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Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #289  
Mizuki watched everything happen and waited until Thalion walked over to them. Mizuki was awaiting the comment to come and he knew exactly what he was going to do. Over the years he had been apart from Thalion he had done long days of training. This was something Thalion was about to figure out. After last night and waking this morning Mizuki had figured that he would see Thalion at his side but instead he awoke to Needren.

That right there was one of the reasons that he growled as the male stepped forward "You..." He said after a second of looking at the male. This was when he swung at Thalion cracking the male in the side of the face with a bawled fist and a heavy punch. "You son of a bitch!" He said before he swung again watching as it was blocked.

Mizuki knew that Thalion would give him one shot but after that he had to work for them so that is what he had planned on. Punching and kicking he attacked Thalion with a stern glare. Over the years he had learned how to fight. Thanks to some close incounters he had conned not only Luna to teach him but others as well. So now his hand to had was good if not great.

He didnt use a weapon as he struck time and time again at Thalion "You need to think about it..." He said as he struck again "I will give you something to think about!!" He said as he got the opening he was waiting for. With s punch to the cheek he doubled back with a knee to the side sending the male to the floor.

Stopping Mizuki stood there and glared at Thalion as his breath heaved "Out of anyone in my life I have never loved yet hated some one at the same moment like I did last night" He said in a growl "Do you have any idea how much guts it took to do that?" He stated "I put everything I had on the line...I bared my fucking heart to you Thalion!" He screamed at the male "And I get I need to think about it! Out of anything you could of said...and you choose those words" He said.

Mizuki was pissed. He loved Thalion to death but those words hurt like you wouldnt believe "Oh then to top it off I woke up to him!" He said point at Needren before he paused and looked at him "No offense" He said and Needren shrugged "Non taken" Looking back at Thalion he sighed deeply "For once in your life...why cant you think of what you say before you say it" He said in a sad tone as he looked to the ground a brim of tears lining his lavender eyes. Turning on his heel and started walking away.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-15-2013, 09:12 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #290   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
First hit he was expecting, though maybe not the force behind it or the strikes afterwards. He'd blame Luna for this. He knew Mizuki had hardly been slacking off but still. He needed to work harder or something seeing as he currently had the chances to. The fight with Needren was a close one and Mizuki being able to keep up like this was hardly reassuring.

Either way he was managing to block all of the strikes, probably lucky on his part. Listening to Mizuki as he spoke, though the other was right he did kind of deserve this. He should have just said yes, but no he had to be a damned idiot about it.

Though the blocks hardly seemed to last long, probably a combination of thinking too much and already having dealt with Raden this morning. Also knowing he pretty much deserved this or asked for it. Though knocking the heck out of him hardly was going to make things better.

After Mizuki seemed finished he forced himself up before grabbing Mizuki and making him turn around. "I know it was stupid ok I get it. I've been back for three days. How the fuck was I suppose to answer? For over five years I had been doing nothing but fighting and the thought was there that it was all for nothing or that I probably would never find you. Hell I had accepted that for the longest time."

Though after that little bit he stepped back from Mizuki before shaking his head. "I said I needed to think not that you had to storm off and let some sex crazed idiot kiss you." He almost said worse like what would have happened if he had let things go? Or he could have let Needren deal with Mizuki when the guy was passed out drunk. Though he did manage to hold his tongue for that.

"I gave you a answer last night but if thats not good enough then fine I get it. Damn it Mizuki out of anyone here you should have known what answer you were going to get from asking out of no where... You know what maybe Needren's right for once, maybe do you deserve someone better." He had no intention of sticking around long enough for Mizuki to answer any of that. At the moment his temper was too hot to even bother listening.

He knew Mizuki loved him, he returned the feelings for the other. But it was true out of anyone Mizuki should have seen that answer coming a mile away. But he would have thought that also out of anyone he wouldn't be this upset over it. Oh the number of times he wished he could take things back. Heck last night he had gone over everything and he half thought it might have been better to just stay away.
Old Posted 03-15-2013, 09:47 AM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #291  
Mizuki let Thalion walk away. He didnt want to try anything anymore but the last of the words that came from Thalions mouth made his fists bawl. He waited for Thalion to leave and what happened next he was waiting for. Needren walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder "Aww dont worry man this-" But is words were cut off as Mizuki turned and slammed a fist in the side of the face.

Mizuki stood there and glared at him "You told him he wasnt good enough for me!?" He screamed at him "Are you fucking kidding me?" He said pissed off beyond belief. "You have some fucking nerve do you know that?" Mizuki asked him with a tilt of his head. "You need to get it in your thick skull that this...will never happen" He said with a growl before walking away in search of Thalion.

It took him awhile to find the male but when he did he growled "I love you damn it" He said to him "I know you gave me my answer last night but thats not how I wanted it" He said. Mizuki paused then for a moment "I said it once and I will say it again...there is no one in this world for me but you Thalion" He said "Im sorry I got so angry...now I will leave you be" He said lightly backing up a little
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-15-2013, 10:16 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #292   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
After Mizuki seemed to clock Needren again and walk off Raden cringed a little before shaking his head at the thought. "That explains why those two get along so well..." Sure Thalion had a short temper but Mizuki seemed to have a equally short one at times. Granted that Needren sort of brought it upon himself.

Most would have taken a while to figure out where he had walked off to. It was just in sight of the protected area. But far enough where he didn't feel quite as smothered by everything. He had often enough complained about being trapped in the real world where they lived in the city and all.

Though he needed this time to cool off a bit. Damn he thought or was sure he had that short temper under control. Well that was a thought that he needed to scrap cause he had lost it a few times here. Maybe it was just being here or something that was putting him on edge. Everything just happening and going on probably wasn't helping it either. He had just barely sighed when he heard footsteps.

Though the growl that soon followed answered who it was. Mizuki said what he needed to before he started to move back from the sound of the steps saying he was going to leave him alone now. Though this was when Thalion spoke up finally. "I kind of feel sorry for you then."

He said before turning to look at the other a little. "I'm not the easiest person to get along with, let alone everything thats happened..." He sighed a little thinking on how to word any of this. Let alone he did agree Mizuki could and deserved better but he couldn't just flip a switch and change who he was. "I didn't really have to think on that answer you know.."

"I wanted to think on it because things are different here. I was more of thinking what happened if we ever were able to go back." It had been on him mind for ages, not everyone looked the same here as they did back in the real world. "I'm probably just over thinking on this now." Besides that what about finding him? If they were to go back somehow what if it took a while to find him? Or what if he never did like something happened.
Old Posted 03-15-2013, 10:36 AM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #293  
"That wouldnt change a thing" He stated to him "I want you here and there" Mizuki said stepping forward "I have found you then lost you then found you again Thalion...." He paused a moment "I dont want to loose ypu again Thalion...dont you understand that?" He said with a tilt of his head. "I am sorry I reacted the way that I did...I should of expected it" He said "you were right"

Mizuki paused for a moment before he continued "You say I deserve better..." This was when he stepped closer to Thalion before looking right into those ember orbs he loved so much "...But there is no one better for me then you" He said lightly.

Mizuki wanted nothing more right now then to latch onto the male before him but he figured after what had taken place it was the last thing that Thalion probably wanted. "Im sorry...and I love you" He said lightly "Forgive me?"
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-15-2013, 10:45 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #294   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
He knew that answer without Mizuki saying it. Though it had been on his mind. Not that at this rate he saw any of them leaving this place any time soon. If ever they would be lucky it seemed. Though maybe he didn't want to go back anyway now. What or how do you explain being gone for over five years? Besides that the thought of having to back step and track down Mizuki, plus his sibling even if he still did have some things he disagreed with on, the thought of failing to do so soon followed.

"I do understand it I just... I dunno I told you ages ago when we were living together and we joked about when we got older and through with college. You always said I'd change my mind on marriage or I'd grow out of whatever insecurities I had." Needless to say he didn't, he still had some fear looming in his thoughts. Probably his own family life hardly helped but still.

Though he stopped talking as Mizuki moved closer and spoke again. "I really do pity you then. You could have picked someone that at least doesn't have a short fuse you know." Though he needed to stop saying Mizuki deserved better. Trying harder would be the better answer to all of this, though that normally seemed to end badly whenever they were both involved.

"Stop saying sorry, it was more of my fault anyway." If he had said yes from the start last night would have played out different as well as today. Moving a little as he pulled Mizuki close he kissed the other before speaking again. "I'll only forgive you if you socked that sex hound of a sibling of mine at least once... though I guess I'll forgive you even if you didn't because I love you."
Old Posted 03-15-2013, 10:59 AM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #295  
Mizuki was glad when the kiss came. He really had thought that Thalion was going to step away and take more time but he was glad when that thought didnt happen "Heh...you left to soon then" He said with a growl as he thought of it "Telling you your nood good enough for me...the nerve of some people!" He said shaking his head "A right hook was the least I could do" He said with a shrug of his shoulders.

Leaning in Mizuki kissed Thalion again. Holding it for a moment he stopped and stepped back "You know what I think we need...a vaction" He said with a nod of his head "I mean...after everything that has happened a time to sit and relax with little to no people....sounds good to you right?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

Before Thalion could answer though Mizuki nodded his head "Yeah no its decided" He said "I know of the perfect place..." He said with a smile You the group and I...thats it" He said with a smile "Not to many people we will pack some food...it will be nice" He said with a smile before deciding now was time to tease.

Taking a step closer placing his hands on Thalions arms he leaned in so his chest was pressed into Thalions. Moving now his mouth was right at the males ear "Then I was thinking we could have a little...relaxation time of our own" He said with a smile as he ghosted his tongue over the base of Thalions ear to the tip before he pulled away with a smile and half lidded eyes.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-15-2013, 03:30 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #296   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
"Eh be glad your a only child.. there was a lot I was told and most of it makes me think ignorance is bliss about now." Though really Thalion never talked much about his childhood anyway, even with Mizuki. So adding more mystery to it hardly changed anything. "Kind of sad I missed it, not it taught him anything." Nope Needren was still the same, stubborn.... ok maybe that was a family trait.

He blinked a little listening to the idea Mizuki had. Though he wasn't really allowed to answer his thoughts on it as Mizuki said it was decided. "Well glad I had a choice in it." He said laughing slightly at the idea of it. "Nope not many, just most of the loud ones is all." Not that he was complaining. Anywhere to get away from this place would be better, or so he thought anyway.

"Is that so..." He said before moving and getting Mizuki's back against a tree. "Keep talking like that we might have some before then." Damn tease was in the back of his mind. If he hadn't of given away that weakness some time ago he might fair better against Mizuki. Though why would he want to fight it too much anyway.
Old Posted 03-15-2013, 04:10 PM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #297  
Mizuki smiled as he was pushed into the tree "Hmmm you know I wouldnt complain" He said with a smile before he rapped his arms around the males neck and leaned in. Lips touched and it was soft and slow but then it turned into a little bit of a heated one. Mizuki after a moment or two pulled back for a moment before he kissed the males cheek before he moved kisses to a dark neck and a pointed ear.

Mizuki didnt mind this in the slightest as he kissed Thalion feeling the male shiver. It was worth it. Though he couldnt continue much further before he heard a cough and he sighed. Dropping his head it fell on to Thalions shoulder. "What do you want...cant you see im busy here?" He asked before raising his head and looking at Luna "Yes I can but at the same time you need to go over the border reports..." She said "And before we head on this little trip you want to take" Luna said with a laugh as she walked away.

Mizuki growled. How long had she been that close to know of everything that was said and done. Mizuki shook his head before he gave a last nip to the tip of Thalions ear "Seems it will have to wait for later" He said with a little groan as he pulled back "You should do me a favor and gather some of the others and get a cart ready" He said "I will gather the food and and what we all need" Giving Thalion a kiss he growled a little "Now go before I change my mind and we are delayed a little longer" He said with a smile before starting to walk away.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-15-2013, 04:19 PM Reply With Quote  

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