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sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Default   #33  
Olivia's brow creased, worried that she'd offended her only friend and she quickly put a comforting hand on his shoulder, her eyes begging forgiveness. She pulled away only to sign It isn't a no. Not even close. I just will want to wait a little before submitting my change of address forms, okay? She did not want to chase away her only friend. And besides, she was already dead, she knew no one else in Hell (she assumed those that she knew that died most likely wound up in Heaven), and this guy was really cute. Then, she always had a thing for gingers.

Olivia watched his hands and she nodded to show her understanding, signing back Well, if I have your help, I'm sure I'll do just fine! You've been here since the mid-1800's. You have to be doing something right, am I right? She paused for a moment, fiddling with the trinket she'd been given. She was told that it granted her an insane amount of power and that if she hunted that power would grow. When she was handed that shitty hand-me-down book, she devoured it. It provided something outside of the silence, and it recommended traveling in groups. Having a partner was a good start, but she didn't know how big the groups generally were, Do you hunt with others too?

Axle looked from her eyes down to the small pile of crinkled bills and his eye twitched, his pierced lip curling up in disgust. “Yeah. No.” He finally said, pushing the small pile of beginner's money toward the woman, “You're not gonna get jack shit with that. I'll get you your phone and the drink's on the house. Didn't realize you were that new. Shit. No matter. We all were at one point, right? Besides, a week from now, they're gonna think you've been dead for a century.”
All that is empty in the drawing should be filled in, the teacher said to us kids. First you sharpen the pencil to fill in the thin whiskers, then you use the thick crayon to fill in the wings with brown, meticulously and without letting the crayon leave the page. Six feet can be traced below the soft belly. Now, breathing is hard to detect on paper, the teacher said to me when I asked, but it is easier to feel it in real life.

Even insects breathe.

-Rawi Hage, Cockroach
Old Posted 06-19-2018, 12:10 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #34   imanasset imanasset is offline

Nancy grimaced, staring at the sad excuse of money in front of her and Axle. "Thank you. I-I promise to repay you." A fake chuckle escaped her lips as she picked up the bills and loose change, shoving them clumsily into her pocket.

Xander smiled and looked down at the ring that circled around his thumb in a dark metallic color. He had remembered the day when he got it but knew nothing about what had happened before. He had no clue as to how he wound up in Hell or how he died. He just knew that one day he was here. There is no rush. I realize now that my offer was quite creepy. I did not intend for it to be. He didn't want to lose his newly acquired friend. Somehow, she didn't mind his inability to function like a normal person. "Hey, Bartender! Do you want to hunt with us?" Xander asked, grinning, still facing Olivia.
Old Posted 06-19-2018, 02:10 AM Reply With Quote  
sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Default   #35  
Katarina's fingers clung to the handle of her mug and she took a large swig. She was excited to have people to hunt with, but these two were fresh off the proverbial boat. They'd have to train them from the ground up, and she didn't even know what abilities they had. Obviously, they both sacrificed parts of them that were precious to them – Luka's voice and Sage's sense of taste. “Avani's right,” she finally said to add to the conversation, “Us angels stick together. We'll train you, keep you alive, and make you the best damn demon hunters Heaven has ever seen. Now, do either of you know anything about your abilities?”

Sage tapped the counter, half wishing he had the money to buy another drink, and half-disgusted at the other half for wanting to drink demon's blood. “In theory, not in practice yet. Apparently my abilities are geared more towards fighting. Well, one of them is. They gave me two, apparently supposed to be complementary. Super speed and power absorption? That's just what it said, temporary power absorption after consumption.”

The blonde angel almost choked on her beer, “Power absorption? That ability is broken as Hell – erm, in a good way. But...you have to eat them to get it. I don't think you need to eat an entire demon, but I'm guessing the more you do, the stronger that power gets. What did you get as a weapon?”

“These?” Sage asked, holding up his pair of serrated daggers. They were brand new, never before used, just like his super speed. He had no idea how to activate his abilities, unless that part was consumption based as well?

“Well, they certainly have a sense of humor, don't they?” she spoke in reference to the Council. “Serrations used for the tearing of flesh. They insist on you getting out to the battlefield apparently. They always do with the ones that sacrifice the most. Well, what about you, Luka?”
Axle shook his head, sighing, “No, dear. You will not. I won't take it. Take it as a “Welcome to Hell” gift, aight? My shift ends in an hour. If you stick around until then, I'll take ya to get a new one. Also a ride. My board's good, but you'll have to learn how to use one if we're gonna hunt. They don't have those on Earth yet, right? Hoverboards? Eh, whatever, if you don't know how to use one, that'll be our first lesson. Nothing is more important than mobility on the battlefield, because sometimes it's best just to run. Pride will get you killed.” The black-eyed demon spoke with a self-assurance that seemed only to tell of his experience. In relativity to the redhead, he was still just a baby demon – albeit one that gained powers quickly if only because of his regular appearances at the Border.

Olivia was careful of her facial expressions, knowing that that was half of communicating in sign – her eyes showing nothing but warmth, I didn't see it as creepy, just fast. I like you and I think you're cute, and who am I to deny hospitality when it's there? The smile she now gave was genuine and she stopped to grab Xander's hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. She was serious about what she'd said.

Axle cocked an eyebrow turning to the two that'd been in their own world since coming in and looked at Nancy (still not knowing her name), then back. He'd only been planning on taking one under his wing, generally hunting by himself, but perhaps a group would be good for him. “I'm game if this lady here is,” he said, motioning for the other two to join their conversation, “So, Red, yeah. We'll take ya up on that offer. Is Whitey over here cool with it?”
All that is empty in the drawing should be filled in, the teacher said to us kids. First you sharpen the pencil to fill in the thin whiskers, then you use the thick crayon to fill in the wings with brown, meticulously and without letting the crayon leave the page. Six feet can be traced below the soft belly. Now, breathing is hard to detect on paper, the teacher said to me when I asked, but it is easier to feel it in real life.

Even insects breathe.

-Rawi Hage, Cockroach
Old Posted 06-19-2018, 03:29 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #36   imanasset imanasset is offline

Luka scratched the back of his head. He was still embarrassed about having to explain why he didn't know the extent of his abilities. One would think that one would take all the time they needed to explore their abilities in a world where that was what would keep them alive. But alas, Luka had not done any of that. I actually wasn't really listening when they explained what my powers would be. I have yet to read the Guide as well. So far, all I know is that I have telepathy. Luka averted his eyes sheepishly and turned a deep shade of pink.

Luka felt like he was already falling behind. His nerves were holding him back from the rest of the group. He knew the least about anything in this new world and he was terrified. Luka wasn't even sure if he was scared of hunting anymore. Perhaps, he was just overwhelmed.

The alcohol taste hadn't left his lips yet, but he felt its sickening flames churn in his stomach. I-I'm sorry.

"There is no need to apologize." Avani smiled reassuringly at the anxious boy standing in front of her. "I was in the same place as you when I first arrived. And, I'm sure there are plenty of other angels who've experienced this too. You'll be good."

Luka looked up at the woman. He finally had time to fully absorb her appearance and her voice. She was very beautiful. Freckles littered her cheeks and her eyes were a multicolored masterpiece in comparison to her dark brown hair. Her voice was like caramel in his ears and he felt his shoulders fall and relax. He showed his gratitude in a slowly widening smile. "Katarina, shall I take Luka back to his place so he can read his Guide and then we will meet you at the training arena?"

"I never knew much of what was going on outside of the prison. But I doubt it was anything as extravagant as hoverboards. Nancy chuckled. "I really appreciate you doing this for me. I'm sure the least I could wait for your shift to be over. Then we can get started! She smiled and rested her head on her hand before taking a sip of her drink using the straw.

Xander searched the girls' face for any sign of exaggeration. Typically, no one was ever this nice to him unless they wanted something. He had been used countless times since his time in Hell. His money was always something people tried to get their hands on. But this time, Xander didn't think Olivia had bad intentions. For fuck's sake, she just called him cute. Cute? The Grimm fucking Reaper was just called cute by an adorable, platinum-haired girl. No one ever liked him, but somehow Olivia did.

Xander smiled warmly at the girl before signing again. You wouldn't mind joining the two behind us in hunting, would you? It's better, in my opinion, if we have a larger group.
Old Posted 06-19-2018, 09:01 PM Reply With Quote  
sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Default   #37  
Katarina took another large swig of her beer. It wasn't often she got out for a drink, and she'd ordered the largest mug they had – and it was already almost gone. Her belly was full and she was beginning to feel the effects. Tipsy. It was a good place to be. “Well, lucky for us, we have time. My rent is already paid for the month, and once we start hunting we'll be doing just fine as far as finances go!” She moved behind her friend to get closer to Luka and put her hand on his shoulder, “I understand that death is hard to grapple with, especially if it was sudden. Mine was and I was a wreck when I first got here. It took me months to swallow my cowardice and get to the Border.”

Sage leaned back, “I was ready for my death. In fact, I was ready and waiting. I guess I'm in a pretty good spot. The sacrifice sucked, but look!” he waved his hand, turning his wrist and grinning, “No tubes! I feel better than I ever did in the mortal realm. I just wish I could have actually enjoyed my first drink...”

Katarina smiled, “Well, I'm glad some of us had an easy transition. For the others, we're here for you, okay? And yes, Avani, that sounds splendid. I'm sure Sage is eager to see what he gave up food for, yes? Then follow me, and we'll be seeing you two later.”
Axle grinned and looked at the clock again. For the first time in a long while, he was excited to get off of work. His job at the Inferno wasn't needed, not technically. He made more than enough with his side activities to pay for what he needed to – and much more. He lived simply and earned plenty. The Inferno just gave him a reason to see people that he wasn't trying to kill. It eased his loneliness. Now, his empty apartment wouldn't be so hard to face. He had friends again. “It's no big. Trust me, I can swing it just fine. If you need another drink while we wait, I can put somethin' together for you.”

Olivia smiled. The redhead gave her vibes of a tough guy, but he seemed vulnerable around her, like his walls were more for show than anything, and that if she wanted to, if she really wanted to, she could scale them with ease. Her eyes drifted to the two he was speaking of and nodded, Do you know them? I would like to make more friends.
All that is empty in the drawing should be filled in, the teacher said to us kids. First you sharpen the pencil to fill in the thin whiskers, then you use the thick crayon to fill in the wings with brown, meticulously and without letting the crayon leave the page. Six feet can be traced below the soft belly. Now, breathing is hard to detect on paper, the teacher said to me when I asked, but it is easier to feel it in real life.

Even insects breathe.

-Rawi Hage, Cockroach
Old Posted 06-20-2018, 07:17 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #38   imanasset imanasset is offline

"Alright, shall we?" Avani asked, motioning towards the exit. Luka nodded before he led the way. It was not at all difficult to get from the bar to Luka's beginner's apartment. Just around the corner and down the street for a couple of blocks and they would be there. "I-uh...I died abruptly as well. I had just gotten married, but I was young. I didn't want to do the things that he wanted to do and I guess that was worth taking someone's life for."

They weaved through the still crowded streets, walking side by side. I don't even really know how I died. I was walking and it was pretty late. No one was on the streets and it was silent. I accidentally dropped my wallet at the crosswalk. When I went back to get it...everything was really bright for a second. And then it was black. I didn't feel anything, so I guess, it was instant. Luka swallowed harshly. It hurt to talk about it, but miraculously he felt better that he finally said something about it. His stomach still churned, but his shoulders felt a little lighter. He smiled. I suppose I should be thankful that that's how I died.

Avani listened intently to Luka. The boy, now permanently silent, still resonated loudly in her. She felt for Luka; for he was not much older than herself when she had been murdered. Follow me, it's this building up ahead.

Luka took the steps leading up to the building two at a time. The creaky, wooden steps wound around tightly up to the second and then the third story to where Luka's apartment resided. Room 211, it read in rusted metal numbers. He hadn't even cared to lock the door when he first left the apartment, there was nothing to steal.

He opened the door and welcomed Avani inside. Just like he had predicted, nothing had been touched. The kitchen sink still dripped, its sounds somehow louder now. Metal pipes could be heard above their heads in the ceiling, working in the only way that they could; terribly. Welcome, to this massive shithole. Luka gestured lazily around him before he walked over to his bed where the guide sat patiently waiting to be opened. This guide, unlike the ones in Hell, was completely new. The ink still smelt fresh in the pages. So, they go more into detail about my capabilities in the back, right?

Avani switched her attention from her surroundings to the boy sitting on the small, lousy bed. She walked over and sat down beside him. Yeah, it should be there. They usually list all of the things you need to know. It would be in your best interest if you study up a little. Sometimes survival is more than how well you can fight. Luka nodded before flipping to the few pages in the back of the guide before finally reading.

Now that you have taken the time to learn about Heaven and how it works you can finally read about your sacrifice got you in exchange for your new abilities and/or weapons.

Before entering Heaven, you were given the choice to sacrifice anything in exchange for a weapon or special ability to help in your survival. As you know, the more significant the sacrifice was to your life, the greater the weapon. You, Luka James Burdette, sacrificed your voice. On Earth, your greatest aspiration was to be a musician. Your voice was what grounded you, what allowed you to escape. Music was what your life revolved around, and you gave up the capability to make it.

Your sacrifice, large and difficult, has given you telepathic powers as well as the ability to manipulate what your opponent can see and hear. Essentially, you are able to give your enemy hallucinations that work to your benefit. You can control what these people see or they can take their own shape depending on how strong the targetted person's aura is.

This method of attack can be incredibly beneficial to you as well as any hunting partner you may have at the Border. However, this power can also be used for any situation, not just bad ones.

The bracelet on your wrist holds your power. If you are killed, this is what your enemy will take in exchange for money and new powers. All other angels and demons have an item like yours, just in different forms.

Luka cleared his throat a little bit. Clearly, I have telepathy, but I can also manipulate sound and vision. Luka shrugged. He was thankful that he was given something useful. He just didn't quite know how he could control it just yet. He figured that it was just a matter of time, though.

"That will help you out a lot on the battlefield! Actually, it could help us all out." Avani smiled widely before giving the boy and light pat on the shoulder. "Are you ready to go try it out?" She asked eagerly.

Luka smiled at her enthusiasm before he nodded. They both left the building in a rush of nerves and readiness. Off to the practice arena!

"I actually can't hold alcohol well, so, I just assume that I don't." Nancy put her palm over the rim of the glass. "Thank you for the offer, though. She smiled warmly at Axle. H-how long have you been in Hell?" Nancy asked, trying to make small talk. Although, Axle didn't seem like the type to enjoy that kind of talk.

Xander gave a breathy laugh and then began to sign. I don't know them at all. But, I don't know anyone else. Xander shrugged. Besides, if I tried hard enough, I'm sure I could annoy the bartender enough for him to kill literally six people simultaneously.
Old Posted 06-21-2018, 10:05 PM Reply With Quote  
sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Default   #39  
Finished with his drink, Axle began to wash his glass, going so far as to polish it and place it back on the rack when he was done, laughing. “You can't hold your alcohol, so the first place you go when you die is to...a bar? And alright, alright, no more booze, but don't say I never did anything for ya.” Axle grabbed one of the empty glasses from the other two, moving to wash those as well wanting to just get up and walk out rather than focus on sidework when his replacement came in. “How long have I been in Hell? I guess that depends on what year it is in the land of the living. 2018? Yeah? Thirty-five years? Sounds about right. That long.” How long he'd been in Hell was one of the easy questions. The hard ones came when he had to explain why he was there (though most didn't bother asking him, just assuming someone who looked like him would end up there anyway) and events that happened once he got there.

Well, then it's worth a shot, isn't it? Olivia signed, her smile still radiant. It was the first time she'd smiled since she'd died, and she couldn't stop. Was this was “love at first sight” was? It would have to be sight Olivia thought to herself, I can't hear anything. Then she signed, You really think he could do that? What did he sacrifice?
All that is empty in the drawing should be filled in, the teacher said to us kids. First you sharpen the pencil to fill in the thin whiskers, then you use the thick crayon to fill in the wings with brown, meticulously and without letting the crayon leave the page. Six feet can be traced below the soft belly. Now, breathing is hard to detect on paper, the teacher said to me when I asked, but it is easier to feel it in real life.

Even insects breathe.

-Rawi Hage, Cockroach
Old Posted 06-21-2018, 10:55 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #40   imanasset imanasset is offline

"I didn't really come here in search of alcohol. More so for a person who knew how to help me. Though, I didn't speak up at first because, believe it or not, you're quite--uh, how should I put this?--terrifying?" Nancy snickered, letting her finger tap on her chin thoughtfully. "But it's a good thing we are talking, yes? Thirty-five years in this place ought to mean you know a thing or two."

I don't about that either. I've seen plenty like him though. He's got to be carrying some mighty powers. I just know it. Xander peered over his shoulder a little while he signed. I wouldn't dare cross him, but what's the harm in having a little fun. It might also be beneficial to have him on our crew, yeah?

Xander spun around in his stool till he was facing the bar. "Olivia and I want both of you to hunt with us, but only if you wish to." His hands moved along with his words. It was difficult, but he was signing what he was saying. He didn't want Olivia to be out of the loop. Xander turned his head a little towards Olivia afterward and smiled, then winked.

Old Posted 06-24-2018, 12:04 AM Reply With Quote  
imanasset imanasset is offline
Default   #41  

Upon arrival at the training arena, Luka could hear different screams and battle cries from outside the building. It toward over the two angels as they followed the golden steps leading up to the entrance. The double doors opened to reveal a large stadium like structure save for the many levels of seats. It was spacious, but many other angels had filled it. It looked like chaos, but Luka somehow didn't feel as nervous anymore. With an idea of what he was capable of now, he felt that he would be fine.

An assortment of different weapons line the walls on racks. "So, because your abilities deal with the mind more than anything else, you'll need to have something with you. This will help you kill while they are hallucinating. Avani began to walk over to one of the racks while Luka followed closely behind.

His eyes trailed over all the different types of weaponry on the racks until he found something that intrigued him. The cool metal gleamed for him and he let his fingers trace their sharp edges. The katana daggers laid on top of their backstrap. Luka grabbed hold of the set and turned to Avani. I like these.

"Alright, let's go find them!" Avani kept her eyes peeled for the most beautiful blonde hair she had ever seen and a very gorgeous set of blue eyes. "Ah! There they are." She rushed over to the other two angels.

"Hey, Kat! Sage! Did you guys already start without us? Luka found out some pretty cool stuff!" Avani smiled widely now that she was around Kat. She was so pretty.
Old Posted 06-24-2018, 12:26 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #42   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Axle's grin grew slow and menacing, close-lipped. “Terrifying?” he asked, pulling the lower lid of his eyelid down to reveal yet more black hidden underneath, “You wanna know why I filled them in?” He paused as if waiting for a response, but answered before the new demon even had a chance to respond, “I did it to terrify people. If I had this reaction on you, a fellow demon, imagine the terror an angel that is actively being hunted by me feels. You should try the terror route sometime. It's a lot of fun.” He leaned on the bar, resting both forearms in front of him, waggling his eyebrows, “I know a thing or two. But thirty-five years is nothing compared to a lot of these blockheads. Props for finding help. You'd be amazed how often new recruits die on the Border. Most of them, actually. Won't happen to you if I have anything to say about it.”

Maybe we should ask, Olivia signed, watching as he turned to face the bar. Her eyes went to his hands that were still signing. When Xander turned his head to see her, he'd find her smile wide, nodding her head in agreement with what he was saying.

Axle perked up, black eyes no longer focused solely on Nancy. “Actually, we were just talking about finding a group. With you two, we'll have four and that's the best number, I think. Small enough that we can move silently, but enough of us that we can overwhelm. Especially because at least one of us can be considered an infiltrator. How long you been dead, Red?”

Katarina smiled and stretched her arms out wide, sunlight reflecting off of shining golden hair and bright green eyes, “Welcome to the center of self-discovery, the training arena!” Sage's eyes traveled up the building. Massive marble Greek style columns lined the outside of the rounded building. It almost hurt to look at. Red double doors squat in the middle, stark crimson against white. “You will find out what it is to die here, but you also find out what it is to live, to survive. Within these walls, no angel can be hurt. Lost limbs regenerate, spilled blood is replenished, broken minds are mended – so long as the wounds received happen within these walls. Countless people have tried to bring corpses back from the Border in vain hopes.”

Sage gasped as she lead the way through the double doors, down the dimmed hallway that eventually opened up into a giant stadium, a stadium that theoretically could seat thousands. The seats, however, were mostly empty save for a few angels attempting to nurse their wounds, waiting to regenerate to get back into the fray. Cries of pain and victory were dulled only by closer cries of pain and victory. Few stood by in groups in animated discussion as to how to go about certain battle plans. A larger group had split into two and were now lining up, getting ready to lay waste to those on the other team. Katarina smiled, “This place can make you, if you let it.”

Sage nodded eagerly, gulping, wondering how to take it all in. Blood was actually spilled, and that that hit the ground seemed to get absorbed by the dirt right away, leaving only stains on the surface. “Now, you were given a set of daggers, yes? Do you want to try your metal with only those, or would you like to pick out another weapon to give a spin?”

“I'll, I'll try my daggers first,” Sage breathed, drawing them out of their sheathe.

“Excellent. Those will be your most effective mode of killing,” Katarina answered, nodding, “I also will not choose a weapon. Now, you sacrificed your sense of taste, yes? Those that sacrifice that are generally given some sort of consumption ability, am I correct?”

Sage nodded, “That's what the book said anyway. Power absorption and super speed. Is that uh...good?”

Katarina's jaw dropped and she nodded, “Taste must have been precious to you...Power absorption is an excellent tool...provided you learn about the different types of abilities and how to wield them. Here, those with consumptive abilities may also eat angel flesh to achieve the same effects. My abilities are ice and water. Now then, introductions done, figure out how to beat me.”

She gave him no time before an icicle formed in her hand and she lunged it at his head. Sage, not expecting it, wound up with an icicle in right between the eyes and he collapsed, face forward. When he struggled back to his feet, blood traveled down his face soaking his shirt and he shook his head trying to gain his bearings, “Alright. Alright. I see how it is...” He took off after her, only to dive head first into a wall of ice. Again, he collapsed.

“Always be aware of your adversary's abilities. Always.”


Sage stood up, a wide grin stretched across his face when he saw Avani and Luka come through the doors. The ice that was formed in Katarina's hands disappeared and she ran over to them, “Damn right we did! We didn't want to wait while you read an entire book. Sage here has already died twice.” She held up two fingers for emphasis. Sage scratched the back of his head.

“Can't deny it. She got me good, but I'm learning. Dying...dying fucking hurts. Even with the regeneration, I had a headache for a solid five minutes after I actually healed,” Sage said, pursing his lips. “I'll get there. And soon, I'll know what angel flesh tastes like, and I'll know what it's like to use your abilities.”

“That's right. And if I heard correctly, it only tastes almost as good as demon flesh.”

“How will I know what abilities I received?”

“That...I do not know. It might be a feeling, you may have to scout ahead to learn...”
All that is empty in the drawing should be filled in, the teacher said to us kids. First you sharpen the pencil to fill in the thin whiskers, then you use the thick crayon to fill in the wings with brown, meticulously and without letting the crayon leave the page. Six feet can be traced below the soft belly. Now, breathing is hard to detect on paper, the teacher said to me when I asked, but it is easier to feel it in real life.

Even insects breathe.

-Rawi Hage, Cockroach
Old Posted 06-25-2018, 02:11 AM Reply With Quote  
imanasset imanasset is offline
Default   #43  

[hi I'm Tess and I am a terrible sister and very inconsistent roleplayer. plz, don't kill me. I have children. Also, I'm changing Luka's chosen weapon to a single Katana in honor of my sweet sweet Quinn. rip in peace bbgurl.]

So, it was a survival tactic? That made complete sense. In fact, when she was in prison, it was best if she acted like that as well. However, her personality was quite different compared to the facade she put up then. That was evident, especially now. She could be terrifying if she had to be. Though, it would help if she had the whole Axle get-up. "Mayyyybe, you could help me get spruced up for the big show, eh?" Nancy suggested. At the least, she figured that even if she was invisible most of the time, it would give her confidence.

One thing that had pulled him into Olivia when they began talking was her enthusiasm and passion. The way her eyes completely lit up like the sun hidden just behind the skyline; her cheeks a shimmering pink against her stark features. He translated what the bartender had asked him and continued to sign as he replied. "I've been here since 1872. So--" Xander paused and tapped four of his fingers on his chin while he thought. "About a hundred fifty years?" His eyebrows were still scrunched together still as he signed.

"Also, my name is Xander, but I suppose Red will do just fine. This is Olivia." He translated before gesturing to the beautiful girl seated next to him. "Your names are?"

Nancy leaned further over the counter so she could see the girl. She waved to her and introduced herself. "I'm Nancy! Nice to meet you." She smiled warmly at the girl. It might be nice to have another friend that isn't a man in Hell.

[p.p.s. this fighting scene with Luka and Sage could get kinky real fast so watch out bb ;) jk jk or am I? no for real I'm joshing you...maybe]

Avani brought a hand up to cover her mouth as she stifled a laugh. "Twice?! Yeah, I'm glad we are here to practice." Her eyes traveled over to Kat. Sure, she had just been fighting with Sage, but she looked just as beautiful as Avani had left her. Her green eyes shown a deep emerald in her endless world of gold. She was like a steady stream bubbling quietly between the trees. What was this feeling? [a/n cough sweetie ur gay.]

Angel flesh? Was he going to actually eat Luka? Luka didn't know whether he was completely petrified with fear or lust. Sure, Luka was dead, that did nothing to stop his uncontrollable, teenage sex drive. God, I'd hate myself if he knew what I was thinking. Luka thought to what he believed to be just himself.

[another a/n: um hi u know I had to do it to 'em]
[p.p.p.s. if you know the memes I'm referencing I'll be happy.]
Old Posted 06-27-2018, 11:40 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #44   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
[[Asset, you're fine. My goodness. XD I don't mind at all. I've had a busy, busy summer – it's all chill, no worries]]

Axle again checked the clock that was close to the entrance of the bar. Side work was already finished, so when the next person came he was out and he'd drag Nancy to get a phone and a hoverboard. “Spruced up?” Axle asked, shifting his eyes from the clock back down to his new hunting partner, “You mean like this?” He pointed at his eyes here, then gestured to the rest of his body. Lips pierced, tattoos covering his body from the neck down, and filled in eyes, he was truly a sight to behold. “You like pain? Because you've gotta at least tolerate it if you wanna end up looking like this. What if we start ya off small? Some sort of facial piercing. If you get a nose one done, you've gotta get another done too. Nose is too safe.”

Axle gave a low, amazed whistle, “So what brings ya to the shitty side of town, old timer? I bet you're loaded.” Olivia's eyes went wide when she saw the actual number, her jaw dropping a little bit. “Olivia and Red, huh? I'm Axle,” he said, nonchalantly looking at his nails. “So hunting partners, huh? You didn't happen to ask Olivia what her abilities were, right?” he was grateful Nancy said her name because either he'd forgotten to ask or already forgot, but either way he felt past the point of being able to ask without being rude.

Olivia read his lips and signed to Xander that she had no idea how to say her abilities in sign, but started writing on her whiteboard spelling out the words “Vibrokinetic Constructs”. Axle scratched his head. “Can't say I've heard of that one. Well, ah, I'm taking Nancy here to get a new cell phone and a hoverboard. I can get one for Olivia too if you're hurting for cash. Then, I propose a trip to the training facilities.”
[[Oh...oh my...xD]]
Sage sighed, “I'm new, alright? I didn't even know what her abilities were before ten seconds before I got an icicle between the eyes...”Katarina looked at her nails, holding her hand out, fingers splayed.

“First rule of the Border? Expect the unexpected,” she said simply, a rather wry smile on her face.

Pursing his lips, Sage turned to Luka, “What was that? What are you thinking?”
All that is empty in the drawing should be filled in, the teacher said to us kids. First you sharpen the pencil to fill in the thin whiskers, then you use the thick crayon to fill in the wings with brown, meticulously and without letting the crayon leave the page. Six feet can be traced below the soft belly. Now, breathing is hard to detect on paper, the teacher said to me when I asked, but it is easier to feel it in real life.

Even insects breathe.

-Rawi Hage, Cockroach
Old Posted 06-30-2018, 04:38 PM Reply With Quote  
imanasset imanasset is offline
Default   #45  

"I do have quite a low pain tolerance, but I figure it will be worth it, yeah?" Nancy questioned. "Of course, I would have to save up for that." She chuckled a little under her breath before taking a large swig of her drink. She swallowed it quickly before speaking again. "Y'know, I'm actually really excited to get out there. It's been awhile since I could do whatever I wanted."

Xander read the slip of paper that Olivia wrote on. His eyebrows rose in shock. He had only met one other demon who had the same abilities as Olivia. His name was Arthur and he was extraordinarily powerful. "Olivia, this isn't a joke, right?" A smile lit up his features as he stared at the platinum-haired girl. "This is excellent. You'll be a powerful asset to the new team!" He exclaimed excitedly while signing enthusiastically. The more he learned about Olivia, the more he began to fall under her spell.

"I actually have my hoverbike parked out back. Olivia, if you aren't too uncomfortable, you can ride with me for now and then I can buy you anything you want at the dealership."

[a/n Xander is totally flexing his money rn. Ya boi wearing Gucci slides tbh.]

Luka inhaled sharply before he gave a sharp, short cough. I don't know what you're talking about. Luka clearly was still trying to figure out how to control his abilities. The whole group had heard his thought. Avani giggled as she gave Kat a knowing smile.

Luka rubbed the back of his neck and avoided the burning eyes staring at him. His face turned fiery hot and he wished he was gone. A vivid picture of him dissolving slowly from the atmosphere flashed in his mind. He closed his eyes and scrunched up his nose. He was so embarrassed.

However, something strange began to happen. Avani observed closely as Luka's feet began the crumble and blow around the room. His body slowly chipped away and flew with a breeze that didn't actually exist. the dust circled around their heads in a gentle whirlwind. Grey and nearly shattered fingertips ran through unruly, pale hair as Luka shook his head. "Luka, you're doing it." Avani looked around at the small dust storm in amazement. Even if he hadn't intended on using his abilities, she was still impressed with the sharpness of his thoughts.

Luka opened his eyes in surprise and saw the absence of his body briefly before the dust settled back into its place. Woah, woah. What? Holy..."
Old Posted 07-04-2018, 12:53 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #46   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Axle laughed, “A low pain tolerance, and this aesthetic I fear don't go hand in hand, elskling. But, if you're willing, then I can introduce you to my guy.” He shrugged and offered her a wry sideways glance, “I'll warn ya though, those featherbrains might think you're more high profile if you look like me. But, lucky for you, you've got me, and you'll be going after higher profiles in no time. You see, those that have been dead for a while, or have taken to hunting regularly will get a higher reward than those that have just died.” He looked at his blackened nails, then back at the clock. The next person was late and Axle tapped his foot impatiently.

Olivia couldn't help it, her smile was wide, pale cheeks flushed with misunderstood pride, I don't even know what it means. I've never used it before. They gave me a cane as a weapon? I don't know what any of it means. Her face changed to one of confusion, wondering what she could possibly do with a cane. She was told it was threaded, but compared to some of the other weapons she'd seen, she wondered if she could actually do anything with it. You have a hoverbike?! I want to see!

Axle pulled out his phone, pulled up new contacts and handed it over to Xander, “Here, Red. Put your number in. I'm guessing we'll all be going to do these things together, but it's best to be able to actually get a hold of each other, yeah? Especially if we're going to be partners. If you can, you should get something for Olivia too. Something with text messaging. If you can't swing it, I can cover them. I have too much money as it is.”

Finally, at long last, Axle's replacement came in, haggard and hung over looking, scowling at Axle. Axle rolled his eyes at him, “Side work's done. You can nurse your hangover for a few hours. Don't know what to tell you if you actually get customers. You're in fuckin' luck though, drunky. These folks will be leaving with me.”
All that is empty in the drawing should be filled in, the teacher said to us kids. First you sharpen the pencil to fill in the thin whiskers, then you use the thick crayon to fill in the wings with brown, meticulously and without letting the crayon leave the page. Six feet can be traced below the soft belly. Now, breathing is hard to detect on paper, the teacher said to me when I asked, but it is easier to feel it in real life.

Even insects breathe.

-Rawi Hage, Cockroach
Old Posted 07-05-2018, 04:47 PM Reply With Quote  
sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Default   #47  
Sage laughed and clapped Luka on the back, “It's okay, Luka. You'll get the hang of it. Just gotta be careful what you send out, yeah? We'll just be glad you have a way to communicate with us.” He stepped back, however, eyes wide mouth agape as Luka appeared to be leaving his body. His body seemed to crumble before the group's eyes.

Katarina stood back as awe-struck as Sage was and without taking her eyes off of the crumbling boy she uttered, “What was it you said Luka's abilities were again? Because whatever this is? It looks useful...”

When the dust settled and Luka was back in place, his embarassments seemingly behind him, Sage walked over, placing both of his hands on his shoulders and looked at him dead in the eyes, “That. That was amazing. Your voice must have been more precious to you than most because that shit...that shit was amazing.”

Katarina looked from one boy to the other, finally turning to Avani, “What do you say to a spar to show the boys how the girls fight? Then maybe Luka and Sage can spar.”

Sage blinked, looking at Luka, “You ready for a show? Because I think that's what we're about to get.”
All that is empty in the drawing should be filled in, the teacher said to us kids. First you sharpen the pencil to fill in the thin whiskers, then you use the thick crayon to fill in the wings with brown, meticulously and without letting the crayon leave the page. Six feet can be traced below the soft belly. Now, breathing is hard to detect on paper, the teacher said to me when I asked, but it is easier to feel it in real life.

Even insects breathe.

-Rawi Hage, Cockroach
Old Posted 07-05-2018, 07:13 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #48   imanasset imanasset is offline

"This place sure does operate like a prison." Nancy chuckled to herself. "It may hurt like a bitch, but I'm no wuss." She smirked.

"Alright, are you ready?" Her cellmate asked, inked needle hovering just above her skin. The contraption was sketchy and clearly made of spare parts found around the prison.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Nancy sighed heavily before the needle pierced her skin. "Ow, what the fuck!" Her cellmate only laughed in response before going back in.

"I told you it would hurt. Now, stop moving your face. I don't want to mess up this dagger." So, with a grimace, Nancy shut her eyes and grit her teeth. A dagger just above her left eyebrow was supposed to represent dominance, but she didn't feel any more intimidating. In fact, she just felt pain.

One hellish hour and a half later, Nancy's face was adorned by a large dagger. It didn't look half bad for a prison tattoo. It did fucking hurt like one, though. "You're a fucking artist, man."

"I know." Her cellmate snickered.

"You'll definitely have to hook me up." She smiled at Axle.

"It's been quite awhile, but if I recall correctly, with your ability you can capture vibrations from your surroundings and construct any tool that you can think of. I assume that your staff will help you in forming needed weapons." Xander smiled excitedly. "You will definitely be a strong asset to the team. He offered a small wink before retrieving Axle's phone from his outstretched hand. He speedily typed in his own contact information as well as another number before putting the name Olivia as the contact.

"I have an extra cell on me at all times. It will be Olivia's now. I put her in as another one of your contacts as well as myself." He slid the phone back to Axle before he got up from his seat and popped his neck. You'll see it soon enough, darling. In fact, when you are confident in driving it, I have another one for you. He held his hand out for her to take.

"We'll meet you at the training arena, yeah?" Xander tipped his head back to look at the other two demons.

Last edited by imanasset; 07-07-2018 at 10:56 PM.
Old Posted 07-07-2018, 10:51 PM Reply With Quote  

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