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Monorea Monorea is offline
Stuck In One Reality
Default   #545  
What is it then? I have never heard about it.
Old Posted 12-29-2015, 05:29 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #546   Ammutseba Ammutseba is offline
Tasty Zucchini!
Originally Posted by MystMist View Post
Fiddling, biting nails, humming without noticing, those kind of things?
or worse of course
I used to have bad habits, but once I became aware of what they do to my public image, I broke most of them. Currently, I even try to stop myself from having verbal tics, by observing what I say, and if I notice I've said something more than a couple time in a conversation, I make an effort to remove it from my speech.

I have some stimming behaviors, though. I fidget my legs pretty constantly. Not really sure how to describe the motion, but it's totally subconscious, and I tend to do it more when I'm in more pain than usual. If I get overwhelmed, I rock back and forth, too. Those aren't habits, though. Also, my butt is super toned from the leg stimming. :P
Old Posted 12-29-2015, 09:29 AM Reply With Quote  
Monorea Monorea is offline
Stuck In One Reality
Default   #547  
Most of my habits lies with my restless hands or restless everything really.
I do have lots of bad habits concerning to speech but maybe you guys already have noticed that?
Old Posted 12-29-2015, 09:35 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #548   Glitch Glitch is offline
it's an anime and i guess also a video game bsaed on the thread on here, they are cute and they rock out? XD

Old Posted 12-29-2015, 04:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Monorea Monorea is offline
Stuck In One Reality
Default   #549  
What kind of rock?
Old Posted 12-29-2015, 04:40 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #550   Glitch Glitch is offline
j-rock i guess since it's an anime XD

Old Posted 12-29-2015, 04:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Glitch Glitch is offline
Default   #551  
I got the art I had commissioned for the event but since it was so late I'm going to hold it in this thread so I can have a longer deadline ^_^

Old Posted 12-30-2015, 03:14 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #552   Monorea Monorea is offline
Stuck In One Reality
Art! You had something commissioned for the Festival of Frost? Deadline?
Old Posted 12-30-2015, 03:22 PM Reply With Quote  
Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
Default   #553  
Glitch's art makes me hungry….
Old Posted 12-30-2015, 03:29 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #554   Monorea Monorea is offline
Stuck In One Reality
By the way is the front page of the thread updated?
Old Posted 12-30-2015, 03:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Glitch Glitch is offline
Default   #555  
OMG I FORGOT the page contest. Lemme go do that. xD

I am so absentminded ._.;;;

And ya I commissioned that picture on the front page for the event but I didn't get it until yesterday ^^;;; so there wasn't enough time left for the event ;-; so I'll just do it in here! 50 runes in stead of snowflakes <3

Old Posted 12-30-2015, 04:18 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #556   Monorea Monorea is offline
Stuck In One Reality
Well i give up, i got no chance when it's a full image and not just something vague to work with. Unless there is no other entries by the ending date of course.
Old Posted 12-30-2015, 04:26 PM Reply With Quote  
Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
Default   #557  
Runes are nice…. I might play with that one but for now I am gonna look at other peoples.
Old Posted 12-30-2015, 04:26 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #558   littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline
isn't that funny
pffft, now i wanna do the coloring contest XD i can impress a couple newbies with that, hahaha
Old Posted 12-30-2015, 04:40 PM Reply With Quote  
Glitch Glitch is offline
Default   #559  
you can still get creative with it -- you can add a background or just draw over the picture. I am not measuring art talent which is why it's not a drawing contest. It's more a contest of how creative you can get with colors and it's going to be user voted on, i'm not just going ot be picking one.

Same for the other contest. It is something to do for fun not something to stress over.

Old Posted 12-30-2015, 04:41 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #560   Monorea Monorea is offline
Stuck In One Reality
CHO!!!!! I have the list for you! Should i pm it or post it in a spoiler?
Old Posted 12-30-2015, 04:44 PM Reply With Quote  

arting profusely, best friends club, can't touch this, coloring :d, worlds cutest baby winter

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