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Crystalkitsune85 Crystalkitsune85 is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Default   #33  
Such Wall O text Bro. I saw a lot and just skimmed. I'm glad I'm not jumping in. While I think there is an interest in creating a character and then using dice to determine success or failure, starting up for either the player or the DM is sooo extensive. Even more so for the DM since he/she has to create a whole world whence the players play in. @_@. I hope you guys have the funs though :)
"Smile, let the world wonder what you're up to."
Old Posted 11-16-2017, 02:35 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #34   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Hmmm, well, if we didn't want to do the dice rolling or anything, we don't have to. Mayhap take a vote? I'd be down either way.
Old Posted 11-16-2017, 08:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Mekatra Mekatra is offline
Default   #35  
I think it us the extensive character set-up she is against, not the dice. It does require a bit of set-up, but it is the concept that matters most. The rest is easy. Plus, Fate is the second easiest character creation in exsistance.
Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

Pm me the answer, no cheating please!
Old Posted 11-16-2017, 10:07 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #36   Crystalkitsune85 Crystalkitsune85 is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
I am TOTALLY lazy, Meki can vouch for that. Sure I create characters but I don't do all that like attribute stuff. I am more for 1X1 RP anyway. Groups tend to get out of hand if I leave it for a period of time. @_@
"Smile, let the world wonder what you're up to."
Old Posted 11-16-2017, 10:12 PM Reply With Quote  
sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Default   #37  
^Same for me, honestly. But I am down to try. It's just my first time doing anything like this online is all.

Okay. So what if we compromised? What if we didn't make extensive ass long character sheets but with different actions we'd roll to see if we hit and then roll to see what the damage is? Laziness can still prevail, but we'll still have the dice aspect. I think as long as we all don't get out of hand and make our characters super op and specify what they are able to do before hand and don't go over and above that it could work?


idfk, I'm just spitting ideas here. xD
Old Posted 11-16-2017, 11:08 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #38   Crystalkitsune85 Crystalkitsune85 is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Oh it's ok I was fine with letting Meki have his fun with you guys. We actually got a 1x1 going so I'm happy I can do that at least ^^. You guys do it like Meki wants.
"Smile, let the world wonder what you're up to."
Old Posted 11-17-2017, 01:41 AM Reply With Quote  
Worm Worm is offline
Two Fish
Default   #39  
I just posted the beginnings of my character in the OOC, lemme know if he looks cool.
Is telekinesis/levitation okay for a second gen power? </3
Last edited by Worm; 11-19-2017 at 10:50 PM.
Old Posted 11-19-2017, 10:04 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #40   Mekatra Mekatra is offline
I'm so sorry for disappearing for a while. My laptop decided it was done with life (Mother board fried and took hard drive with it) and it took me a bit to replace it. >.< I have returned with a new laptop and will be active daily again.
Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

Pm me the answer, no cheating please!
Old Posted 11-25-2017, 08:52 AM Reply With Quote  
ZodiacArtist ZodiacArtist is offline
Default   #41  
So besides D&D since I really have no idea about it. Do you have any other cravings? I do a LOT of roleplaying. So here we go again, give a moment to type everything out for you.

-Big brother to younger sister
-Tends to draw out scenes of stories or roleplays just for fun.
-Can write anywhere from 1-15+ paragraphs or more depending on my inspiration and time I have on hand.
-I can respond a couple times a week (if work is overkill on me seeing as -I am full time 40hrs, I may slow my responses but I try to let you know) sometimes I can respond a LOT. Sometimes I cannot. Inspiration and time are limited.
-Male, Female, other, etc.
-Any age groups (romance doesn't typically begin until at least age 14, nothing adult unless moved to another site which I prefer not to bother with)
-Any orientations, male/female, male/male, female/female or other.
-Any races: androids, humans, elves, mages, aliens, immortals, witches, etc, etc, etc.
-Any time period just about, willing to work on it.
-Not comfortable with m-preg (unless its a trans, magical sort of birth---needs to somewhat make sense to me)
-I like fandoms with canons and originals (even if the originals don't get with the canons)
-I like originals where i can use my own characters as if myself in the story line.
-I can play a lot of canons at once, just about any canon, and multi-play characters (canon and originals combined or separate)
-Grammar and spelling are above average - I have fanfictions I can link you to that do very well on archiveofourown.

If you have other questions just ask.
Old Posted 12-03-2017, 08:32 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #42   Mekatra Mekatra is offline
I would be interested in doing some high fantasy type stuff with non-human characters. I'm kind of feeling like something involving a dragon maybe.

Is there anything in particular that you're looking for?
Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

Pm me the answer, no cheating please!
Old Posted 12-04-2017, 04:17 PM Reply With Quote  

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