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Funkduder Funkduder is offline
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Default Table Top Modern Classical [recruiting for the winter]   #1  
Perhaps this is a gauge over how many users have returned after the trisphean(trispheean? triphite?) diaspora.

I'll be hosting as a game master over a classic modern fantasy roleplay.

Current Players
HarperMadison - Senti

Contact info + timing

PM or comment below before the 8th of december (the start of my finals week) and we'll start on the 12th of december (the day after finals) at 19pst. I will then attempt to be be on every weekend (fri-sun) around 19pst to continue this game is over, or until I have to go back to school mid january.

Rule 1: For any questions on the rules and exceptions, I will have the final say

Other arbitrary rules:
A) You must have a character sheet of some kind so I know the strengths and weaknesses of your character.
- You may use any character creation format that you see fit so long as I can interpret numbers in to skill checks (hate the d20 system? use d100 instead)
(Notice 1: if you create a character that I deem to be unbalanced of too powerful, I will ask you to impose a weakness or lower stats, lest be imposed by forced restrictions on your character's freedom to act.)
(Notice 2: You are recommended to give you character some type of base stats, whether that it "somewhat strong" or "strength 12 compared to 10 avg humans")
B) Actions will generally be checked by roles.
- Players will post something like "I want to do this" and I'll say "you do this" or "you don't do this" or "this happens"
- You may not control NPC or assume that your actions will automatically have an effect on the world (You cannot god-mode. I am the god of this realm >:D)
C) AFK characters will "space out" for the duration that the user is gone after a period of delay. Other characters will be able to move while your character is standing there, dazed out his mind for some reason.
The starting setting will be modern 21st century; perhaps even starting yesterday; in the city of new york. But this can change as the game goes on. Modern technology will be prevalent.

Magical creatures and the nature of magic are interwoven into society and conveniently unnoticed by all but some uncommon humans, who may or may not possess magical abilities.

I'll have a base post which will serve as the introductory 'letter' given to your character. If you're creative enough, you can request to have a different motivation for being in the setting, and if it make sense I'll allow it.

The Letter
To Whom It May Concern:

If the seal has been broken by your hands, you should be reading the following passphrase below:

"It's been a while, but if you don't mind, I'd like to talk about Lewis Carol"

Use this phrase when prompted after knocking at 14 Beach 20th St. Apt. 431, New York City, New York. I understand that transportation may be inconvenient; thus the means of travel have been accommodated along with the letter and $5000 to cover for your initial accommodations. You are encouraged to agree with our requests, as your participation shall be rewarded from out $2 billion budget that we were able to recieve from the U.S. Federal government.



Any other questions may also go to myself and i'll get to answering over the weekend. gl.
Last edited by Funkduder; 11-25-2014 at 06:43 AM.
Old Posted 11-22-2014, 11:00 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Witchchylde Witchchylde is offline
I had a Razorclaw Shifter Shaman in D&D 4E, would there be a way to build her for this setting?
Razorclaw = catlike with a very dense fur that on first glance still looks like skin.
Shifter = in battle will develop claws and fangs with which to defend herself.
Shaman = conducts healing and battle magic through a Totem Animal Spirit, hers having been a "Spectral Panther" that manifested as a white tiger with silver instead of black stripes.

Ultimately I can make her a cat-minded human, if the setting requires non-alternative species. You know, cat earrings, tiger print on her jacket, that kind of thing. Although, if this is what it seems like it might be, her actual code name could be "Cheshire Cat".
Last edited by Witchchylde; 11-23-2014 at 11:05 AM. Reason: further explanation of question
Old Posted 11-23-2014, 10:56 AM Reply With Quote  
Funkduder Funkduder is offline
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Default   #3  
I've changed the setting description to clear up some things. You sound like you're in the clear. Just send a character sheet with some base stats either through here or through a PM to me.

I've also added a "space out" mechanic to account for missing players. It's difficult to keep an RP going when someone wants to get moving on the RP and the other player is missing. What can be even worse is when that player tries something, the other player comes back, and there's drama because of this. If you don't like this new mechanic, posted above soon, feel free to leave.
Last edited by Funkduder; 11-25-2014 at 06:42 AM.
Old Posted 11-24-2014, 06:01 AM Reply With Quote  

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