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Taishi Taishi is offline
Keeper of Secrets
Default   #33  
Taishi would sit quietly listening to the happenings around her "Miss, I very much doubt your guardian will be able to find a way out of here... I am unable to get out of here and I can fade and teleport..." she let out a sigh "My daughter just gave birth to her first child and I couldn't be there to help her through it" she would say gently as she stood up and walked over to Dutchess 'And please do not perceive that everyone here is a commoner' she would say into the girls mind as she begain sitting down next to her 'My name is Umarii Shinada Shidi.... I am the empress of my race and the Taishi' she would continue into the girls mind allowing this information to be for her alone 'The keeper of secrets and the guardian of balance for my race' she finish into her mind though she would sound frustration.

Taishi then opened her eyes and traced them to the other woman "I have no reason to fight and thus will not" she would say closing her eyes once more "My moral and ethnics, please understand" she would say gently "Besides instead of fighting we could just play games" she would say with a light chuckle, trying to raise moral and spirits.

Taishi then opened her eyes once more hearing the voice of the blooded one "You are correct, everyone fights for something... or they have done at one point or another..." she would say as her eyes went down to the girl next to her 'You've been far to sheltered child' she would say closing her eyes once more

(Had to edit for rose's post)
Unmei no hi Tamashii tai Tamashii
Last edited by Taishi; 12-05-2010 at 07:05 AM.
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 06:57 AM  
Default   #34   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
.·º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦. º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦.· º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦.·º○º·.

She couldn't help but give the one who spoke of playing games a rather odd look, after a moment she placed a hand over her face. "My commanders going to slaughter me as it is for not returning to my post let alone if I try to explain this bind I'm in to him" she groaned slightly. Really truth be told she wanted the war to be over, pointless fighting was indeed just that.. though a good spar every once in a while kept your wits about you and helped improve your ability to fight for what you believed in. Plus the fact she had changed form altogether from when the war started.. she was rather missing her old self an abilities.

She turned to look back at her horse that seemed to be stuck with her as well. Rolling her eyes she moved to walk back towards the over-sized creature as she placed a hand on it's side. "fine mess huh?" she half laughed thinking about it, she was stuck in a unknown place let alone to be surrounded by the Divines an held against her will by a being that seemed to want to use the lot of them in whatever experiment he had set up. The horse snorted once seemingly ignoring by all of it, let alone paying attention to his rider.

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Old Posted 12-05-2010, 07:08 AM  
Taishi Taishi is offline
Keeper of Secrets
Default   #35  
Taishi looked to the woman "I fight to protect... at the moment there is nothing I wish to protect here and thus have no need to fight" she would say standing and walking towards the woman and her companion, stopping infront of the horse she went into her side pouch and brought out some carrots holding them out to it "He's a marvolus creature" she would say to the woman "I know you likely see me as an enemy, although, it doesn't mean we can't be civil... if circumstances where diffrent, who knows... we could have been friends" she would say with a smile
Unmei no hi Tamashii tai Tamashii
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 07:17 AM  
Default   #36   Dacorum Dacorum is offline
Divine Knight
Dacorum looks vaguely annoyed.

Your grace. There's a definite hint of sarcasm. If I may ask, why were you on the battlefield in the first place, then, if you refuse to raise arms?

He ignites his weapon. I want to see if there's something to this claim about you mortals, as well. If the lot of you are a representative sample of what Quesaria has to offer I feel as though there is nothing to worry about.
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 11:08 AM  
Taishi Taishi is offline
Keeper of Secrets
Default   #37  
Taishi turned back to the man when he sparked up his lance "She is a child, perhaps she got lost... Perhaps her guardian was called up and she couldn't bare to be seperated from him. There are circumstances... who knows she could have ran away" she would say her voice sounding defensive of the young girl "And I'm sorry if we don't seem to be fighting, when you will it... WE ARE NOT ANIMALS OR SLAVES AT YOUR BEACON CALL, TO DO SUCH THINGS!" she would yell to him, this whole situation was getting to her. Moving back to where she first sat, she would kneel "Deitys and highter powers should have no say here, we are mortals... our life spans may be diffrent and we may fight for our own reasons" she brought her head and her knees together "but eventually we die, I do not wish to destroy life and thus only fight and take life to protect it" she would say her eyes closing as she thought to her daughter and her new grand child
Unmei no hi Tamashii tai Tamashii
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 11:18 AM  
Default   #38   Dacorum Dacorum is offline
Divine Knight
Dacorum narrows his eyes. Have some respect for your captain! Do you think I like bloodshed any more than you? Do you not know the code of my brigade? My blade is to protect, to defend; I am a shield for those behind me.

It is not my will or my desire for there to be fighting, either here or on the battlefield. But regardless of my wishes, there IS a war going on, and there is talk of this war upsetting the very universe. I must do what I must do to bring PEACE and ORDER to Quesaria, and to all of Trisphee by extension. And to do that, I must know HOW mortals fight. I must know WHY mortals fight. If all of your kind thought like you, I would have nothing to fear.

I don't know who this person is who has brought us here, but I have a keenly vested interest in the result of his findings.
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 11:48 AM  
Taishi Taishi is offline
Keeper of Secrets
Default   #39  
Taishi raised an eyebrow "My captain... I think not... I care not for this war" she would say looking over her knees "I've only taken up arms to protect my race... I'm going against my race's laws and traditions so they don't get harmed" she would say standing once more "My race lives in harmony, of course we have warriors to protect but we are happy with the paradise we have" she would say walking over to him sighing "If you want to fight so be it, we will fight... I am trully sorry if I caused you offence, I want to be back home, with my people and my family" she would say "people fight for diffrent reasons like I've already stated... Power, greed, land, protecting loved ones, protecting their home, love, some are slaves and have no choice but to fight for their freedom... I've already stated my reason, what is yours?" she would say moving back from him waiting to see what would happen next
Unmei no hi Tamashii tai Tamashii
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 12:04 PM  
Default   #40   Dacorum Dacorum is offline
Divine Knight
My reason? I fight to protect the world, and to protect everyone in it. I fight to keep the corrupting influence of the Dark God from drawing the universe into chaos.

He grows quiet and looks around for Fakir.
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 12:09 PM  
Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Default   #41  
.·º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦. º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦.· º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦.·º○º·.

The horse sniffed the carrot before gently taking it form the stranger, though his size could intimidate most he was a pushover when it came right down to it. He only had war training due to the fact that his rider an him were almost always fighting for their lives. "Heh.. he is, it's the bit of family I have left." he left her statement at that not wanting to go into details that humans had forced her clan out of their home an slaughtered most of them in the process. Though she didn't include much information about the beast of burden at all either, name, breed, but she found such small talk meaningless

She laughed a little listening to her "I view most races as a enemy I was half elf before this war, I'm hopeful I can return to that state" She gave the woman a weak smile, it wasn't common that half breeds of anything were accepted in most areas so she had her fair share of hardships, even though she had fought for her clan that did not earn her any favors.

She stayed silent as she watched the knight an the woman go back an forth with one another. She shook her head a little listening to them before walking towards the knight, even with his weapon poised for combat she didn't seem the least bit worried. "heres something for you to chew on Captain" she said in a slightly mocking tone "ever think the other side has reasons they are fighting, ones they are protecting? Such simple minded thoughts is why wars last so long to begin with let alone why they claim so many lives along the way. Sure I joined a side, but when it came down to it there was no middle ground option and I couldn't forsaken my fellow knights just because I think this war could have been avoided." Her ears went back as she spoke, she cared little he was going to strike out at her she was ready.

.·º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦. º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦.· º○º·.♦.·º○º·.♦.·º○º·.
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 12:20 PM  
Default   #42   Taishi Taishi is offline
Keeper of Secrets
Taishi smiled 'That is admirble, if only there where more people like you there would be no war to speak of' she would place into his mind so there conversation could continue in private. Walking forward she sat down next to him, if he was standing it would look like she would be in servitite to him "Perhaps you should sit..." she would say sighing lightly "My daughter gave birth about 30 minutes ago" she would say with a smile "My first grand child" her voice full of happiness, moving slightly her robe slightly it could be noticed for a second or two she was infact floating, she forgot that she was around outsiders and should hide certain things

Taishi looked at Rose "I am sorry you have been left alone, at least with him you are never without a friend" she would say gently her eyes showing tenderness "I am an Ascent Arco, my race aren't normally seen out of our realm... but this will engulf my race I fear and I can not sit by and allow it" she would say gently "And your right there was no ground in between we had to choose what we thought was best fir ourselves and those we care for... I do hope Rose we do not have to fight" she would say gently

~edited for rose's post~
Unmei no hi Tamashii tai Tamashii
Last edited by Taishi; 12-05-2010 at 12:31 PM.
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 12:23 PM  
Dacorum Dacorum is offline
Divine Knight
Default   #43  
That is none of my concern. It is Braen that is the aggressor. It is, therefore, my duty to defend -- defend the people, defend order, defend peace.
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 12:33 PM  
Default   #44   Taishi Taishi is offline
Keeper of Secrets
Taishi looked up before for a second before standing up "I challenge you... I might as well make the first request so we can get out of here soon" she would stay moving to the middle of the surrounding area waiting for Dacorum to accept or decline the challenge
Unmei no hi Tamashii tai Tamashii
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 12:42 PM  
Dacorum Dacorum is offline
Divine Knight
Default   #45  
Dacorum cinches his shield up on his forearm and spins his glaive around in his hands once to bring it to bear.

Very well, as you wish.

He waits, alert, for the first attack.
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 12:51 PM  
Default   #46   Taishi Taishi is offline
Keeper of Secrets
Taishi bowed slightly seeing him move towards her "Thank you" she would say gently. Breathing deeply she would bring up her left hand a small white orb appearing, placing her hand infront of her she would let it go. When it left her hand it would split into seven smaller orbs that moved close to his head, waist and feet, the purpose of this was to get him moving not to harm
Unmei no hi Tamashii tai Tamashii
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 01:01 PM  
Dacorum Dacorum is offline
Divine Knight
Default   #47  
Dacorum humors Taishi and uses the energy blade of his weapon to cut through all seven spheres with one fluid motion, turning around one time in doing so.

He continues his movement, pivoting around one more time as he advances, bringing his glaive down at a diagonal with his rotation.
Old Posted 12-05-2010, 02:29 PM  
Default   #48   Espy Espy is offline
Espy stood on the sidelines, watching. Hers were not the best weapons to fight a halberd with, and she didn't fully intend to only using them. She fished out a lump of mithril from inside her satchel and carefully transmuted it to something more useful to her: a lightweight dagger.

Old Posted 12-05-2010, 02:38 PM  

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