleeful Dr. Wily.

The mad scientist laughs. "No, I think the Metal Blade is better!" He drops the bubble shield and returns fire with a spray of energy balls.

Mega Man quickly unequips the overheating weapon as he runs serpentine to avoid the counterattack. He's running out of strategies to try. A flash of white light signals the activation of the Time-Stopper, but if it hadn't been for that there would have been no other sign that Mega Man had used the weapon -- Wily doesn't even so much as slow down.

"Do you really think I wouldn't have designed a defense against that one?" Dr. Wily dives in for another punch, and Mega Man equips the Bubble Lead in desperation, his last option. He sidesteps the punch and deploys a Bubble Lead at point-blank range.

The entire room flickers as the bubble implodes, and the outlines of Wily's alien form wobble and distort.

Dr. Wily is incredulous. "WHAT?"

But Mega Man knows what to do now. He rapidly switches between Item-1 and the Bubble Lead, making himself platforms to stay within striking distance. Wily tries to evade with erratic flight, but the first attack seems to have damaged a critical system, and Mega Man is able to land several more hits before the Item-1 finally runs out of energy and he has to jump to the ground.

The alien flickers out of existence, revealing a small hovering capsule at its core. With the projectors damaged, the hologram concealing Dr. Wily's control station fails, and the scientist leaps out of it when he realizes that he's been beaten, cowering on the ground and begging for mercy.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 01-08-2018, 01:39 AM Reply With Quote  

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