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Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #4033  
Got a notice today from the landlord that my maintenance request from back in Dec. was completed (even though it was done just a couple days after I submitted the request) and idk if they finally just marked it completed in their system and it sent an automated message or if they were actually in my apt today without giving any notification but I'm nervous because the last time someone was in it wasn't in pristine condition so they deemed it "dirty" and sent a notice that if there were any further complaints (I assume from germaphobic maintenance people) they'd evict me...and I didn't do the dishes or take out the trash before work so if someone was in my place this morning there's a decent chance I could be evicted and since I just paid rent, I can't exactly afford to move right now. xP
*fingers crossed it's the former thing, not the latter*
Old Posted 07-03-2023, 06:14 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4034   Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
tumblr's doing some horseshit again.
man, all these big social media platforms really want to fucking implode so fucking badly.
they're trying to deliberately create an addictive social media site. the attention economy or something.
end of the world as we know it, etc etc.
percival is busy being queer as hell. he was also here.
somewhat busy working for trisphee.

a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
Old Posted 07-10-2023, 07:06 PM Reply With Quote  
KittyBeary KittyBeary is offline
Default   #4035  
I checked out threads and just recently deleted it. Realizing I have enough things to be on and also have heard sus things about it....

ty bluebird for the art! :D
Old Posted 07-11-2023, 12:19 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4036   Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Wish I was an artist. or even just better at talking to artists. xP
Want to make a custom pin or patch for a friend, but kinda not good with making a design for it.


Ah...can't tell if patron is just being polite or is subtly trying to hit on me...
And I hate that I freaking blush super easy because it makes men seem to think I'm flirting/interested when really it's just how I react a lot when I feel embarrassed/anxious/uncomfortable.
Last edited by Kaderin Triste; 07-12-2023 at 07:34 PM.
Old Posted 07-11-2023, 11:04 AM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #4037  
Ahhhhhhhhh! I freaking hate the older coworkers sometimes! Especially miss "I know it all because I'm older and more experienced than you and I can do no wrong". So I'm supposed to be off desk at 4 but I get slammed with interlibrary loan (ILL) requests and people not patient enough to let me finish one thing before asking me a million questions about things I don't know about and printer assistance all in the last like 5 minutes of my shift. So the aforementioned know-it-all comes out a 4 and then promptly disappears for like 10 more minutes while I'm struggling to get caught up and get away from the desk to take a break. Was almost 15 minutes late getting off the desk before she finally came back to do her damn job.
Old Posted 07-14-2023, 06:23 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4038   KittyBeary KittyBeary is offline
While I like seeing new people join tris, it makes me kinda sad when they don't really stick around. I'm sure they have their reasons, but I get hopes that it'll become a bit more active. ;w;

ty bluebird for the art! :D
Old Posted 07-20-2023, 02:53 AM Reply With Quote  
Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
Default   #4039  
Originally Posted by KittyBeary View Post
While I like seeing new people join tris, it makes me kinda sad when they don't really stick around. I'm sure they have their reasons, but I get hopes that it'll become a bit more active. ;w;

same hat, same hat.
i do have a backlog of items but i still need to bother galla about 'em.
percival is busy being queer as hell. he was also here.
somewhat busy working for trisphee.

a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
Old Posted 07-20-2023, 06:27 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4040   KittyBeary KittyBeary is offline
Hope that all works out xD

ty bluebird for the art! :D
Old Posted 07-24-2023, 12:43 AM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #4041  
I applaud the assistant manager at my Joann store for their attempt to talk me into reapplying to keep working when the store moves, but the corporation has added so many stupid things we have to do that the job isn't fun anymore.
(Ex: We HAVE TO ask for the customer's phone number/email EVERY transaction and if our email captures are consistently under 70% we can be written up (or even fired I think, but I'd have to double check that)) I used to love coming in to work and chatting with the customers. It was a fun job. Now I hate it, I dread getting up in the morning and having to go in. So no, I appreciate the attempt to get me to reapply, but I won't be doing that. And I don't care if the manager decides to not do rehires because I don't plan on coming back. Will I miss the employee discount? Yeah, a little, but I don't really use it much currently anymore so...I'll just stock up on essentials (polyfill and storage containers) before my employment ends and be just fine.
Old Posted 07-24-2023, 10:53 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4042   trystan830 trystan830 is offline
Queen of Typoes
i totally get hating to have to ask customers for information - we have to ask for their rewards information (but customers can input that into the pinpad we have for the credit and debit cards)... but then if they don't have rewards, corporate wants us to have i think like 7% of rewards transactions be new sign-ups. i think our rewards transactions have to also be like 70-73% of all our transactions.

and then corporate has thrown in a monkey wrench - the store is offering a credit card that we have to ask rewards customers if they want to apply for. i feel the timing is out of step with the customers - they have too many cards already, they feel they won't get approved, they know they have bad credit, OR - they're credit free, they're paying down a huge amount already - there are so many reasons for "no" replies. they do keep track, but it does seem like they have low expectations for credit card apps, like at least 1 day for the entire store.

so i get your hesitation

currently reading: Popcorn and Poltergeists by Nancy Warren (#48) | currently watching:
dragoncave | magistream | ravelry | faenaria | goodreads
snap / insta / discord ~ trystan830 | she / her / hers
"you are some kind of like 20th level string witch" ~Mekatra
"You're the highest level string witch I know too" ~ZenKitty
me... by Glitch!
Old Posted 07-24-2023, 12:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #4043  
Oh. There's no hesitation. I ask every person for their phone number, which is how we have to look them up, if they don't have one in the system, 90% of the time they don't want one in there (and tbh, I'm not really clear on what the point of our is, supposedly it's for ads and coupons, but I'm in the system and don't get anything extra that I wasn't already getting just by signing up for the coupons through the app or the website email sign up so...) and if they have one, cool, if they don't have one either I'll add them or not depending on what they want.

And zero hesitation about not reapplying for when we move either. I'm so over the bs of it all.
Old Posted 07-24-2023, 04:13 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4044   trystan830 trystan830 is offline
Queen of Typoes
y'know, i'm also in the JoAnn's system, but for some reason the ONLY emails and texts i get is from the Smiles reward thing.... every once in a blue moon.

and it seems like most of the people that i ring up are in our rewards system as well. the reasons for not wanting to be in there are they get enough emails and don't need more, they don't come shopping enough, or they don't have an email.

and signing up for Michael's rewards starts out by giving you back 3%* towards rewards, and when it adds up to $5 or more, you get vouchers. and you can also do returns without a receipt.

*when you've spent more than $300 in a 12-month time frame, you get 6% back in rewards. that's where i am, and i started getting the 6% only a few months after they'd updated the rewards system XD Having a store credit card will get someone 9% back in rewards.

i ask everyone. it's really not my fault if the person says no XD

currently reading: Popcorn and Poltergeists by Nancy Warren (#48) | currently watching:
dragoncave | magistream | ravelry | faenaria | goodreads
snap / insta / discord ~ trystan830 | she / her / hers
"you are some kind of like 20th level string witch" ~Mekatra
"You're the highest level string witch I know too" ~ZenKitty
me... by Glitch!
Old Posted 07-24-2023, 05:11 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #4045  
Must resist the urge to buy things I don't need and that I'm skeptical about simply to satisfy my curiosity.
Specifically "diety identification" divinations/readings through "psychics" and "mediums" on Etsy. xP
I mean...back in Feb, I did buy one out of curiosity mainly because it was pretty cheap (I think only $10) and didn't require me to provide information like my name and birthday (which I don't like to disclose). And it was...interesting, and some of the information seemed very intuitive(?) idk how to describe it. I know these things are generally very broad and general so they'd apply to a lot of people, but they mentioned something about old and likely celtic ancestors wanting to reach out and connect to me, which was actually around the time that a friend and I had decided to start learning irish. But part of me is curious to see if I got different readings from different people if anything would be the same at all or if it would all be completely different...
Old Posted 07-29-2023, 01:39 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4046   Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Mad props to the Disney movie club. Most companies will cancel/remove your subscription/membership automatically after a few months if the card you have on file expires and you don't update it to the new one. Not disney. It's been like 2 years. I still get the reminders every month for the movies even though they don't have an active card to charge. You'd think they'd eventually give up.
Old Posted 08-10-2023, 05:15 PM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #4047  
Getting exceptionally nervous about a (very,.for me) expensive spine piece I ordered for Halloween because it's been about a month since the last message from the artist and it hasn't shipped, but idk, I feel awkward about messaging to check on the progress...like in their info it did state approximately 1 month to make it and I don't want to come across as rude or impatient, I just want to see if they're working on at all even. Idk. I just am starting to get nervous that it might have been a scam. But if that were the case, why would they have been so communicative initially? Ugh. Hoping it ships soon and I'm just worrying for nothing. But did find a different, yet similar, alternative so it'll be fine I guess. Minus the over $200 loss if I was scammed. xP
Old Posted 09-22-2023, 10:26 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4048   Coda Coda is offline
Aaaaaaaargh >_< I hate human psychology. And I include myself in this because I really ought to be able to disconnect myself from emotional reactions when I intellectually know that people are reacting based on their own incomplete information and biases.

This whole Unity debacle is just driving me crazy. People having emotional reactions based on misreadings -- it's even growing into conspiracy theory territory! -- are going to cause more damage to indie game development than Unity themselves ever would have.

Even after the community got what they wanted, they continue to believe that Unity is the BBEG that got exactly what THEY wanted. And instead of praising them for correcting a misstep, a noisy group continues to say that Unity is terrible for this whole thing and that they were manipulating everyone the whole time to get an outcome that they couldn't have gotten away with if they had just come out with it up front.

Even smart people that I trust keep spreading the misinformation that Unity was trying to introduce a retroactive fee. That was never true, even in the very first poorly-communicated incompletely-thought-out pay-per-installation announcement that started the whole mess. They were never going to charge for past installations; even in the worst case, the past installations only counted toward reaching the threshold, not toward how much in total fees you would owe. It was only ever going to be based on new installations that occurred after all of $200,000/12 months in gross revenue, 200,000 total installations, and January 1, 2024 were met.

And I know I've ranted about this before, but the final result is actually WORSE for indie developers. With the refinement that Unity had previously announced, where it was only counting unique devices instead of counting every single installation, it was a progressive fee: you would only have to pay for the number of sales you made after hitting all of the thresholds.

But now, it's a trap -- now as soon as you hit $200,000/12 months in gross revenue, no matter how many unique users you have, no matter how many installations you have, you have to get a Unity Pro subscription, which costs $2040 per developer on your team per year, or else you're in breach of contract and you aren't allowed to use Unity anymore. There's no grace period where you just pay a small fee per new user that starts playing your game once you've reached the cutoff... just immediately bam, you have to have a recurring subscription for the rest of time.

And we're in this situation because that's what we asked for. Unity could have stayed with the progressive fee and offered the same deal that they did for Pro to Personal users -- a choice between a per-unique-user fee or a revenue share arrangement. (And the revenue share arrangement that they're offering for Pro is very competitive -- it's half of what Unreal Engine charges.) But because of Internet backlash, we've got this hard cutoff, and they can rightly say that they took this route because it's what the community demanded.

I'll say it again: I really fear that FUD is going to cause more damage to indie game development than Unity themselves ever would have.

Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 09-25-2023, 10:58 AM Reply With Quote  

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