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Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
Default   #17  
Originally Posted by Illusion View Post
Actually Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is a New 3DS exclusive. Soooooo..... Yeah.

And the system is coming out in 2015 in America, but will be out in October for Japan, and November for Australia. Were only getting it late because of Black Friday, and wanting to get rid of the rest of 3DS stock to the uninformed parents buying their kids a 3DS for Christmas.
Well, what I mean is until the Wii U...each new generation had a new name. Nintendo. Super Nintendo. N64. Gamecube. Wii. Each of them made it clear this is a new generation, but they were also spread out enough that you felt if you got the last generation, you didn't just waste your money on it. But this one is coming out too soon, also the way they're naming it, most people will probably assume this is just a new version like the DSXL and it won't matter....kind of how some people were thinking the WiiU was kind of like the DSXL except for the Wii, an upgrade, but the same system. Nintendo has lost me as a customer pretty much. Three years is too soon for a new generation that they're not calling a new generation. It's too soon for a new gen period, but this sounds like they're trying to deceive in some way. I just hope they keep making normal 3DS games for a long time and that the ones I'd like to see (like a Majora's Mask remake) will still be for 3DS or both, but probably not since the enw one can handle more.
Old Posted 09-27-2014, 04:15 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #18   Coda Coda is offline
Originally Posted by Yokuutsu View Post
I don't like the idea. I bought the 3DS expecting a few more years than this to play nintendo's handheld.

See, companies will start abandoning the original 3DS for this new one when it doesn't have a new game and therefore is not a new generation technically, but they're making it one.

And like many others, I can't afford two of the same damn system. Hell, I almost didn't buy the 3DS period because the 3D shit gives me a headache, so it's just another DS for me, and I'm not buying a third DS...I can't find a job and the 3DS? Bought ti back in college with some of my refund due to Zelda remakes. I guess I'm leaving Nintendo altogether now...making another generation THREE YEARS later! Too early nintendo. I can't afford consoles that often.
I wouldn't expect there to be TOO many exclusives, honestly. There's a huge installed base of 3DS systems out there already, and publishers aren't going to jump ship and ignore those possible customers. Consider the fact that the DS was still getting new titles as recently as October 2013; the fact that the New 3DS will still play 3DS games means that the best market penetration will be for titles compatible with the classic 3DS.

The New 3DS looks like it's going to play out like the DSi to me. The DSi added hardware features to the DS, but not counting download-only DSiWare there were only FOUR DSi-exclusive titles ever released. There were a number of DSi-enhanced titles, though; Pokemon Black and White come to mind -- but these games worked just fine on the normal DS.
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Old Posted 09-29-2014, 03:55 PM Reply With Quote  
Taiki Taiki is offline
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I didn't realize that America was only getting the New 3DS XL and not the smaller one with interchangeable faceplates. I am so disappointed and probably won't even get one for a while if I do get one. I just don't like the XL size. I was so looking forward to it too. :C

Old Posted 02-09-2015, 05:43 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
I really wanted the smaller one too... The face plstes, bright NES button scheme, smaller size, bigger screen then the regular new 3ds, and just. Everything. I'm happy they had the monster hunter new 3ds I was dwelling over since October available. So I'm excited for this Friday, and on Saturday I will be lighting my candles and spending some R and R with Majoras Mask 3ds and Monster Hunter 4U...

Old Posted 02-10-2015, 01:49 AM Reply With Quote  
hyjin hyjin is offline
Is Legen...Wait for it...Dary
Default   #21  
unless there are a good amount of exclusives that i want im not getting any time soon.
Old Posted 02-10-2015, 07:47 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   MeghanB MeghanB is offline
I don't know, I get enough enjoyment out of my ds that I'd be tempted to upgrade if it weren't XL-only. The whole point of the ds for me is that it's small enough to stick in my purse or pocket and whip out whenever I have a few spare minutes. If it's not convenient to carry, why not just play PC games?? I suppose I'll be tempted if they come up with some really outstanding exclusive releases. But they'd have to be pretty dang amazing. Are they talking about releasing it in a smaller version eventually? And if so, why wait?

EDIT: WHAT?? Customizable faceplates?? Why don't we get those?? That's very cool. Stupid America, we never get the cool stuff. >:(
Last edited by MeghanB; 02-11-2015 at 12:23 AM.
Old Posted 02-11-2015, 12:20 AM Reply With Quote  
Chi Chi is offline
Delicate Soul
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I'll get the new 3DS XL if they come out with a really awesome limited edition one, other than that I'm not getting one. I'm pretty disappointed in recent choices that Nintendo has been making. "Oh the XL is super popular in America, clearly they don't like the standard as much so we'll only sell them the XL." Yeah, thanks... Real cool of you... Maybe some of us wanted to change our themes and 3DS displays on the fly, yay...

My other issues with Nintendo was the Amiibos and some other stuff but I'll leave that out. Going back to the new system, I don't see a need to buy it yet. I'm fine with the regular 3DS XL I bought off Taiki a couple months back. xD;

Broken Spirit
Old Posted 02-24-2015, 04:31 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #24   hyjin hyjin is offline
Is Legen...Wait for it...Dary
Don't forget chi to mention that Amiibos are limited supply which is also annoying
Old Posted 02-24-2015, 11:20 PM Reply With Quote  
MeghanB MeghanB is offline
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Amiibos leave a bad taste in my mouth from the start. "Hey, so you bought this cool game--now buy more stuff to unlock the features!" I like to just buy a game, and own it, and that's it. Not to run into obstacles or limits that can only be overcome by spending more money. Just let me buy the full game and then leave me alone to play it!
Old Posted 02-28-2015, 01:41 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #26   Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Well I don't have a problem with the beginning of Amiibo so far. They made DLC for the games that you know wouldn't be there if it wasn't for Amiibo, or some small bonuses like extra gold in a game that it doesn't make too much of a difference to have and what not, and levels based off those amiibo's which you know wouldn't have happen if it wasn't for amiibo.

But I do have a problem with games coming out that require Amiibo for it's DLC, and the DLC is already on the disc since release. But if they have things like Fight the Mario Knight in Zelda Wii U when you use your Mario Amiibo! I'm cool with that, and cosmetics. You know those things wouldn't have appeared in game if it weren't for amiibo.

The only thing I think they changed was the Twilight Princess DLC pack for Hyrule Warriors, the Spinner weapon came out for Amiibo support, but after that pack came out. Which seems weird because it seems like a oddly specific weapon that would had came out of that pack, so my theory they took the spinner out of the pack and tied it with the Amiibo.
Now that's what I don't want to see in the future, content that was originally intended to be included in DLC, or the actual game being locked behind Amiibo. I want to see content that wasn't originally intended for the game thrown in, I want to be buying a whole game and then Amiibo throws in extra stuff that was added in afterwards.

We still don't know what Nintendo wants to do with them entirely, they have a master plan because they took off in America like crazy. But considering all these shortages and whatnot, those plans might be derailed. And they are quickly finding out how hard it is to keep these things in stock, let alone most people who buy them are collectors or scalpers. :/

Old Posted 03-01-2015, 03:06 AM Reply With Quote  
Chi Chi is offline
Delicate Soul
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I don't want to derail the topic of this thread but I'll give my two cents on Amiibo.
My biggest problem was with the first wave. They ran out of Villager, Marth and Wii Fit Trainer. So then it was rumored that they were discontinued then possibly coming back then moved onto cards? But recently Nintendo said they're bringing back Marth because of Code STEAM. No word on Villager or Wii Fit Trainer though. Then they somewhat split up wave 2 like one store would get a specific set of 3 then later in the month get the other 3. And with wave 3, lets create store exclusives then make a really small amount. Well I get that making them rare boosts the demand (somehow) it also pisses people off because then you get scalpers who ruin it for the collectors. THAT is my problem with Amiibo, and with the Majora Mask Limited/Collectors. :T (I wanted the Skull Kid statue but noooooo. sigh.)

But... back on the topic. I've actually considered importing a EU new 3DS just so I can have the standard instead of the XL. But then I have to import all my games too. I'm not sure. I'm going to have dismal hope that Nintendo will reconsider and bring us the standard too. (They won't. ;-; )

Broken Spirit
Old Posted 03-09-2015, 03:27 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #28   Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
Actually the Amiibo shortage was because of the port strike in the West for America. Every Amiibo starting at Wave 2 had to be flew in by a plane. The reason why they are so many Mario's and "commons" is because of imagery of just how bad it would look if Nintendo couldn't even keep their Mascot in stock and have 10,000 Diddy Kongs unsold.

Nintendo in the past few weeks actually have been shipping rare Amiibo's like Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Captain Falcon, and so on to Best Buy's recently, and have been sending representatives to Best Buy during their PAX event just this last weekend to sell those Rare Amiibos and a few Majoras Mask New 3DS's as well. They also just had a huge shipment come to their Nintendo store in New York and had a small event of selling those rare amiibo's or store exclusive ones like Meta Knight, Rosalina, Lucario, and Shulk on a first come first go basis having formed lines early at 7am in the morning.

The problem is scalpers, and the time needed to make these figures. Nintendo wants the figures to be high quality so a lot of parts of the Amiibo's are hand painted and put together to ensure higher quality. (Not everything, just the few key details on some Amiibos.) It takes 3-5 months to get a huge supply of Amiibo done because of this. So because it takes forever to restock, people realized how low of stock these figurines are and understood the demand for them and began to scalp a ton of them. Now stores have placed 1 Amiibo per customer policy to avoid acalping, but they still get around.

So that was just some of the numerous problems they've been having. In my eyes the best thing Nintendo could do is pay for more factories to make Amiibo's to keep up with demand. But the reason why they aren't is because they don't want to end up with 100 Peaches on store shelfs that won't sell because people already own Peach. (Which is already happening, which is why she costs a few dollars less.) But what's been helping fix this problem is that a ton of Amiibo enthusiasts have been customizing Amiibo's to sell for profit which help sell these excess Amiibo. ToysRus actually just made a deal with one of these Amiibo Customizers to sell customized Amiibo's at ToysRus stores.

So in the end Nintendo just needs to keep pumping these bad boys out and to start thinking that limited should be Limited Release, not Limited Quantity. Their current way of thinking of what limited should be is the cause of all their problems from now moving forward. :/

And in case your wondering how I know all this, I sold my life to Amiibo and I keep up with every little detail about it. *I'm still hunting down a darn Captain Falcon but no luck on stock getting anywhere near me.*

Old Posted 03-09-2015, 03:30 PM Reply With Quote  
MeghanB MeghanB is offline
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I'm so irritated about this. What's up with only giving the US the XL version?? I don't want the XL version, I want the same small version which is what makes the system so convenient in the first place. I would actually have considered getting the new 3ds if they weren't withholding the one I want. What's the reasoning for this--release the XL so the die-hard fans buy it, and then later release the smaller version in the hopes that some people will buy it twice? That's just shady.
Old Posted 03-15-2015, 12:19 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #30   Illusion Illusion is offline
The Illusionist
I still sort of want the smaller one because it has better buttons and dem face-plates.... >.>
Apparently in the United States instruction manual for Codename STEAM they list the New 3DS as a compatible device for the game alongside the new 3DSXL.

So.. I wonder if this is a sign that we might get it in the future.

Old Posted 03-16-2015, 06:01 PM Reply With Quote  
MeghanB MeghanB is offline
Default   #31  
It seems likely they'll release the regular version in the US. Surely I'm not the only one who doesn't like the XL.
Old Posted 03-22-2015, 11:11 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #32   Chi Chi is offline
Delicate Soul
The reason why Nintendo of America only released the XL version of the new 3DS is because the XL of the 3DS and DS sold really well. Whether the new 3DS standard will be released in the US has not been announced yet. Not to mention stores no longer sell the standard size of 3DSes anymore, they only sell the 3DS XL and the 2DS (Which I think was the dumbest idea. It's a tablet, the end). We can only hope that the standard size will eventually come to the US but knowing Nintendo of America, I kind of doubt it. D:

Broken Spirit
Old Posted 03-23-2015, 12:57 AM Reply With Quote  

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