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Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Talking ~[[[Merskelly's Gallery of Stuff]]]~   #1  
So, I figured I should post some of my art in a thread like a gallery. :/ Uh, art gallery. Gallery of art or photos or whatever.
I don't do a whole bunch, <:/ but I'm trying to work on changin' that...it's not going well so far, but I think I can afford to try a bit. I'll mostly post non-commission art I doodle for funzies and toezies.

Maybe a photo here and there, :] mostly of things I can't draw, like a colored poster or ceramic stuff. :/ Though I WILL be taking a costume making/sewing class this semester, so hopefully I'll be able to make something and snap a pic of it. :}
Even some sketches and whiteboard doodles like I used to do once upon a time ago on tumblr. It was known as Owl's Box of Stuff, so if ya want you can look it up. ^-^ It's sort of a dead portfolio now, and I haven't gone back to it except for my sweater design, but it's full of nonsense.

Anyway, yeah, <u<; I guess that's all. Hope you like this extremely slow-growing gallery of art stuffs of mine.

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Last edited by Merskelly Metalien; 01-05-2020 at 03:52 PM.
Old Posted 08-24-2019, 09:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed

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Old Posted 08-24-2019, 09:08 PM Reply With Quote  
Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #3  
My phone camera is really not the best, I'm sorry. :/
These two were colored designs for the deadly sins that I was assigned for homework for a design class. Thought I should plop them here in my gallery to take a look at. Sooo, here they are. Envy and Sloth. In color. -u-

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Old Posted 09-27-2019, 10:09 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Death by Mirrors Death by Mirrors is offline
Especially how you incorporated their poses to instantly convey the mood. Also how envy looks spiky whereas sloth's more baggy and dragged down.
Old Posted 09-28-2019, 03:39 AM Reply With Quote  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #5  
...I really like Envy’s design and pose.

Old Posted 09-28-2019, 03:40 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Thank you both. :] I like how they turned out too.
My next assignment will be designing a circus costume, so I have to come up with designs based on the four elements in Avatar the last Airbender. <u<; I could just copy the designs in the show, but that would be cheating..

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Old Posted 09-28-2019, 12:00 PM Reply With Quote  
Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #7  
My Inktober Prompt I came up with is just full of some of my original characters. I thought it might be fitting since quite a few of them are Halloween friendly characters. (Vampires, Mad Scientists, Undead, Demons, Aliens...)
I'll be including a little description of them, just to share a bit about them with their illustation. I typically never draw my OCs because anyone I show them to is interested in them for a maximum of 15 seconds. >->; Usually only if I base a character on them, are they interested..
But, I've got some good responses to some of the others. And I'll be including some of my older OCs on here too. :] Then saving myself for the end. (bc apparently I'm my own original character...>.>)
Anyway, enjoy. :] I'll be starting with the one y'all are somewhat familiar with!

[[A Note: Some OCs may not be as developed as I've made them out to be, >w>; and a few actually fit into the RWBY universe. But all are completely original, from my own noggin. And I've grouped some of them together in order so its simpler to tell where they hail from. :] And some of them are together as either a duo or as friends. So...yeh. That's all.]]

Inktober Prompt: OCs

1. Merskelly
2. Chloe and Olivia
3. Kelyle the Guardian Demon
4. Xin-Yue aspiring goddess of war/martial arts
5. Tezra the Wretched
6. Ahisha the Golden
7. Phae-Cho the Deep One
8. Juanita Alma
9. Dr. Benjamin West
10. Dr. Elliot Victor
11. Dr. Grenda Locke
12. Squat and Elizabeth
13. Sophia
14. Bat
15. Abigail and Lyra-May
16. Antoine and Ernest
17. Sela Agua
18. Takehiko Haganeyuki
19. Rashid Sharok
20. Milos Elysium
21. Leximo Loxley
22. Paink the Metal Fairy
23. Jack/Philipe Glumm
24. Voler the demon of Desire
25. Ramed the angel of Dreams
26. Vael
27. Sua Calro’o
28. Li-Shen the Prince with the White Fur
29. Maia Shimizu
30. Prince Silos
31. M.M. the Owl and Artist

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Last edited by Merskelly Metalien; 10-10-2019 at 03:30 AM.
Old Posted 10-01-2019, 11:42 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Inktober 1st
Aka: That Fish/Bird-Nerd/Mers/Skelly/"She who ate all my Goldfish"/etc.

About: Once an Alien Mermaid. Then she died. But then she didn't. Then she found legs. Thought they were weird, so she kept them. Might return to a tail one day. Has one magic eyeball, a silver earring, and many different cybernetic limb choices and body enhancements. Will not say no to free food, provided it's safe for a fish to eat. Loves metal music and metal metal. Also doesn't mind ethnic robot music. Aliens have more music genres presumably. Despite having one foot made of metal here, still does not like to show off feet, and wears socks. Is secretly a sock-a-holic. Will peruse stores with zany and creative socks for half an hour or more. Though a lady, will sometimes shift into not a lady, just because she went to an academy for princes. Why? For all the elegant and upper-class food of course! Claims to be a great dancer, but is instead a good dancer. Currently working on her dream to get badass arms like her sea-dad, but then again, she is still a soggy skeleton...it may take some time. Parties when it rains. Goes bananas when it thunders. Is absolutely useless in the heat. Has a soft spot for robots. Has a softer spot for sea monsters. Can be a bit of a goof. Has more of an addiction to video games than to caffeine. Loves to spook. Is kind of an idiot despite being highly observant. If you want to catch her, she won't be able to resist a packet of goldfish crackers, or really, anything tasty to munch on. Won't say no to a gift. Will say no to a date. Unless the date is plutonic in nature and consists of eating food and discussing whether or not Gandalf is wearing tennis shoes in The Two Towers, when he walks into King Théoden's throne room, or if they just looked like tennis shoes and were really white leather boots, and if that's the case, where does a wizard get his style from? Don't forget to handle with care, as she can leak from her face and get belly aches occasionally. Loves hugs. Loves violence. Loves earth. Well, maybe 70% of it.
"High five? Please? Maybe? Yes?"

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Last edited by Merskelly Metalien; 10-01-2019 at 09:32 PM.
Old Posted 10-01-2019, 09:07 PM Reply With Quote  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #9  
UPPER CLASS FOOD. A fish after my own heart.

Also, did not notice she has a single earring.

Old Posted 10-01-2019, 10:44 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
<x} Ahh gosh! Hehe. Food is the true way to the heart, y'know what I'm talkin' about. /B] *nodnod eyebrow bounce*
Upper class food is expensive for a reason. >w> Because it's truly divine.
*scrolls to a saved photo on phone of the most expensive and most perfect lookin' filet mignon I've ever eaten, and strokes the picture* ;n; "I miss you, mon mignon..I will never forget you..~ <3"
Yup. :] Replaced the gold micro-doubloon earring my parents gave me at 8-months. >.>; I can't wear it every day anymore because I'm too scared to lose it..
Besides, >:] Now I look more pirate-y. Yerr!

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Old Posted 10-02-2019, 12:32 AM Reply With Quote  
Espy Espy is offline
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So, fun fact, back in high school, I had a phase where I *really* wanted to be able to rock a single earring (or any sort of ear decoration, especially stuff with feathers and weird shit that I could put together myself), but, uh

my ears aren't pierced

and i'm too scared to go get that done

Old Posted 10-02-2019, 02:31 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   Death by Mirrors Death by Mirrors is offline
My ears aren't pierced either. I used a magnetic single earring in high school for a short while, but you always lose the weak ones and the strong ones make your ear hurt like hell.

Furthermore I want to invite Mers to a date where we dine on african peanut pot while I show made up yet believable footage of Gandalf preparing for his infamous "You shall not pass" scene while wearing the same style of wrestling boots (not sneakers) as in the throne room. I sneakily plan the date to end with one of the best activities two people can enjoy together: dipping fruits into a chocolate fountain!!
Old Posted 10-02-2019, 05:51 AM Reply With Quote  
Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #13  
Piercings only hurt for a few days. >w>; (That's why I guess I had them pierced as an infant, 'cause I don't remember the pain at all..)
o_o I like pots but not peanuts...or chocolate.
But I'll still dunk them both in a chocolate fountain. x} Just because dunking things is fun!

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Old Posted 10-03-2019, 01:00 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Inktober 2nd
Chloe and Olivia

[[In case of any first-glance confusion, Olivia is the red-head. Chloe is the one over-analyzing you.]]

A little about these two: Chloe Elos and Olivia Nostro are vampires living in a vampire ruled society, not alongside humans. Chloe is very smart, with several odd skills and degrees in language and literature. Olivia is likewise very smart, with a career in medicine and is a huge history buff. Chloe is a very overqualified, very bored house sitter, and Olivia is a doctor specializing in forensic pathology. The two of them are my Mystery-Solving Duo that mirror Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.

Fun Facts about Chloe: She is a hybrid born vampire, with a human father, and is cousin to a famous (fictional) human movie star, Robert Elos. As a hybrid, her eyes are not entirely red, and are instead a deep orange. Though she is cold like other vampires, she can still produce her own blood, but at 1/2 the normal rate a human can, so she is stuck with consuming more blood than a pure blooded vampire would. She cannot stand drinking fresh blood however, and always drinks blood slushies from her favorite (fictional) fast food place, Uni-Fang. She can see her reflection in mirrors, her image shows up in pictures, she can leave footprints, and has a shadow. Her only special vampiric trait is camouflaging/controlling her temperature. She finds game shows too boring and easy, doesn't care for animals or children, and finds it difficult to be in the company of a large party of others. Alternatively, she loves folktales, puzzles, antique figurine collecting, juicy revenge stories, and surprisingly isn't at all afraid of heights.

Fun Facts about Olivia: She is a pureblood vampire and is immortal for as long as she isn't murdered. It will not matter how long she goes without drinking blood, but she'll be very hungry, with her eyes, skin and hair diminishing in color. Though she rarely preys on humans directly, because she can't stand to see other creatures in pain. Her favorite blood is AB type, as she claims it's pleasantly tangy. As a pure blood, she doesn't cast a shadow, doesn't have a reflection, or leave footprints behind. Her vampiric trait is electricity resistance and manipulation. (She can't be shocked and she can control any electric devices or appliances just by looking at it and focusing)
She is also dyslexic, and has a bit of a gambling problem. She loves to collect glass birds, and shoes. So. Many. Shoes. Despite being a vampire, she has a soft spot for humans and other races, seemingly always looking at things optimistically. She has a strong sense of morality and is not afraid of much...well, except for maybe flying. She hates flying.

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Last edited by Merskelly Metalien; 10-03-2019 at 10:35 AM.
Old Posted 10-03-2019, 01:42 AM Reply With Quote  
Death by Mirrors Death by Mirrors is offline
Default   #15  
Getting a certain Rizzoli&Isles vibe mixed with iZombie here. Interesting take. If it was an actual series, I'd read/watch their murder mysteries.

No peanuts? Okay then. It had the perfect weather for a spicy, creamy dish yesterday, but as far as food goes I'm pretty open to suggestions.
Old Posted 10-03-2019, 05:33 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
:] Thanks! Yes, they make a great team despite being near total opposites. /x} Though they don't always investigate murder, but when they do, o-o it gets crazy. I sorta mixed their mysteries (that I've not even written yet) in with more supernatural elements, so it's a bit like the X-Files, :] because I like the X-Files, and they're vampires so, naturally they'd either be on the trail of another vampire, or some other creature. Likewise, sometimes it ends up leading them to human culprits, and even take human cases. :] I haven't tried writing a mystery before, so I dunno if my "episode" premises are any good. >u>; But I tried to make them all unique.

<x} Woah, haha! I can't have cream and spicy must be very mild for me to tolerate it! Wooh! I'm a picky fish, >u> much like the Beast during the holidays. I'd be unlikely to refuse good bread tho. <x} Dry, no butter.

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Old Posted 10-03-2019, 10:46 AM Reply With Quote  

art stuff, gallery of stuff, merskelly, merskelly's art

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