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littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline
isn't that funny
Default   #33  
what the dip is a bogan? XD
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 06:40 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #34   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!

1.Are you sure its the crane game? Because I thought you could only play the crane came up to three times a day and the soul reaper game up to 3 times an hour? You forget illusion that, like with the double Au increase this may be an event only thing, and once its gone users are back to posting for their Au. No one is forcing you to play the game. I myself do not think I am as rich as you make it seem, and getting oh say 90 for playing about 6 times a day is nothing. Especially since I mainly play the game for souls.

2.I have no idea about you, but having to many items is a good thing, the problem is not enough of them are commons some times. If you will notice the newest set of commons cost a pretty penny. The price guide has a lot of items that are unstable, and well frankly some of those items should not cost the amount they should. To this I say be patient, or learn to pixel faster because there are only so few of us on the art team. And even fewer that can pixel. It would not do the site any good to work them to death. The other thing about new users is that they will come and go as they please. It is possible for you to be a recruiter if you are active on other sites but you will have to do it with in that sites rules.

3.Activity is always going to fluctuate. But Illu, Tris's goal in my opinion, is not to expand so rapidly that it becomes gaia. People on Tris are older. That means, jobs, school... the flu. No that does not fix activity problems, but the only thing I can say is be patient. But you forget if you follow the rules then, well your au count should not be as high as you are complaining about. One you can not double post and with out activity it pretty much means finding an active thread to talk in. The times I get on usually I am the last poster in a lot of threads which limits my posting activity, which in a round about way keeps me from being rich, and causing the economic problems you pointed out in your first bullet.

4.As for abusing and EVERYTHING.
A. I am a firm believer in the invisible hand. Tris is not pumping as much Au into its system as you think, and there is a good reason that Rune values are the way they are. If I recall there was an issue with certain users charging too much for runes when they were they only rune sellers and now it seems that people aren't charging enough? That to me is basically what you are saying about prices. If you want to do something to help then actually search the forums and make your own price guide based on reading through the market threads and thinking about values. I have been thinking of doing this my self. Then there is a good medium of prices, people do not automatically say well the' price guide says this' and it may help tris out. Because lets be frank in the real world if you go to three stores and go to walmart, yes walmart price matches but you can not buy a flat screen tv saying, well the price guide says this. It opens the room for haggling and people will become more willing to sell their items.

The other thing is certain users have already flooded the market with rarely found DI, Japan items and other rarely found sets. You can not keep doing this with out upsetting the older users.

B. The negative emotions, personally I think come from the fact that every one on this site is very close to each other. It is so small that, to be frank some times other users feel ostracized. Lets take for example a user that is not quite mature as many of the other users. (Example: This thread. Where the user is discouraged from talking in L33t speak. There are other examples of users such as users talking over the newer user and perhaps the newer person feeling ignored. Why would they feel positive emotions and want to post? Then every now and then are user squabbles. They are more noticeable because Tris is small and yes it does hurt the site. I haven't quite found a solution to this that can help. But I have learned I could never be a mod. -shakes head- I can only say that is what they are there for and perhaps there needs to be an amendment to the rules, that states if you feel as though you are getting into an argument ask a mod to mediate.
I have not noticed anything other then the bot issue, and that is only because I am awake during odd hours of the night.
Last edited by Poggio; 12-01-2012 at 09:09 AM.
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 09:05 AM Reply With Quote  
Demonskid Demonskid is offline
Pocket Demon Ninja
Default   #35  
Originally Posted by Illusion View Post
4. Everything else that comes into play
Now outside ALL OF THIS. We also come into the problem of people beating hated on once in a while, or when we begin to fight and blame people for problems. Bots which have become a slight problem if you haven't noticed has been spamming the forums. AND WHY WOULD SOME NEW MEMBER WANT TO COME HERE AND STAY AFTER SEEING ALL OF THIS? Sure we don't run into problems every day, but these problems do come up every now and then. Now you must be asking "Why are you talking about this now? Mainly because, these things should be the ONLY PROBLEM we should have on the site period. Reason being? Because we can't stop people from hating on each other for some reason, or bots spamming the site. Now problems that we should be having + Problems we are having = Bad Mojo
bot are annoying yes, but at least we dont let their posts sit there for 4 months like i've seen on other forums. AND we have been working on more and new ways to keep them from coming onto the site. If you have noticed we managed to stop a good deal of them from joining.

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Old Posted 12-01-2012, 10:50 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #36   Coda Coda is offline
Pogs: 3 plays/day/account * 3 accounts/user * 1000 aurum/play = 9000 aurum/user/day. You'd need to post over 200 times per day to keep up with that kind of profit. It's excessive. Worse, it sets the bar for what a Pandora Token is worth -- any game we come out with that can't generate 1000 aurum per token (or an item worth 1000 aurum) wouldn't be worth playing.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 12:48 PM Reply With Quote  
Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Default   #37  
Originally Posted by Poggio View Post

2.I have no idea about you, but having to many items is a good thing, the problem is not enough of them are commons some times. If you will notice the newest set of commons cost a pretty penny. The price guide has a lot of items that are unstable, and well frankly some of those items should not cost the amount they should.

3.Activity is always going to fluctuate. But Illu, Tris's goal in my opinion, is not to expand so rapidly that it becomes gaia. People on Tris are older. That means, jobs, school... the flu. No that does not fix activity problems, but the only thing I can say is be patient. But you forget if you follow the rules then, well your au count should not be as high as you are complaining about. One you can not double post and with out activity it pretty much means finding an active thread to talk in. The times I get on usually I am the last poster in a lot of threads which limits my posting activity, which in a round about way keeps me from being rich, and causing the economic problems you pointed out in your first bullet.
Just going to reply to a few questions then run off. Coda did a good job explaining the crane game. (It looks like he's already fixing it by removing the text explaining to everyone how much the aurum truly is.)

2. I'm not saying Rare items like the Japan items are a bad thing, but a good thing. People have something to quest for. But we have a weak middle class of rare items to sell, a lot of people can easily obtain the middle class items. Long explanation short, a lot of people have these items already. We need more newer people to quest for those middle class items so they can begin distributing around the site properly.

3. If Trisphee isn't trying to become a huge site like Gaia, then like me ask. Then why are you producing/catering to a site that operates on expansion and growth other then producing/catering to a site for only around 100 people or so? But you guys created a site (In my opinion) that works for a expanding community. If the site suddenly stopped gaining new members, and the only people on the site is everyone currently. There wouldn't be much of a need to quest/buy/sell because everyone would be here to buy every new item that comes out. Sure they don't have every item, and there would still be some rares once in a while everyone quests for. But there is still the limitation of how many things are on the site and what people are willing to give up/sell, and like Coda said you can't release old items without upsetting older members. That's why this site needs to grow in some way, because without newer members we won't have the need/purpose to sell older goods so we don't become huge hoarders. There is an equilibrium of members and how much we produced, and we are still far off from that number.

Originally Posted by Ashy View Post
yes it will be similar to last time we did a raffle
*IS EXCITED!* But don't do it similar to what we did last time. I managed to spend my money on tickets and receive the same amount of money back from it. If your doing another raffle think about having the prizes very limited, and the possibility of having a super rare item given out to the so and so top winners, sorta like Gaia's Red Devil Wings. And every-time you guys have a raffle, there will be that rare item to go for as a motivational factor/reasoning too enter for the super rich/wealthy.

Old Posted 12-01-2012, 01:24 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #38   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
@Illu:There is the trisphees cycle of getting new members, and then there is what I assumed you meant by getting new members which is having a mass of 100 people join at once and all of them suddenly demanding things and questing items, trolling and such.

Have you been on Gaia lately? It is as if that site has no middle class items that you speak of at all. It will take time to build trisphee up to that status and does not have the man power to support that influx of members. If 100 members joined today and all of them wanted the dragon lord we will run into the problem of why trisphee had to reintroduce the dragon lord into the market. The choice becomes people selling the item at an artificially high price, or what coda said.

My point that Tris is stable, yes it needs new members but generally we get the new members in flocks of 3-7 depending on how many friends a new person has, out of that usually half that amount peeks interest in the site and states. That is the cycle that I have noticed when it comes to new members. There are ways to increase this number but really the problem then becomes lasting power. A lot of people tend to leave the site or get busy and come back eventually.

Honestly I did not think that people would abuse the system that badly. I only think to use my main account and some times my mule and even then I do not play the game that much. I rarely get the 1000 au ball when I play I mostly get 100 and items. Why can't we just lower the au prize when the game items are switched over? The other thing is there a way to recognize players by ip adress? Because then you could limit it to two plays per address. My only other thought is to make Au pay outs rarer drops like with the boat games rune pay outs.
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 06:20 PM Reply With Quote  
Ginger Ginger is offline
Default   #39  
I wouldn't have a problem with a flock of 100 new members joining the site :) In fact I would be very excited. All new people are welcome here whenever!
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Old Posted 12-01-2012, 07:41 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #40   Kamikaze Chinchilla Kamikaze Chinchilla is offline
More expensive commons that will make people die when they see them. For example, a 50k item for dem rich bastards xP ...but they have to be extra fancy, non-Tweetums, and fluffy (you can't forget fluffy).

~an item brewery - updated 12/02~
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 08:27 PM Reply With Quote  
littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline
isn't that funny
Default   #41  
dude, a mult-pose common(even if it is only a couple poses) of a rune quality would be drool-worthy and a good idea especially if it came in so many colors
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 08:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #42   Kamikaze Chinchilla Kamikaze Chinchilla is offline
That would be more than just di quality. That would be plus plus plus xD. Poor Galla...she'll die from all the recolors though xD *gets a bowl ready*. I'm ready for the Galla goo. Right here *points at the bowl* Galla n' me *w* *gets a spoon ready*

~an item brewery - updated 12/02~
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 08:36 PM Reply With Quote  
littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline
isn't that funny
Default   #43  
tch, gall loves the abuse and would be the hero of tris XD

dude i am excited by the idea of a non-exclusive exclusive that would not be rotated out in a month
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 08:39 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #44   Kamikaze Chinchilla Kamikaze Chinchilla is offline
I'd totally kill you and rotate them out every month xP

j/k j/k xD

~an item brewery - updated 12/02~
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 08:45 PM Reply With Quote  
littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline
isn't that funny
Default   #45  
pffft so mean to me XD
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 08:46 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #46   Kamikaze Chinchilla Kamikaze Chinchilla is offline
I'm naturally mean to everyone. Except rainbows. Rainbows will always be mah homiez, yo :O

~an item brewery - updated 12/02~
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 08:47 PM Reply With Quote  
Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Default   #47  
Originally Posted by littl3chocobo View Post
tch, gall loves the abuse and would be the hero of tris XD

dude i am excited by the idea of a non-exclusive exclusive that would not be rotated out in a month
We already have one of those, and they didn't really fish out well. Remember the Staff Belt item? The belts based off of staff? They were commons/almost DI based. Granted the problem with the belts was that you only had to buy one of them, or more if you wanted to layer them ontop of them. They didn't have any recolors of any kind.

Old Posted 12-01-2012, 08:54 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #48   littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline
isn't that funny
the belts were during a time when i was here but not actually active, i spent a couple months not remembering i even /had/ this account XD from the first event to the beginning of the second i was not here and i was spotty for a while after the first
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 09:00 PM Reply With Quote  

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