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Vincent Vincent is offline
Seeker of Souls
Default   #17  
I didn't even know the psp had a web thing. XD
But yeah I'd bet. o_O; Still, you did good for being on a handheld device. o.o'
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Old Posted 05-16-2014, 05:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #18   Coda Coda is offline
Invader, meanwhile, is capable of maintaining most of its feature set on the DSi, showing just how much better the DSi is compared to the PSP in terms of the web browser. (Though admittedly when running on a DSi it cuts down on the number of enemies fairly dramatically to keep performance up. It does that on 3DS as well, but not quite so much.)
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 05-16-2014, 05:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Vincent Vincent is offline
Seeker of Souls
Default   #19  
Ah. XD It automatically does that? That's pretty nice. O:

Does it normally show a bunch of floating moving question marks, or is that my crappy computer/dial up that's making it like that ? XD
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Old Posted 05-16-2014, 05:49 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   Coda Coda is offline
It's not AUTOMATIC, exactly. I tuned it manually. It detects what you're playing it on and switches modes. (Internet Explorer is a different mode too because IE8 is really slow by comparison to everything else that was modern at the time I wrote it.)

The question marks are actually a font issue. Invader uses symbol characters instead of sprites, but not every font has the whole set of characters it uses.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 05-16-2014, 06:00 PM Reply With Quote  
Vincent Vincent is offline
Seeker of Souls
Default   #21  
Oh wow, so that's an older game for you. XD

How long does it take on average to make a game? o.o

Ahhh yeah no wonder why. XD Alright.
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Old Posted 05-16-2014, 06:09 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   Coda Coda is offline
It really pretty dramatically depends. Lights Out was... I dunno, maybe an hour? Bagatelle was mostly done in the car on a road trip, then polished up when I got home, so 8-12 hours or so for the actual implementation and then who knows how long to clean it up and make it shiny and package it up for deployment. Gravity Runner is probably sitting on around four hours of work so far. Shells was probably... might have been 30 hours spread over a couple weekends.

The Taskal War engine for Trisphee was probably around 40 hours total, but that counts the fact that I completely rewrote it due to performance problems after it had already been deployed. The interactive fiction game for Trisphee was actually fairly quick to implement (6-10 hours?) but most of the work was done by the writers to create the content.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 05-16-2014, 06:16 PM Reply With Quote  
Coda Coda is offline
Default   #23  
As for age...

Same Game is one of the oldest of that set, I forget when I first wrote it but it was probably somewhere around 2007 because that's when the PSP-2000 came out (which meant the PSP-1000 I owned would have been cheap).

Lights Out and Sudoku were written around the same time as each other. I was bored over Christmas break at my grandparents' place and hacked them up. I'm not sure how to estimate the age.

Invader I first wrote in 2010, according to the dates on the sound files, but apparently I went back and revised it in 2011. If I had to take a guess, I got my first 3DS in 2011 and updated it to work efficiently there.

Bagatelle I can date to 2011.

Shells was also written in 2011, a few months after Bagatelle. It was a commission from Nicalis.com that they never ended up using.

Landon's Java port... also 2011. Landon's C# port... ALSO 2011, a few months later. Of course, not linked here was the original Scheme version... but I don't know when I wrote that. It was a LONG time ago, possibly as early as 2004.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 05-16-2014, 06:32 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #24   Vincent Vincent is offline
Seeker of Souls
Wow. XD So they're all pretty much relatively older games, cept for the gravity runner, at the moment. :3

Shells seems like it would have been pretty complicated o.0
Must be nice to make stuff like this when you want , since you have coding knowledge. XD I couldn't imagine doing that. x.x

And there was a Taskal war engine? o.o
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Old Posted 05-16-2014, 07:55 PM Reply With Quote  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #25  
Lights Out makes me twitch. I never developed a strategy for those...

Old Posted 05-16-2014, 07:55 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #26   Coda Coda is offline
Well, 2012-2013 didn't see much in the way of finished games out of me. I was doing other stuff, and tinkering with other stuff, but I didn't get anything put together far enough to say "here, play this." And this year I was doing graphics hackery -- check my art thread in my sig.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 05-16-2014, 09:29 PM Reply With Quote  
Vincent Vincent is offline
Seeker of Souls
Default   #27  
The art thread with all the trippy colors? XD Yeah I saw that one.
Must be really interesting to see what you can get out of those o.o'

Well it's good to do other stuff too. :3
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Old Posted 05-16-2014, 10:58 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #28   Vincent Vincent is offline
Seeker of Souls
The art thread with all the trippy colors? XD Yeah I saw that one.
Must be really interesting to see what you can get out of those o.o'

Well it's good to do other stuff too. :3
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Old Posted 05-16-2014, 10:59 PM Reply With Quote  
Coda Coda is offline
Default   #29  

Gravity Runner update!
* Background animation!
* Smoother animation!
* Better browser support!
* Gameplay balance improvements!
* Improved respawn behavior!
* And a bunch of little bugfixes

Edit: My personal new high score is 193. :D
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 05-17-2014, 11:47 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #30   Vincent Vincent is offline
Seeker of Souls
Great to see an update. 8'D And to see you having fun on it XD
/still doesn't run on my crap dial up computer so I'll take your word for it. XD
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Old Posted 05-18-2014, 04:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Lawtan Lawtan is offline
Dragon Storm
Default   #31  
What are the controls? *can't get morethan 15*
Lawtan: A chaotic dragoness with issues.

��s ofer�ode, �isses sw� m�g.


Science, horror, folklore, and cuteness incoming!
Old Posted 05-18-2014, 05:02 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #32   Vincent Vincent is offline
Seeker of Souls
Gravity Runner
- Space: Jump
- Double-Space: Reverse gravity
- Right: Speed up
- Left: Slow down

You can only reverse gravity once per jump/fall, so no flying by toggling gravity back and forth. If you're not pushing left or right you'll settle at a medium speed.
Tis on the first page lawman. x3
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Old Posted 05-18-2014, 05:17 PM Reply With Quote  

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