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Bovice Bovice is offline
The Vampire Lord
Default   #817  
"Um yes you do." He said looking over the papers. "Just here." The man said pointing to a line. The man stuck up his fist, four people came from the truck and ran to the cars. They all got in the cars and started them, they slowly drove them off of the grass and onto the dual layer flatbed truck. After Anne signed the paper the man bowed, "Thank you ma'am, have a nice day." He said as he went back to the truck.
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 08:14 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #818   Evil Tink Evil Tink is offline
Woo, Graduated High School
Anne signed the paper and shut the door, "Well then.." She headed off to find something to occupy her time. She never understood why a vampire would want a chef...

Hayden punched Solomon in the gut, "That was mean!" She crossed her arms and stuck out her tongue, "I thought you weren't mad at me."

"Ooomph!" Solomon grabbed his torso and went to his knees. Sometimes he forgot that Hayden was a vampire. "Ugh, you didn't have to hit me so hard." After a moment to recover, he stood, narrowing his eyes, "Ooohh, you're going to get it now!"

Hayden squealed, "I'm sorry!" And with that, she ran off as fast as she could.

Solomon chuckled, walking on as she ran, "There, that took care of her." After a few more minutes of walking he came up to the Manor, not surprised to see Holden's cars missing. Bout time they got off my lawn... He had moved his cars to the driveway, having no need to really use it since he was planning on staying home most of the time.

He came inside the back door, looking around for Hayden, "Dammit Hayden..the longer you stall, the longer I'm going to make you live there! And no visits again!"

Hayden appeared in front of Solomon, sadness all over her face, "Please don't make me go back. I'm sorry, I'll behave. I promise."

Solomon frowned slightly, "I can't do that Hayden. You have to go; that's what's been decided by the Council."
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 08:24 PM Reply With Quote  
Bovice Bovice is offline
The Vampire Lord
Default   #819  
Holden looked at the sleeping Amanda, and then to Alicia who was laying on the floor. "Watch her for me I am going out for a few." He said as he got up off of the couch.
"Your gonna go out and feed right?" Alicia asked looking at Holden.
"Yes I am. plus I am going to turn in her school papers." He said as he reached the door.

"I don't think that she would still be there, its 8:30 p.m." She said as she got up and sat on the couch.
"They have a drop box, you dingbat." He said with a smile.
"Hey now be nice." Alicia said squeezing his brain.
Holden hopped into the corvette and quietly drove out of his driveway.
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 08:51 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #820   Evil Tink Evil Tink is offline
Woo, Graduated High School
Solomon sighed seeing her face, and stood, "Fine..one day. That's it. Anyway, I have to get on the phone.." He teleported himself to his study, pulling out his cell phone. He doubted Marsha would still be on Campus, but that was the only number he had. He left a short message for her and replaced the phone back in his pocket.

Hayden clapped, following him by foot, "Oh come Soly, pleeeaasssee? You could do an appeal."

Solomon shook his head, "I don't have that kind of influence and you know that..not to mention, you have Jaclynn's death to be added. She was a Council member you know."

Hayden frowned, stiffened, "I..but she...Solo, you can't just...not help me." She looked up at him with teary eyes. "I won't do anymore bad things. I promise."

Solomon clenched his fist, the lamp on his desk exploded, "Hayden! I can't..." he frowned seeing she was ready to cry again. "I'm sorry.." He picked her up, using his thumb to wipe away a tear, "I'll see what I can do." He looked over, seeing something odd on his couch. "Oh..he forgot his jacket.."

He walked over, picking it up with one hand while his other arm held Hayden with ease, "Oh, I almost forgot..Hayden..umm..the Jaguar.." He looked away, "..was destroyed.."

"What!?" Hayden shrieked, forcing Solomon to cover his ear with his free hand, "But!" She frowned holding onto him and resting her chin on his shoulder, "It's okay...as long as you're alright."

He searched the city for Holden's mind, but seeing as it was speeding through the streets, he searched for Amanda. "Oh I see...you live there. He teleported himself to outside the house, letting out a sigh as he looked at the jacket.

"You know, you're being a butt-head. Like you said, Holden needs to come to terms his own way. You don't need to make it worse by being so stupid." She turned her head so she was facing his neck, "Solo, I'm hungry."

Solomon shifted her a bit in his arm, "You know you can't do that right now..." He knocked on the door, waiting for Alicia to answer the door. He would've teleported inside, but he was unsure if Amanda would wake up or not. He'd rather not chance it.
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 09:09 PM Reply With Quote  
Bovice Bovice is offline
The Vampire Lord
Default   #821  
Alicia sighed as she heard the knock on the door, Who in the hell could that be?" She asked feeling for the person. "Great." She said as she got up and walked to the door. She opened it, "What's up Solomon?" She asked crossing her arms. "I would invite you since I live here, but I think Holden would be mad." Alicia said staring at Solomon.

Holden made it to the school, "Pitch black, nice." He said as he walked up to the drop box. He dropped the manila folder into the drop box and teleported to his car. "Now is there someone nearby?" He said as he scanned his surroundings. "Ah there we go." He said with a evil smile as he teleported behind his victim. He knocked out the man and pulled him into the closest alleyway. He looked around and quickly jammed his fangs onto the man's neck. Holden drained the man of his blood, he quickly threw the dead body down and teleported to his car and headed home.
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 09:22 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #822   Evil Tink Evil Tink is offline
Woo, Graduated High School
Solomon flinched, "Such venom..either way, here." He threw the jacket at her, "He forgot it." He looked over his shoulder, "Christ..you need to teach him to not kill.." He shook his head and disappeared, appearing by the body.

He set Hayden down as he knelt down, examining him, "He's going to end up getting himself killed if he keeps this up." He looked over to Hayden as she crouched beside him, "Look familiar Hayden?"

She frowned, "I said sorry like..400 times now.." She stood up, "Can I please just go have one? I'm sooo hungry."

Solomon shook his head, "I will supply you with your blood, just like back there." He stood, bringing the body up with him and slinging it over his shoulder, "Come on, we have to dispose of him." He grabbed her hand with his free one, teleporting them to the pond, throwing the body down, "You can burn him..I'll keep it contained and make sure it's not seen."

Hayden smiled, snapping her fingers, sparks flew form her fingers and landed on the body, starting it on fire. She did her best ot make it quick and contained, even though Solomon said he'd do it. She wanted to show him she could. After wards, she looked up at him with a frown, "You should apologize as well Solo..."
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 09:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Bovice Bovice is offline
The Vampire Lord
Default   #823  
Alicia was taken aback by the jacket when it hit her in the face. She pulled it down, "Well there's a lot of things you could of taught him." She said as he disappeared. She slammed the door but blocked the sound so it wouldn't wake Amanda. She was finally sleeping on her own. She quickly teleported to Holden's room and threw it on the floor by his clothes. She teleported back by the door, and walked back to the couch and sat down. Alicia sighed.

Holden pulled into his driveway a few minutes later. He got out of the car and walked to the door. He stopped and sniffed the air, he stormed into the house, and went to the living room. "What was Solomon doing here?" He asked slightly pissed.
"He dropped off your old jacket." She said looking at Holden.

He wanted to scream but he didn't want to wake Amanda up.
"Calm down he was only here for a second, I didn't let him in." She said trying to calm him down.
"He was still at my house. I don't want him here, I know that I still love him. It's just gah." Holden said as he plopped down on the floor.
"Just settle down Holden." Alicia said with a reassuring smile.
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 09:51 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #824   Evil Tink Evil Tink is offline
Woo, Graduated High School
Solomon looked at her like she was crazy..well..she was, "E-excuse me? He brought this unto himself. D-don't give me that..that look Hayden! Stop it." He looked away, shoving his hands in his pockets. "The only thing I'm sorry for is turning him. It was a huge mistake."

Hayden frowned, going over and hugging his legs, "You're lying again Soly..." She sighed, "Imma go back...I want to spend some time with Anne, she's so much fun." With that, she disappeared.

Solomon took his left hand and ran it through his hair with a heavy sigh, "I'm not lying.." He looked down after she had disappeared, "It was the worst thing to do.." He walked back, arriving about half an hour later. He went into the stables, going into Zera's stall. The hose nickered, resting her head on his shoulder, "Yeah..I know..I already miss him."

He sat down on the edge of the hay container in her stall, petting her neck. He closed his eyes with a sigh, "What am I going to do with Kali? She's going to get awfully depressed if she doesn't see him soon." The horse sighed as well. "You're so much help," he said sarcastically.

Hayden had actually teleported outside Holden's house, wincing as she noticed he was home. She had only wanted to speak with Alicia; Holden made her angry for what he did to Solomon. She quickly masked herself from the vampires, debating on whether or not she wanted to knock. After a moment of contemplation, she gently knocked on the door, barely making a sound.
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 10:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Bovice Bovice is offline
The Vampire Lord
Default   #825  
Holden spun around quickly when he heard someone at the door. He walked slowly to the door not wanting to open it. He sighed deeply as he opened the door, "Hi Hayden, are you here to yell at me?" He asked as he looked around, no Solomon. He sighed again, "Come in, I think Solomon would be madder if I left his sister standing out in the cold." He said as he stepped out of the way.
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 10:10 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #826   Evil Tink Evil Tink is offline
Woo, Graduated High School
Hayden jumped, "No, I.." She looked down, trailing off an quietly shuffling inside. "I..came to apologize for Solomon. He's being too much of a butt-head to do it himself, but I wanted you to know." Her fingers toyed with the edges of her sleeves. She kept her eyes down, "I know he's sorry; and he still cares for you..but..he's just being a stubborn dunder-head." She quickly glanced up at Holden, then moved away.
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 10:18 PM Reply With Quote  
Bovice Bovice is offline
The Vampire Lord
Default   #827  
Holden sighed as he took a knee, "It's not just his fault its mine too." He said with an exhausted look on his face. "If I wouldn't of met him none of this would of happened, granted I would still be getting abused..." He said as he trailed off. He quickly snapped back, "Thank you for telling me Hayden, but I would rather hear it from Solomon directly." He said with a small smile. "Its kind of funny, me and him have the same type of sister. Amanda would do anything for me, and I can tell you would do anything for Solomon." He said still with a smile. "I know we don't have to eat human food but there is some leftover pizza if you want some." He said as he stood up. He snapped his fingers. "That's right." He said as he disappeared. He appeared in his room and quickly looked for his painting stuff. "Ha found it." He said as he teleported back to Hayden. "Sorry if I scared you, but here can you give this to Solomon for me? I know its not the same as the one he had before, but it was the closest one I could find." He said as he handed the key for a 1954 Jaguar XK 140 to Hayden. Holden gave her a smile while he waited for her to take the key.
Last edited by Bovice; 04-26-2011 at 10:45 PM.
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 10:42 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #828   Evil Tink Evil Tink is offline
Woo, Graduated High School
Hayden shook her head, "I'm okay.." He held out her hands, looking at the key as it was dropped into her palms. Being one for Jaguars, she recognized the key. "I..don't think he'll want it. He doesn't like it when you spend money on him like that...but, I will be sure to make him appreciate it nonetheless." She flinched a bit, looking up to Holden, "How was the 120 destroyed? Soly said he'd protect that car with his life.." She sighed heavily, sitting on the floor now. "I got that for him on a very special birthday..."
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 10:53 PM Reply With Quote  
Bovice Bovice is offline
The Vampire Lord
Default   #829  
Holden smiled, "I'll tell you what happened, if you tell me what made that birthday special, ok?" He said as he sat down a little ways away from Hayden, so she wouldn't be uncomfortable. "This would be nicer if I had furniture to sit on, but oh well." He said as he crossed his legs. "Well a few days before my dad's 'heart attack', Solomon's garage exploded. I didn't figure out what happened until we were in America, when my dad's favorite car exploded out of no where. Also when Jaclynn kidnapped Amanda, anyway, Jaclynn grabbed Solomon's belt buckle and it exploded. I smelled burning metal, all three times. So what I'm assuming is that Jaclynn changed the chemical makeup of the cars, and the buckle to make them explode." He said with a frown. "I saved his life the day the garage exploded, I thought he was dead." He said looking down. Holden looked up and gave Hayden a smile.
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 11:07 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #830   Evil Tink Evil Tink is offline
Woo, Graduated High School
Hayden nodded, "Fair deal." She became extremely tense as she pulled the memory from his mind while he discussed it. Her eyes became bright red as she watched the scene unfold in her mind. "Of course..she was..talented like that."

She clenched her tiny hands, her rose nails cutting deep into her skin causing her to bleed. "On his 550th birthday, I got him the car, mainly as an apology...but he also likes to collect things...so I thought he'd like to add it to his growing car collection." She paused, holding back tears as she looked to the floor again. "I can't believe that it's gone...it was the last gift I had given him.."
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 11:23 PM Reply With Quote  
Bovice Bovice is offline
The Vampire Lord
Default   #831  
Holden nodded as he listened, "I see, its ok Hayden. How about this you take the credit for the car. There is nothing other then my scent, that would say that I was the one who bought the car." He said with a smile. "Now enough about the past, let's talk about the present. Are you hungry? Alicia bought some bottled blood, I know Solomon hates it but do you?" He asked as he stood up. "Don't worry to much about Amanda, a nuclear bomb could go off and she would still be asleep." Holden said with a smile as he walked to the kitchen to grab a couple bottles of blood.
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 11:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #832   Evil Tink Evil Tink is offline
Woo, Graduated High School
Hayden tensed as he mentioned blood. She quickly shook her head, even though she really wanted some. "Solomon doesn't let me drink blood...unless I really need it...like..near death need..." She looked away from both of them, her eyes glued to the floor. A tremor wracked her body as Holden left. Her body desperately desired some blood, but she would not disobey Solomon. She promised him she'd be good and that she'd listen to him. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to get her mind off it.
Old Posted 04-26-2011, 11:37 PM Reply With Quote  

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