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Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg is offline
Gentle Lady
Default Coffee and a Tune Up? [Lee and Blitz] -M-   #1  
Marked mature for language, violence, and or sexual themes. Please don't read on if you are not prepared for this level of maturity.

What do you get when you throw two overly temperamental people together? One is struggling with a mutation that has many frowning down upon her, trying to establish her femininity between these struggles and her trade of choice, being a mechanic. The other? He works at a cafe just to pay the bills, certainly not the approachable looking type. Will sparks clash between the two or will they somehow meld together?
Old Posted 01-23-2011, 11:56 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg is offline
Gentle Lady
After a long enough day at work in a small garage at the edge of the city, Rene sees fit to get herself something to keep going for the remainder of the day. Working on cars has always been her passion.Unlike the other girls her age, she opted for technical school instead of college, graduating at the top of her class. As such, it's not as though she dislikes having to work so much at her dream job, but it really doesn't taker much to set the femme off.

Earlier in the day, she'd been forced to do the one thing she explicitly refused to on all other occasions, interact with a customer. The guy who usually ran the front desk was out sick, and so she'd filled in between her usual work load. Needless to say, it didn't quite go over smoothly. The man who complained about a ding in his paint that she was positive had been there before shed gotten to fixing his car was simply lucky she restrained herself from breaking his arm with the way he impatiently tapped his fingers in front of her.

Instead of loosing her job, Rene opted for taking an early leave, sticking her boss with the man and heading into town to try and cool down some...literally. Apart from super strength, the mutant possessed the ability to emit heat from her palms. The intensity of this heat varies, but when the young woman gets really worked up, it has a nasty tendency to flare up to scalding temperatures. Unable to touch anything for that short time or risk melting said item or burning said person, it's gotten to be quite the pain.

In the end, she settles for a nice little cafe instead of the liquor store she'd intended on taking a visit to, pulling her restored 1967 Mustang into the parking lot with ease. Dressed casually in a plain gray tank top, black short shorts, and work boots, she thinks nothing of sticking out in this sort of setting. Pixie cut blond hair is surprisingly tame considering the work she'd just been doing, yet it's still all too obvious if one were to take the time to note the oil smudge on her forehead.

Stepping up to the counter, the female gives a light stretch, glancing over the menu and making a slight face. "I don't know what half these are...so can I just get the strongest thing you have to drink?" she questions with a tilt of her head, finally bringing her cool blue gaze down to the man behind the counter.
Old Posted 01-24-2011, 12:20 AM Reply With Quote  
#FFFFFF #FFFFFF is offline
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Honestly... Today was a day just like any other. Everything was boring and people were just bitching about their coffee. It made Narian's face wrinkle as he shook his head and just took their orders, being pretty silent about the things he really wanted to say... He would fired if he said even three fourths of the things on his mind to them. They wouldn't be too happy and would probably never come back to this cafe. He didn't want that though... It meant he had no paycheck... And no paycheck meant no gas for his motorcycle... Which he loved.

So, he love for his motorcycle was the only thing that kept him at this customer service hell. He wasn't much of a people person and often the customers weren't very happy about the tattoos you could see all down his arm and peeking out from under his shirt to go over his neck. He just acted like they weren't there though, since he didn't much care what people thought of him at all. And he certainly wasn't going to wear a turtle neck and long sleeves with gloves all of the time... He wasn't wanting to have a heat stroke every time he had to go to work.

Leaning onto the counter since there weren't any customers right now, Narian just shook his head and looked down. He closed his eyes for a moment, but then he heard the ding of the front door bell. He groaned inwardly and just turned around, watching the woman as she read the different types of coffee. He was slightly amused by her request though and he would humor her. He nodded his head and turned around, grabbing a cup. He just got the generic size, a large, seeing as how it was the size people usually wanted in here. He then filled it with two different types of coffee, seeing as how those two together would create the strongest thing this place had to offer. He was the only one that ever did it this way, so a lot of people were thankful for it most of the time.

Placing the cup on the counter, Narian looks up at her and nods his head. "This is the strongest thing we have, miss," he said and then punched a few things in on the cash register. "That will be $2.50, by the way." He then popped the drawer out, waiting for her payment.

[ L v e ]

There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you paid for...
Old Posted 01-29-2011, 06:31 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg is offline
Gentle Lady
Rene waited patiently as he prepared the drink, looking curious as he poured in two different types of coffee into a big cup. Leaning casually against the counter, she moved her gaze over the people sitting around drinking their coffee then. Each and every one of them seemed stuffy. Quiet, nearly conceited looking with those smug expressions on their faces. For a moment, she cringed before the male behind the counter's voice pulled her attention back.

Nodding gratefully, Rene took the drink right into her hands, sniffing lightly before taking a big sip. With a sigh of content, she set it back down, fishing three dollars out of her pocket then and slipping it across the counter. "You can keep the fifty cents." she mentioned, adding a playful wink before laughing softly to herself. "I'm a big spender." Leaning over all the more then, she picked up the pen used for signing credit card receipts and scribbled onto the back of her own. "Stuffy in here huh?" she all too obviously glanced to the others at the tables.

"Anyway, you calling me miss seems weird. Call me Rene." She slipped the receipt across the counter then, the letters 'R-e-n-e' written on it. "I'm telling you now cause I'll be back for more of this soon." she pointed to the coffee that was now being held between both small hands at once. It seemed she liked his little creation, the only coffee that has really seemed to do the trick of keeping her awake so far after such a long day of work.
Old Posted 01-29-2011, 06:54 PM Reply With Quote  
#FFFFFF #FFFFFF is offline
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Leaning onto the counter on his elbows, Narian looked up at the woman as she took a sip and it appeared that, like the rest of his customers, she approved of it. He felt good for that because he did like to make people happy... Even if it's only once in a while. He concocted several different types of custom made coffees while he was at this cafe... Some of them even making it onto the normal menu. He was pretty proud of that, but he refused to allow this one to go onto the menu. Only people that really seemed to want it knew about it... Because when people came in here asking for strong coffee, he gave it to them... In abundance. So, some people wouldn't even come in here if he wasn't working.

It surely seemed to him that she would possibly be flirting with him... But only slightly, which made him laugh as he looked down at her name scrawled across the receipt. He then looked back up at her, noting what she was wearing and how she appeared. She wasn't your average female, that's for sure. He liked that and he was actually looking forward to seeing her in here more... He needed some people that he actually found entertaining to come in here ever now and then... That did sound heavenly... He found himself daydreaming about a job where he actually liked all of the customers that came into the cafe... But he knew that wasn't possible, so he quickly snapped himself back out of it.

"Fifty cents... What a generous tip, Rene," he said as he put the three dollars in the cash register and took two quarters out. He then slipped them into his pocket and looked up at her. "I'll try not to spend this all in one place, alright?" He then leaned back onto the counter, his left hand flat down on the cool surface and his head resting in his right hand. "I'm glad you like that. I start every morning with one those before the customers start to arrive... If I didn't, I'd probably tear someone's head off." He was being sadly honest.

[ L v e ]

There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you paid for...
Old Posted 01-29-2011, 10:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg is offline
Gentle Lady
A mirthful laugh echoed through the sickeningly quiet cafe at his words, and the femme gave a shrug, leaning back on her heels. "I've been known for giving big tips. You'd better not, save it up. If I tip you so much every day you'll be rich." She teased softly, taking another sip of the warm drink, letting it wake her all the more. Not that she needed to be any more hyper at this point, but Rene did tend to have a problem with being a little eccentric either way.

"I know how you feel." came a quiet reassurance over the top of her coffee. "I can't stand even having to talk to customers." Cringing back at the thought alone, she shook her head. "Luckily though, I spend most of my time hidden under cars. You should try it some time, much better than getting fifty cent tips from girls like me in a place like this."

Just then, a man headed into the cafe, hands clenched into fists at his sides, eyes ablaze with anger. He stalked right for Rene, glaring death and huffing heavily as though he'd just run a mile. "Oh lord, not here alright Mitch?" she rolled her eyes to the sky, expression hardening in an instant. "You cheated, and I demand my money back you bitch!" he shouted then, reeling back to punch the girl who merely stepped to the side and groaned. "I didn't cheat. I just failed to tell you something you didn't bother to ask about. Your assumptions are not my problem." she pointed out as the man got all the more riled up, leaping forward to try and tackle the young woman to the ground.

Glancing back to Narian briefly, she heaved a sigh, holding out one hand to stop the man mid leap and throw him down onto the ground. "What a jackass..." she mumbled under her breath, stomping down hard on the man's ribs, causing him to shout out in pain. "Sorry about this Narian!" she read off his name tag, giving a light wave and looking a bit nervous, all too apprehensive compared to before this little incident as she lifted the man who was significantly larger right up with one arm and tossed him over her free shoulder, toting him out of the cafe with her coffee in the other hand.
Last edited by Blitzkrieg; 01-30-2011 at 11:03 AM.
Old Posted 01-29-2011, 11:56 PM Reply With Quote  

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