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Kitalpha Hart Kitalpha Hart is offline
Hakuna matata
Default   #1009  
901. Do you have a Nintendo game boy? no
902. What color is it? no
903. How many games do you have for it? no
904. What color is Garfield? orange tabby
905. What is the dog's name in Garfield? Odie
906. Who is Garfield's owner? Jon Arbuckle
907. Have you ever vacuumed the cat? no
908. Do you like to pull weeds? no
909. Have you painted a house? no
910. Can you use a power saw? idk
911. Do you like to go to the hardware store? meh
912. Do you play piano? not really
913. What can you play? gibberish
914. Who is Mozart? compser
915. Where is Rome? Italy
916. Are you smarter than a fifth grader? lol
917. What is the equator? south
918. Where is the North Pole? north
919. What color is it? prolly snowy
920. have you ever seen it? no
921. So how do you know what color it is? lol
922. Did you know there is no pole at the pole? duh
923. Do you believe in Santa Claus? no
924. Do you like kids? no
925. What continent is Brazil on? South America
926. what country is north of the United States? Canada
927. Who was Adolph Hitler? trouble
928. Who was Winston Churchill? also trouble
929. Do you know where your mom is? downstairs
930. Do you believe that dinosaurs lived on earth? ye
931. Do you know what an AK-47 is? gun
932. How many TV stations do you have? idk
933. How many do you actually watch? four of them
934. Do you pay a lot for all those channels? idk
935. Cable or satellite? satellite
936. How many pairs of jeans do you own? none
937. Do you like robots or androids better, or neither? neither
938. Can you do Algebra? idk
939. What is the longest book you ever read? idk
940. How many pages can you read in an hour? idk
941. Have you ever seen a UFO or even believe in them for that matter? naw
942. Do you tan or burn? burn
943. Where is Texas? that way
944. Do you like school lunches? meh
945. Do you like your teachers? meh
946. Do you want this quiz to end? ye
947. Would you quit now if you got 50k on this question or would you finish the quiz? from where
948. Do you have an old transformer? no
949. How many do you have? no
950. Do you like pigs? meh
951. Have you ever kicked a chicken? no
952. Do you know what mutton chops are? sheep?
953. What is haggis? disgusting?
954. How many days are in a leap year? 366
955. Have you ever heard of nannites? no
956. What is a bio machine? idk
957. Does your school have a cool mascot? LOL
958. What are your school colors? green and gold
959. Do you have any posters in your room? ye
960. Who is Jimmy Neutron? idk
961. Have you seen the Grand Canyon? technically
962. Where is it? that way
963. Do you like camping? never been
964. Have you ever taken a road trip across the country? no
965. How far can you drive in one day? idk
966. Ever been on a cruise? no
967. When did the Titanic sink? long ago
968. Have you played in the rain? idk
969. Was the rain cold or warm? idk
970. What is you favorite pie? meat
971. Do you like Jam? ew
972. Do you have a sleeping bag? ye
973. Can you navigate using a compass? no
974. How long did you think this was going to be? too long
975. Did you know you are down to the last 10 questions? liar
976. Do you still have your toys from your childhood? unlikely
977. How many DVDs do you own? a few
978. Is your room clean? no
979. Have you forgotten your chores to do this quiz? no
980. Are you aware that there is only five questions left? liar
981 How do you think you did? meh
982. could you imagine it would take this long? eh
983. Did you know you were almost done? liar
984. Did you know you have one question left on this quiz? liar
985. Are you glad this is almost over? no
986. Did you know it's almost official that this is the longest quiz on trisphee? duh
987. Have you broken any rules while doing this quiz? naw
988. Have you ever finished any other quiz before? ye
989. Do you think this is the longest quiz in trisphee's history? idk
990. Do you know the first 5 numbers of pi? no
991. What's the difference between pi and pie? one is math the other is cookery
992. Ever entered a avi contest? gaian
993. Ever finished a quiz this long before? ye
994. About how long did it take you to get this far? idk
995. Any of your friends online? lol
996. Did you make a lot of aurum? no
997. About how much aurum did you make from this quiz? maybe 50
998. Do you think anyone will ever make a quiz longer than this one? no
999. Did this take you a long time to finish? idk
1000. Do you know how much you weigh? no


Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien View Post
Kitalpha is a face again! 8O
Originally Posted by Voidbarker View Post
hart is now a face again. rejoice.

if you read this you owe me one aurum
Old Posted 08-07-2019, 05:36 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1010   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
478. Are your parents / kids weird?

Kinda. <x} I'm fortunate to have both of my parents although they're divorced and living separately.
My dad and mom are almost total opposites though. <x'D Which makes sense.
My mom is weird to me because she can somehow strike up a conversation with strangers and I swear it sounds like they've known each other since high school, when they only met two minutes ago. She's socially savvy and kinda mischievous.
She likes dad jokes.

My dad is weird to me because...actually he's not weird he's awesome. <x'} Haha, the only thing I find weird is that he can just eat veggies raw and isn't scared to eat pretty much anything. Like onions or garlic or peppers, even straight up ginger. :[ He can just. Eat it. without gagging. I don't think I've ever seen him gag on anything. I once witnessed him eat a live cricket when I was little. <x} Steel stomach he has, my dad!
He likes Mel Brooks humor. x}

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Old Posted 08-07-2019, 11:55 PM Reply With Quote  
Kitalpha Hart Kitalpha Hart is offline
Hakuna matata
Default   #1011  
1001. How many cars do you have? none
1002. Do you own a pool? no
1003. Do you live in an apartment? no
1004. Do you live in a shack? no
1005. Do you play pool? no
1006. Ever won a contest before? technically
1007. Do you think you could've came up with this many questions? idk
1008. Which question in this quiz was your favorite? no
1009. Can you imagine anyone finishing this quiz? ye
1010. Are you rich now that you've almost finished this quiz? no
1011. Did this quiz help you get any of your dream items? no
1012. Do you have a quest thread on Trisphee? repeat
1013. Do you have a diary? technically
1014. Do you think I'm being nosy? ye
1015. Do you believe in magic, aliens, ghosts, etc.? maybe
1016. Has anyone ever robbed/broken into your house? isk
1017. Did you go crazy while doing this quiz? no
1018. Was it worth it doing this quiz? no
1019. Was the quiz fun? no
1020. Would you suggest this quiz to other people to do? no
1021. Did you earn a lot of aurum? no
1022. How much aurum do you have now? a few
1023. Would you have liked to get more? ye
1024. Was this quiz worth doing? no
1025. Did you know this is a newer question? no
1026. Doesn't it seem like this quiz keeps going on and on? ye
1027. Would you like to stop doing this quiz at this point? idk
1028. I'm glad your continuing on, so why are you bothering to finish this quiz? meh
1029. Halo 3 or Call of Duty 4? ew
1030. PS3 or XBOX 360? idk
1031. WII or PSP? wii
1032. Ever heard of the site called runescape? site?
1033. If you answered no on the last one just leave the answer to this one blank, Do you have an account on the website? no
1034. Have you ever been electrocuted? repeat
1035. What's the last movie you saw? idk
1036. When was the last time you cried? idk
1037. In your opinion does peeling onions really make you cry? ye
1038. Did you realize this quiz has gotten longer? ye
1039. Are you starting to wish you never started this quiz? meh
1040. Have you ever watched the show Mythbusters? repeat
1041. What is one myth you would like to test out yourself? idk
1042. If you could be someone for 1 day who would it be? no
1043. Do you hate it when people park in handicapped spots and aren't really handicapped? can't see all that deserve that tag
1044. Are you one of the people who aren't handi-capped but park in the spots? kinda, but that's only when mom's driving home and it's her tag
1045. Do you think driving and talking on your cells (excluding hands free and bluetooth) should be illegal? distracted driving, it already is
1046. If you were president what would be the first thing you would do? resign
1047. When you were little what job did you want? idk
1048. What number of questions would you like this quiz to have? less
1049. Did you ever lose a pet as a child? to death
1050. What if I told you I stole you pet... liar
1051. Here is your pet back! *Hands over pet.* liar
1052. Do you think clowns are creepy? repeat
1053. What if a clown had a knife and yelled out bloody murder would you be scared? weird
1054. Do you find this quiz attractive? no
1055. Would this quiz look good in a pink dress? no
1056. Do you think Fenris secretly eats cats? who
1057. Do you think Fenris is pretty? who
1058. Would you ever consider marrying Coda? who
1059. Would you wear a cheesy beard? no
1060. Have you heard of a fail whale? no
1061. Would you ride on a fail whale? no
1062. Would you ride a fail whale for a Klondike bar? no
1063. You like Bazooka Bubble Gum? no
1064. Do you know the bazooka bubble gum theme song? no
1065. Would you care to type out parts of the song? no
1066. What is your favorite show tune? no
1067. Have you ever sung a show tune out in public? no
1068. Did you get a lot of attention? no
1069. If trisphee was a burrito would you eat it? no
1070. Are these questions getting weird? duh
1071. Perhaps you're weird, don't you agree? duh
1072. I don't like that tone... R U MAD? naw
1073. Ok, I'll stop the weird questions... liar
1074. Do you burp rainbows.. no
1075. Staaaartiiing. NOW! liar
1076. Did you like the weird questions? meh
1077. I miss asking weird questions... meh
1078. Perhaps weird questions miss me too. meh
1079. Do you miss answering weird questions? meh
1080. I think weird questions are lonely without us, don't you agree? meh
1081. Ok I think I should start asking weird questions again. meh
1082. How many flabberwackens does it take to make one mad hatter? no
1083. Did you make a EDUCATED GUESS? no
1084. How often do you make educated guesses? no
1085. Do you think your guesses are well educated? no
1086. Does this quiz sometimes confuse you? no
1087. Maybe the quiz is confused of you? Have you ever thought of it that way? no
1088. The quiz wants to marry you, do you accept? no
1089. Where would you take the quiz on a honeymoon? no
1090. Can Illusion come with you? no
1091. Do you believe in Clevelandlantis? no
1092. Do you know where I got Clevelandlantis from? no
1093. Can you make up city names? no
1094. If you own your own city what would you name it? no
1095. Would you ever name a city Illusionopolis? no
1096. Would you ever wear a chicken suit? no
1097. Would you do it for a scooby snack? no
1098. How about two scooby snacks? no
1101. Do you like scooby doo? no
1102. Scooby Doo or Fairy Odd Parents? no
1103. Do you like cartoon characters with red hair? no
1104. Can you name one? no


Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien View Post
Kitalpha is a face again! 8O
Originally Posted by Voidbarker View Post
hart is now a face again. rejoice.

if you read this you owe me one aurum
Old Posted 08-08-2019, 02:22 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1012   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
900. What is your favorite dish for thanksgiving?

Hmmm, well, if I could have it every thanksgiving, I'd love a plate of American wagyu or Japanese Kobe steak, filet mignon, medium well, with steamed veggies, seasoned brown rice, and a sliver of blackened salmon lightly drizzled with honey and a blackberry peach vodka cocktail.~ vuv

...but if not, Chinese take-out is good too. x] I usually don't like to eat turkey, corn and potatoes unless it isn't thanksgiving.

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Old Posted 08-08-2019, 01:57 PM Reply With Quote  
DreadedMartian DreadedMartian is offline
Default   #1013  
1. How much aurum do you have right now?
650. I just went shopping lol

2. How much aurum would you like to have?
Just enough

3. Do you think you'll finish this quiz?
Idk. I tend to disappear for periods of time.

“The Dreamer awakes
The shadow goes by
The tale I have told you,
That tale is a lie.
But listen to me,
Bright maiden, proud youth
The tale is a lie;
What it tells is the truth.”

― Traditional folktale ending

Old Posted 08-11-2019, 04:47 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1014   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
42. What time is it where you live?

It is currently 1:50 in the afternoon. Time for lunch.

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Old Posted 08-11-2019, 04:50 PM Reply With Quote  
DreadedMartian DreadedMartian is offline
Default   #1015  
4. Why are you doing this quiz?
I want a distraction. Plus I need the aurum.

5. Do you have a dream avi?
All of them are a dream lol

6. Are you questing for anything?
The Isadora Shaped hair in all colors. Closest thing to what my rl dreads look like.

“The Dreamer awakes
The shadow goes by
The tale I have told you,
That tale is a lie.
But listen to me,
Bright maiden, proud youth
The tale is a lie;
What it tells is the truth.”

― Traditional folktale ending

Old Posted 08-11-2019, 04:54 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1016   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
150. What's your favorite subject?

I would say, Literature or English classes are my favorite. They require the most thoughtful writing in their assignments most of the time.
But to be honest, I enjoy most any subject as long as I'm able to enjoy the teaching style reflecting my learning style. I've had good Astronomy, History, Art, and Chemistry classes. But there's never been a Literature class I didn't enjoy.

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Old Posted 08-11-2019, 04:59 PM Reply With Quote  
Gogandantes Gogandantes is offline
Default   #1017  
1. How much aurum do you have right now?
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Old Posted 08-11-2019, 08:38 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1018   DreadedMartian DreadedMartian is offline
7. Do you like trisphee�s layout?
Yeah it's all right

8. Do you like trisphee?
Yeah it's all right

9. What's your favorite trisphee event?
Idk can't remember the name but its around Halloween time.

“The Dreamer awakes
The shadow goes by
The tale I have told you,
That tale is a lie.
But listen to me,
Bright maiden, proud youth
The tale is a lie;
What it tells is the truth.”

― Traditional folktale ending

Old Posted 08-11-2019, 08:46 PM Reply With Quote  
mdom mdom is offline
Default   #1019  
336. Do you have a job?

Old Posted 08-16-2019, 10:52 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1020   DreadedMartian DreadedMartian is offline

10. Do you go on forums much?
Lately yes, but I'm more of a lurker.

11. Have you donated anything before?

12. Are you in a guild?
In my own mind

“The Dreamer awakes
The shadow goes by
The tale I have told you,
That tale is a lie.
But listen to me,
Bright maiden, proud youth
The tale is a lie;
What it tells is the truth.”

― Traditional folktale ending

Old Posted 08-19-2019, 04:14 AM Reply With Quote  
Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #1021  
963. Do you like camping?
:} No.
No I don't.

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Old Posted 08-19-2019, 01:08 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1022   DreadedMartian DreadedMartian is offline

13. What's your favorite food?
I love noodles. Any kind of pasta is the bomb.

14. What's your favorite course at a meal?
Dessert. I'll actually eat it first.

15. What's your favorite beverage?
Lemonade but Tea is a close fuckin second.

“The Dreamer awakes
The shadow goes by
The tale I have told you,
That tale is a lie.
But listen to me,
Bright maiden, proud youth
The tale is a lie;
What it tells is the truth.”

― Traditional folktale ending

Old Posted 08-19-2019, 05:47 PM Reply With Quote  
mdom mdom is offline
Default   #1023  
337. Do you like math?

I have nothing against it
Old Posted 08-20-2019, 01:52 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #1024   Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
312. You and the opposite gender turn in a report written with the same things. (Who knows why) You get a B and the other person gets a A. What would you do?

Depends on a lot of factors. Are they exactly the same? Because if not and only the information within it is the same, I would just assume that theirs was better written and wouldn't do anything.

Also, I corrected your typos again.
Old Posted 08-20-2019, 02:14 AM Reply With Quote  

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